Thoughts On Red Clover And Its Antiandrogen Effect?


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i have heard people describe this as a natural antiandrogen and the way it works has been described as this.

Trifolium pretense is the scientific name for red clover. Red clover contains isoflavons, which act like estrogens. By acting like estrogens, the red clover binds to the estrogen receptor sites in the body, preventing the estrogen from binding there. Thus, the red clover reduces the amount of estrogen in the body.

Now i have taken some the last 2 days and it does give you abit of a rush. not sure if its testosterone or what, but it definitely made me abit edgy.



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Check out how "pueraria mirifica" effects the male body on google. There's a forum dedicated to transformations. I believe people actually take red clover along with PM as a form of natural HRT. Without a doubt, herbals can be powerful, but for the sake of your hair, why not take the tried and true AAs?