Those who had Transplant ON beard


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please I am getting frustrated here.
Any of you had hair transplanted on their beard ?
Please let me know. I want to know about the experience and whether I would expect scars and so on.
Please contact me soon.



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Do you mean beard to scalp?

you're probably not going to find many here as I don't think BHT is extremely common. But, I don't know.


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I have seen someone who has had their beard transplanted with body hair, and I have seen hair transplanted onto someones chest before. It was done by Dr. Epstein and he posted photos of it. It looked good and extremely natural, at least in photos.

There are plenty of people who have had beard hair used on strip scars, and some on their scalps. I had about 400 beard put in mine. Some are growing, and its hard to say there is a huge difference, but it seems to me that my hair is thicker with the roughly 800 (chest and beard together) I had put into the scars

If you are talking about "scars", anything on my face is invisible. Nothing at all noticable. I can see some white "dotting" on my chest, however. But for me to actually see it, I kind of have to pull back on the skin, and then know what I'm trying to find. Others cannot notice a thing


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thanks for your reply.
I have very thin areas on my beard (while one is recent and might be aerata the others are just normal). Which is quite unlucky because i have so much hair everywhere else on my body and on my front neck and back. So I am thinking of using some of these hairs (maybe even below beard on throat) to fill my beard hair.

That is why I am wondering whether it would leave some tiny visible dots would be quite bad, cause I do not plan to keep a thick beard forever (i.e. sometimes i have to shave completely).
But I am serious about this cause it just looks weird to have more hair on your neck then on your beard. I even have hairs above beard line.

What do you think ?

Anyone else ?


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If you want to get more fullness from your beard by taking beard hair from below the jawline and adding to above the jawline, its totally doable and I believe Dr. Epstein has done a few of these surgeries. I dont know about anyone else but these kind of surgeries are becoming more commonplace


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Do you really need a beard that bad? Who cares? It's a beard.

"Without a beard, people won't take me seriously as a trapper!"

Holy sh*t dude...learn to prioritize.


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I'd like to use neck hair, but just being hidden from far away is not good enough. It needs to look good when a woman is laying next to me and looking right at my neck. If it looks odd then, then you might as well not date at all.

My beard has holes in it. I typically shave, but when I grow stubble, I'd look a lot better if I had the classical beard shape. I think I'll transplant hairs from my neck to my beard, or from thick parts of the beard to fill in the thin spots. I don't want a thick beard. I just want an even one so my stubble does not look so sloppy. I also want to get rid of the hair on my neck. I'd like my beard to grow in the classical shape without needing shaving by me.

I'd really like to transplant neck hair to my head to thicken it with the longer calip. But I think my beard hair is more curly than my calf hair. I'll probably just use it to fill in the rear scar since that hair is short and I won't need as many hairs to do it that way.


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I had some beard hair grafts taken from below the jawline and added to strip scars in the back. Not enough for a real noticeable improvement in the scars but two important questions I had were answered:

1) The beard hair does grow on the scalp, and even in scar tissue
2) There is no visible indication anything was removed on the neck

I had both chest and beard hair removed. The healing time for beard was less than one week, and quite remarkable how quickly I looked normal again (less than a week) With chest, just the opposite. After taking around three weeks to look normal again, I got an outbreak of what looked like acne and had to get an Rx from the doctor. It went away, but I can still see where the chest hair was taken. Not so on the beard.