thoughts on adding alpecin c1 caffine shampoo to my routine


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As above really,

Have been reading mixed reviews on another forum. What have peoples experience on here been?

As i'm shedding lots at the at the moment (about 2 months) would the addition of alpecin c1 increase or decrease a shed.

Currently using dutasteride 0.5 a day
Rogain foam with spironolactone 5% morning and night.

Might stat using using coal tar T/gel and nizoral?

Thoughts and opinions much welcomed!!


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I've been searching all over the internet for the answer to this one also. It seems no one can be sure but there MAY be a conflict using minoxidil and Alpecin products at the same time as one way minoxidil is supposed to work is by vasodilation whereas caffeine (in Alpecin) is a vasoconstrictor. Then again, another way minoxidil is supposed to work is by increasing cellular NO levels and I have no idea how this would interact with the action of ceffeine on the follicles.

On another forum, someone posted a response from the manufacturer of Alpecin, who stated that there should be no problems using both Alpecin products and minoxidil. Who knows.

The only 100% true testimonial I can give is from a good friend of mine, whose hair has receded to well past a norwood 2 - maybe a 3 or 4 without the crown thinning. He has been using Alpecin for years and swears that it has stopped his hairloss. Then again, that could be just because his hairloss has stabilised...

The best you can do is give it a try and see what happens IMO!
