well sublime.. Interesting 4 sure
Dopamine is not recommended to mess to much around with as it is a neurotransmitter chemical..
I guess u know that the main effect of Cocain is high release of Dopamine in the blood giving the feeling of wellness when taking this lovely white powder :lol:
In small doses I would not believe this to be a big problem but in the long run maybe
I guess it will loose its effect gradually over time and you might feel a little empty inside when you choose to get off the stimulating drug..
But if it save some hairs and you get more happy about that I guess its worth a shot..
BUT... since it reduces prolactine levels and not targeting directly on the dopamine I guess it is much more safe than cocain or even other opiates and antidepressant drugs..
I've read some place that increased level of dopamine will decrease levels of prolactine and not that decreased levels of prolactine will increase level of dopamine as you say here.. Are u sure about this Sublime?? As I believe it a complete new scenario when it comes the long term side effect of the drug involved
There is really something about being happy and all off the other health benefits this state of mind has on the body in general.. So happiness is good because it protect the cells from apoptosis (speculative offcourse) This give this route some kinda Triple Effect:
1. Reduced hairloss due to decrease amount of cells going into apoptosis.
2. Increased level of happiness, energy and wellbeing due to increased levels of dopamine.
3. The other health benefits as an side-effect of being happy and feeling well in general.
Cool :hairy: I might look into this Chasteberry myself
Please keep us updated if you find more on this subject.. What about some topical prolactine inhibitor