Those who experience PFS or still suffering from the "CRASH" Possible help for you


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for those who are suffering from persistent side effects and have bloods to show your HPTA has not come back up to speed, I would recommend a basic pct protocol much like that of a steroid user (me) applies after a cycle. Finasteride effects the HPTA in a very similar way as it leaves the HPTA shutdown and in a away of confusion just like the ending of a steroid cycle. Though not impossible it is very unlikely to recover from use of simple supplements much less naturally just like with steroids. Pharma grade drugs require Pharma grade protocols to fix Pharma grade damage. In all honesty and reality most endo's don't really have a clue as to what is needed to recover from such dibilitating HPTA stressors and unfortunately wind up doing more harm than good by prescribing and administering off the wall protocols. (such as arimidex and letro only protocols or clomid and arimidex).

I've read countless posts about people who tried said such protocols (arimidex only or arimidex and letro or with clomid etc etc) and find it worsening.. NOT A SURPRISE.. Armidex is known as a suicide drug as it completely inhibits and eliminates estrogen (which can leave with far worse and debilitating symptoms and effects and thus leaving libido and sexual function worsened.) Arimidex and it's even stronger accomplice letro, SHOULD NOT be used in conjunction with any PCT protocol. These are very strong AI's used with EXTREME high dosages of steroids ex: 750mg to 1000+mg of testosterone a week ( EVEN THEN) the dosage is limited to .5mg EOD at MAX. I simply could not imagine running .5mg ED or EOD for someone with low T.. total devistation.. I had accidentally carried on my Arimidex into my pct, BIG MISTAKE.. I felt like my brain was being chemically dissolved, weird sensations and not to mention I could barely close my hands due to dry joints from complete depletion of estro.

I offer my help based on my KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE through 8 years of successful and FAILED trials of steroids and PCT's

My experience is with:

Steroids: testosterone propionate, enanthate, cypionate and sustanon. Masteron, equipoise, deca durabolin, dianabol, turanabol, anadrol.

PCT drugs: (SERMS AND SARMS): nolvadex, clomid, letro, aromasin, HCG


I would suggest running a simple pct protocol such as

Clomid week 1-4: (day 1 100mg) followed by 50mg ED until total end of 4 weeks.
Nolvadex week 1-4: (week 1-2 40mg ed, week 3-4 20mg ed) ex: 40/40/20/20
HCG week 1-4: (week 1 1000iu ED (5 Days) week 2 off (week 3 1000iu ED (5days) week 4 off

Upon this I would cycle natural supplements periodically to influence natural production and keep it strong IE: tribulus (i find ultimate nutrition brand to work the best and they hold patent), tongkat ali, zinc, L-arginine etc.

Things to note: I've read many people on propeciahelp etc quit the clomid and pct protocol not even a week in by reporting "no change, not helping, made me feel worse etc" well yeah.. It takes longer than a week gents, it will make you feel weird and bad, it's changing your hormones, you have to stick through though. This is why most steroid users can't come off, they're afraid of losing that high.

AGAIN I offer help based ON MY EXPERIENCE ONLY, I am NOT a doctor.


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How long have you been on finasteride before you started to feel like you had side effects and stopped it? Or did you just decided to quit and that's when you got PFS?