This seems to be a great product?!



****SCAM ALERT****

Please don't fall for this snake oil/elephant p!ss in a bottle.

You must think the people on these forums are idiots, with your pathetic money making scams?

Propecia & minoxidil are the only proven treatments.

Not a badger turd in a can.


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you say that minoxidil and propecia are the only proven ones....

you should inform yourself.....

when go deeper into all these things you see that they are proven because big companies have spend money for these products.

Some say minoxidil works for 80 per cent of men, but there are also people saying that it works only for 40 per cent.

If minoxidil would work there would be no forums like this needed.

And who takes products like propecia with no chance ever to stop the therapy...

Perhaps snakepiss is the right deal and pharmacy is wrong perhaps the other way round.
But before I would start taking drugs for my lifetime I will take all other possible way.



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(We do not guarantee the effectiveness but emphasise that our product achieves outstanding results when using for 6 month or more. Our track record up to now shows it!)

Nuff said!


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Impossible. If it worked we'd already know about it. YOU should inform yourself as to whom you're adressing; these are the guys who know about products when they're in the development stage. We know about products 10 years before they come out. We've gotten our hands on things (RU58841) which are not even released. We've even created homemade topicals, such as Zix. We chew up and spit out bogus treatments and leave them babbling incoherently - look at HairSwitch or FNS.

If it worked, you think we wouldn't know? Please. Don't flatter yourself.


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Don't know Axon.

There are so many things out there....some are accepted by science others are not, also if they work.

I justed wanted to know what you think about it.

If there are only effective products with side effects then I for myself would test the natural products first.
If it works for 10 per cent for men and propecia for 60 per cent but with side effects, I would take the natural one with a 10 per cent chance of success


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Good luck, then. But I assure you, you're better off with proven treatments.


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axon what is proven?

minoxidil and propecia is no me.

I never would take a product which stops hair loss only for the time I use it, has side effects and after stop taking it hair is falling faster and faster.


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Your hairloss will get worse, the odds are really with me on this one, in six months you will be back here trying to find information on the proven treatments


I admit there are other products that work well for hairloss but they have solid good science behind them, unlike this snake oil you are pushing.


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but better testing some months that could do a good job and be back then starting a therapy with no way out :)

but I will speek open minded. I use capris for years because all of my male relative have hair loss.

I don't know if capris can prevent hair loss or can regrowth hair, but until know my hair looks great and full

The main fault many people do they start acting when it's too late.

Here in Europe there are discussion forums but there is no one to talk to, because moste mix there own "sh*t". And here you read no ggod things about minoxidil....there was the fabao story....then the lasercomb...propecia...finsterid..minoxidil....

You read that minoxidil works for a year then hair loss starts very fast again..

I don't know what's the truth. When I was wrong I have done what I saw was best that's all.

And please this should be no advertisement of capris!!


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Finasteride, Minoxidil, and Nizoral alone have stopped my hairloss entirely and regrown considierable hair on both my hairline and crown. I'm actually shocked by how good my left temple is beginning to look.

As for side effects, I've experienced none.


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Oh but it is an advertisment, what strikes me is the fact that you have only posted about this, you have made no other posts, did you register just to advertise this product, I think you did. You can push your snake oils around all you like but they state the is no guarantee they work, you might aswell rub butter into you scalp!


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there is always a first time.


If you have taken minoxidil for a year would open a thread in a forum for propecià?

No, you would like to hear opinios about minoxidil.

Hope you understand what I'd like to tell.


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Sorry I just think your full of sh*t but thats me, you can say what you like but you havent actually said anything that strikes me as interesting, its all just hear say and your product isnt guaranteed to do anything.


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Natureboy said:
you say that minoxidil and propecia are the only proven should inform yourself.....
Of what? All the wonderful products like Kevis and Avacor that disguise minoxidil, build it up with some fancy misleading language and sell it to you for 10 times what you normally could pay? Or how about the wonderful products touting their natural active ingredient inhibits DHT every bit as good as finasteride, only to find out it's Saw Palmetto and they want $60 for a one months supply. These products all have one thing in common - they come from marketing companies who bought the license from wherever, repackaged it, and are now hoping to prey on people who are freaking out from losing their hair.

Natureboy said:
when go deeper into all these things you see that they are proven because big companies have spend money for these products.
I guess I'd rather put my faith into large companies who have a vested interest and have done the homework to make their product legit. As opposed to someone buying a bunch of bottles from China, putting their own label on them, then selling them as the next greatest thing. I know carnival barkers with more credibility.

Natureboy said:
Some say minoxidil works for 80 per cent of men, but there are also people saying that it works only for 40 per cent.
So, what's your point? That the effectiveness of a product varies from person to person? There's some groundbreaking information.

Natureboy said:
If minoxidil would work there would be no forums like this needed.
There are forums discussing the pros and cons of almost every subject imaginable. Allow me to introduce you to the INTERNET.

Natureboy said:
And who takes products like propecia with no chance ever to stop the therapy...Perhaps snakepiss is the right deal and pharmacy is wrong perhaps the other way round. But before I would start taking drugs for my lifetime I will take all other possible way.
I would rather take something that works for the rest of my life than waste another second on worthless crap. You can continue to lose your hair if you want, I'm going another route.

jerry grant


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this from the site....

The products working is documented in a longtime study and the German patent script. Independent Scientific studies also show that the ingredients in Capris (fatty acids) can inhibit DHT, a main reason for hair loss of men.

What does this sound like? Fatty acids, inhibits DHT? Sounds like SP to me.

jerry grant


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Ok guys :lol:
everybody has its own meening and way of treatment and thats good.

If noone would use capris how would you ever know if it works or not;).

But there is an other product that is very interesting to me, calles thymuskin, there are very impressing studies.

ANybody of you tested it?

@ Jerry

Thank you for introducing me to the internet. My mailboy is my home;)
I understand you, but I am an other opinion


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I read some threads and found positive posts on fatty acids and hair loss, omebody talked about revivogen....

because goatbutter has all of the fatty acids perhaps it is a point that could be disucced?!