This video may have been posted before, Natural Dr from Hawaii


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Thats the video I saw. Basically the doctor shows patients with hairloss slowly reversing it by exfoliating the scalp of the sebum build up. Possibly the DHT is what causes excess sebum, so yes treating the DHT is important but possibly treating the sebum build up and inflammation is just as important.


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I recently started using a glycolic acid peel to do the same thing, I believe what they say in the video is a very small part of hair loss so if I can regain a few hairs it is worth it


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rolling' exfoliates the scalp

Nicefella do you have success with minimizing sebum by rolling ? I really would like to get into rolling but because I am over-sea's for work Its not sanitary as of now. I want to try once I get home, I bought a 1.5mm roller. Do you feel 1.5mm is too much ?? I also bought a very nice bore bristle brush, because ive read that using a bore bristle brush is a great way to keep the scalp clear of build up.