This really made my day!!!!!!!:):):)


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To introduce myself am a 17 year old boy who goes to college. I currently have a norward 2 with a bit of frontal thinning.

ATM am having trouble finding a girl friend, i have pulled while been out drinking (snoggin) but getting a gf seems to be a lot harder. I am still currently a virgin so time is not on my side for gettin a shag. I keep thinking it is because of my hair, not that poeple can see i am receding just that i have to style my hair shitly to cover it up.

A few days ago i bumped into a friend from high school who had alopecia when he was 9 so he is fully bald (no hair at sides). At the time i was on the bus sat opposite him catching up on things that had happened since high school. Then suddenly he says this is my stop and the girl sat next to him stood up aswell as him. He then held her hand and says "oh sorry forgot to introduce my gf". They then walked off the bus holding hands. The weird part is i would have actually shagged the girl she was with, am not saying she was hot or anything but she was ok. This made me have a nice warm feeling inside and also slight jealusy lol. This just shows even at an extremely super ficial age like 17 you can still manage to pull when you are follically challenged lol.

Hope this makes you lot feel better


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see that guy probably has it worse that all of you out there, he doesn't even have hair on the sides.....

take a pointer from him dudes.....