This sucks... I think I'm just going to shave it.


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Hairloss sucks.... but what could suck more than hairloss? Asymmetrical hairloss.

not losing any hair on the crown, just a receding hairline. but the right side is like a centimeter farther back than the left. It just looks so stupid.... I hate it. I hate it when people comment on it, point it out, laugh.

What sucks is that, right before the hairloss started, I had finally started embracing my hair. For most of my youth, I just shaved it off. I wish I could go back in time, and just embrace it throughout my youth, styled it all nice. After high school, I decided to grow it out a bit, stylize it. It was nice to embrace my hair for once, cause I used to always shave it off cause it's curly when it gets long and I never wanted to maintain it.

Why am I cursed with hairloss after I finally want to have my hair? What kills me the most is that, I don't know anyone in my fathers or mothers family that suffers hairloss. Where the f*** did it come from?!?! Am I suffering a different type of hairloss?

One thing though.... when I used to shave my head, I never received a negative comment about it. Infact, I received nothing but positive comments. I think once at a bar a girl called me cueball, but I ended up taking her home and f*****g her anyway. I'm thinking of just shaving it again, since it seems to be a look that fits me well. Or possibly like a mohawk? I still have a widows peak that reaches pretty far forward. just shave the sides off and hawk it up maybe? I will just stare at my razor and think about doing it, but end up not doing it. Then just going about the day getting comments about my hair loss. I'm retarded, right?

I was doing nizoral and propecia for a while. I think I'm done with propecia though, I haven't taken it in two weeks. I can't deal with the side effects. I'm starting to get tits, and my belly has grown a bit. So I'm f*****g done with that stupid drug. not only that, but I swear its f*****g with my head. I don't know exactly what it is, but its like, given me ADD. It seems like my short term memory and attention span has dithered quite a bit since starting propecia.

I've been looking at hair transplants too.... but its like.... what if I want to shave my head in teh future? Then I'll have scars... is that worth it?

Hair multiplication/regeneration can't come any f*****g sooner. I swear I will throw away my life savings for those technologies.

Sorry for the unorganized clusterfuck of a rant, I've been drinking :p

gnite fellas, stay strong


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hey mate i know how you feel....especially regarding the propecia....have been taking it for 5 months and am getting a gut (even though i work out and do lots of cardio) and i'm really paranoid about getting tits too.

as for the brain fog i think its been messing with my head too....have been having some crazy thoughts and getting more and more depressed im giving it a break.

regarding your problem....if the hairloss is assymetrical then maybe your suffering from allopecia? have you had it checked by a specialist? becuase if its that then i believe it can be treated.


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KuroDesu said:
Hairloss sucks.... but what could suck more than hairloss? Asymmetrical hairloss.

not losing any hair on the crown, just a receding hairline. but the right side is like a centimeter farther back than the left......

That is completely normal and there have been many reports of this. My right side is a bit worse too.


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It's not Alopecia. Please try to find out some facts before handing out that kind of 'advice', however friendly it is. Alopecia (Areata) is characterized by diffuse hair loss, and bald spots that can occur anywhere - often the side of your head. You don't get a receding hairline with Alopecia. Nope, it's plain old male pattern baldness, I'm afraid. I should know as I have Alopecia AND male pattern baldness!

A receding hairline is an absolutely sh*t thing to have. I hate it when people say 'only' NW3, etc. What the hell can you do with a NW3, really? Shave it - well, you might as well be NW7 then! Comb it forward - yeah, great look. And you can forget about swimming in public.

Like the OP says, a receding hairline just looks stupid. In fact, it makes you look like a turd, EVEN if you have a good face! I think most men can accept ageing, and not looking perfect - I can - but walking around looking like a turd - every day - is something no-one should have to 'just accept'.


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Actually, it is alopecia. Alopecia just means hair loss, not any specific kind of hair loss.


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You don't say!

When people say 'Alopecia' I think it's safe to assume they're not referring to male pattern baldness.


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until i see pics i'm not convinced your hair loss is nearly as bad as you claim.

this place is notorious for 12 page threads about "i'm going to kill myself my hair is so bad" only to have the person post a pic of perfect, or near perfect, hair

what were the exact comments you've gotten about your hair loss?

if you're the type who can score 1 night stands at bars, i don't think you're in too much trouble, sounds like you have a confident, outgoing personality

how long were you on propecia? maybe you were just naturally gaining weight? like i've said in other threads, i'd much rather have a bit of a gut, and maybe even a bit of man boobs, than a bald head in my 20s


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Route66 said:
I think most men can accept ageing, and not looking perfect - I can - but walking around looking like a turd - every day - is something no-one should have to 'just accept'.

Got any better advices then? :dunno: nothing much you can do, it sucks, its there, no cure, just uglyness, atleast you can work on aceptance and try to live with it as much as you can... m.. there isnt much of a difference between getting *** raped and losing your hair (mantly speaking) at least in both cases you get to chose how you "go down" :)


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Route66 said:
You don't say!

When people say 'Alopecia' I think it's safe to assume they're not referring to male pattern baldness.

Not necessarily. Male Pattern Baldness is Androgenic Alopecia. One just needs to be a bit more specific when using the word alopecia.

Mr Norwoods

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Route66 said:
Like the OP says, a receding hairline just looks stupid. In fact, it makes you look like a turd, EVEN if you have a good face!

Yeah, guys like Freddie Ljunberg, Kelly Slater and Callum Best really look like sh*t. Women would definitely prefer a dogfaced NW1.


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people saying they "look ugly" and feel like "killing themselves" etc on this forum need to take a few steps and put things into perspective.

you've got your health, thats the most important thing. and i wouldnt trade it for anything in the world. i consider myself so lucky that i can do everyday things and that i don't have any terrible diseases. there are people out there born with disabilities, who can't walk, can't do everyday activites, can't participate in life and be independant. they must look at us and think we are pathetic.

sure baldness sucks, but at least having a shaved head isn't the end of the world and you can still meet women, do the business and enjoy life. if your not confident in your looks then take up weight training, dress better, learn karate, get rich etc.

stressing about it won't help.


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Did I say anything about killing myself? All I said was that a receding hairline makes you look like a turd - which it does - and I'm not going to accept it. I'm actually going to get a hair transplant. I was just agreeing with the OP that what really sucks about a receding hairline in particular - as opposed to general hair loss - is that it looks retarded, which is actually worse than old or ugly IMO.


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My Regimen
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Receding actually is general hairloss for men. And the reason you say it looks retarded is probably because you're suffering from it. If you were a diffuser I bet you'd say that "diffuse hairloss makes you look like a turd". At the end of the day, it's all the same thing. Hairloss.

uncomfortable man

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Dudemon makes a good point. I don't know how old KS is (I'm guessing 17) but anyhow, I guess by his logic my symetrical nw5 horseshoe > his asymetrical nw1 by virtue of the fact that mine is even on both sides. :shakehead: And if you think a receeding hairline makes you look like a turd, then imagine how much worse you would look completely bald. IOW, if you have hair on top of your head that is pretty much the same density as on the sides and the back, then you are still good as nobody will percieve you as being bald- which is a god damned LUXURY in and of itself!


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Route66 said:
Did I say anything about killing myself? All I said was that a receding hairline makes you look like a turd - which it does - and I'm not going to accept it. I'm actually going to get a hair transplant. I was just agreeing with the OP that what really sucks about a receding hairline in particular - as opposed to general hair loss - is that it looks retarded, which is actually worse than old or ugly IMO.

A receding hairline is a sign of a maturity its not even balding unless your a beyond a norwood 2. You mustn't be very old with that logic. I thought like that when i was at school.


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Route66 said:
You don't say!

When people say 'Alopecia' I think it's safe to assume they're not referring to male pattern baldness.

Well, what people may or may not be referring to is beside the point.

–noun Pathology.
loss of hair; baldness.


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kavorka said:
hey mate i know how you feel....especially regarding the propecia....have been taking it for 5 months and am getting a gut (even though i work out and do lots of cardio) and i'm really paranoid about getting tits too.

as for the brain fog i think its been messing with my head too....have been having some crazy thoughts and getting more and more depressed im giving it a break.

regarding your problem....if the hairloss is assymetrical then maybe your suffering from allopecia? have you had it checked by a specialist? becuase if its that then i believe it can be treated.
If your dosage of finasteride is giving you sides, try reducing the dosage to 0.5mg or even 0.25mg (ask your Doctor if you're under strict orders). Let us know how that works out.
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follicle84 said:
A receding hairline is a sign of a maturity its not even balding unless your a beyond a norwood 2

Yeah, didn't you say there's no baldness in your family? Mate, if there's only hairloss at the temples, there's a good chance it's just a maturing hairline (affecting approx. 95% of caucasian males, usually between 17 and 29), and hairlines commonly mature assymetrically. Just monitor it.