thoughts on this youtube channel indian man


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if you can get past his bad english, what do you think ?

is it a scam ? i dont even know what he is using since i cant understand him, does anyone speak indian here ? at least i think its indian

Ive done some research on him and many people have said he is a fraud


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Yeah I've seen this before. We had this long thread trying to work out what it was, either here or on the other forum I frequent (can't remember). I think we discovered the herb name, but believed it was unsafe for some reason. However, I'll track it down as if it IS effective (I can't remember) it might be worth establishing what the active chemical in this herb is :)


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he emailed me back !!! he doesnt tell me what the herb/oil is . looks like a scam, he wants my money just to tell him what the herbs is

Instructions for patients of baldness treatment, and hair loss treatment.

The hair growth treatment is video graphed as demonstration and uploaded in healersupreme channel of
I uploaded the videos just to show that hair can be grown on baldhead. Now there are many enquiries for treatment. I do not have that much time. I need time to do other research on other subjects.
There are a few things patient should know before deciding to approach me for help for baldness treatment.
In case of male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia one need to take treatment throughout one’s life to keep the hair on scalp in normal cycle. As the causative factors of androgenic alopecia are present in the body all the time they will be causing the hair fall and continuous balding unless we take treatment all the time.
Androgenic baldness is not a disease and therefore it cannot be ‘cured’. We need to take treatment continuously and take care to stop the hair from falling.
My treatments with Indian herb I have demonstrated that new hair can re grow on bald area and we can make them grow longer.
Technically we should keep on taking treatment all the time.
As most of patients are from outside I cannot offer them treatment as they cannot come for treatment everyday to my clinic.
I want to help everyone. I am doing this similar research for last 20 years.
I offer you following plans for your problem of hair fall and baldness.
1) If you are staying in India I can send you hair oil based on formula of ancient ayurveda ( I am world’s only Ph. D. in Ancient Ayurveda from International University) This oil also have the Indian herb as an ingredient. This oil will work in almost all cases. In some it may not work. The result will be visible in 6 weeks.
There will be two bottles of oil 100ml each. Oil from one bottle you have to apply at 4 o’clock in the early morning. Every day.
Oil from other bottle is to be diluted 4 times with cooking oil and is applied once in 3 days after bath or at bed time. You should shampoo only once or twice a week.
There is no guarantee of any kind. If you do the treatment as per my instructions you will have great chances of success. Though I cannot guarantee any results.
The charges for this pack of two bottles of 100 ml are 6000 Rs. for the patients in India.
For foreigners staying in India and patient from other countries as well as NRI the cost will be 500 US dollars.
2) As it is not possible to send oil to other countries by courier or post, the second option is that I send you the herbal mixture and tell you how to prepare the oil. The cost will be US dollars 500. You will make half litter of oil.
3) The Third option is I send you name of the Indian herb, which may be available in your country, or neighboring country. Also detailed instruction of how to apply the latex. Then you can do the treatment at home. The cost will be US dollars 500 as my fee and instructions.
In all cases there is no guarantee of any kind.
You can send me the money by western union. (Dr. Prakash Verekar, Nasik India)
Or deposit it in my account of HDFC bank, if you have the facility.
Email me and tell me what you want and which plan you want.
There is no guarantee of any kind. I have researched a lot and came up with these solutions. I am offering them in good faith. It is upto you to decide whether to go for this treatment or not.


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he wants 500 dollars for a bottle of oil/latex if you can read through his broken english.

he doesnt say what the herb / oil is anyway.

proabably just regular neem oil, or mustard oil, that they use in india


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Well, I see no evidence it's a scam barring the high price tag.. but it may well be ._.

Ah, found the thread! I'll post the most significant posts :)

"Waouw we've finally got the name of this plant and can be cultivated easily at home but the milk seems toxic and also used as treatment for some diseases, look at this link : "

"EUPHORBIA TIRUCALLI also named Indian Tree Spurge"

"Also named Milk Bush.

I'm a little bit skeptical reading the accompanying video-text => 'New hair start appearing in 3 days'


And as mentionend before by kery: How safe is the drug?"

(they keep mentioning that the milk - what the man used - is in fact toxic)

(some places are known to sell it)

"i think you can try safely this plant by low application for a month all three days, moreover it is cheap and the milk is already used as a treatment for warts in India." ... orbia.html

"ive just read on this site it increases GSH (glutathione) which is interesting: "

"this is an intresting plant, MAY have some merit to it, it was being discussed on:

only those who have alergies are most likely to develop an adverse reaction to this.
it apparently is cancer causing but i doubt from short term exposure this will cause cancer."

"a user on (...) is testing this out"

"FWIW the guy trialling the plant on (...) seems to have some positive experiences so far."

"$500! wow

So there's the plant, then there is the oil and also he used acupuncture points.

The 1st video made me doubt the approach, I am still on the fence.

I think someone should send a sample of this plant to be analyzed for the chemical compounds in it. Maybe the immune suppression, maybe something else!

The guy that has tried this plant (...) reported positive results, but not much of them... the last post was on 8/25/2010"

"My gut feeling about this plant is that it's not such a big deal.. that's just my opinion."

OMG the guy on that site that I keep blanking out with (...) actually ordered the plant itself! He has an image of it in a box:


"Continuing with it, a little more thickening in the crown area and sides and my hair is definitely growing faster. Can't say there has been regrowth up top yet though.

If you use too much of the sap, expect significant irritation which will hinder any progress I've learned this a couple times, VERY little of the plant sap is required.

I agree with you guys, some of the videos are sketchy with the poor lighting; if he had a patient with full regrowth seems to me he'd post this in bright high-quality lighting on his website"

"Not shedding after using too much, just any progress that seemed to be slowly happening, halted while the scalp recovers. Shedding is still practically nil. The sap reminds me of what is always said about Retin-A: a little bit is positive, a lot of it can cause additional hairloss in other words, LESS is more which contradicts the natural thinking that if a little bit is good, then a lot of it will be even better.."

"By using 'too much' i meant several stem 'segments' per application. I found 1-2 is enough, that seems to be about what the Doctor was using. Unless you noticed he was using more..?

The slowdown in shedding should be due to either 1) the sap, 2) the MEBO [ScarReducer] product, or both. Only things i'm doing differently.

Bear in mind as i've said before, I am far along on the Norwood scale- I wouldn't expect to see stellar results ever, but if they do happen it will take some time. On that note, if it works for me, it should help at least some of you guys who are NW1-2."

and that..... is it :)



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ok thank you

i have some questions, you said it was toxic, yet he's not eating it, he is only rubbing it in his hair. you wouldn'tswallow many oils or lotions, same thing here.

secondly. do i just use the oil from this plant ?

thirdly, where can i buy it ? i tried several names, milk bush, Euphorbia tirucalli, etc, very difficult to be bale to buy any sap or oil, probably because it is very dangerous.

Maybe add olive oil to it to reduce its strength.

from wikipedia,
First aid

The milky sap contained in this plant is corrosive and extremely toxic. Contact with skin causes severe burning; contact with the eyes may cause severe pain, and may cause temporary blindness for up to 7 days. For eye exposures, flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes and seek medical attention. Over-the-counter antihistamines may provide relief for sensitive patients. Symptoms may worsen over 12 hours. If swallowed, may cause burning to mouth, lips, and tongue. Deaths have been recorded from swallowing the sap and, if swallowed, one should seek medical attention.

so forgive my first comment, maybe this is just more toxic than regular plants


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This of course begs the question - WHY is the sap from this plant good for hair growth? If the active chemical(s) can be outlined, perhaps it can be isolated and made into a product (in theory). I just hope it isn't the same chemical that causes all these problems lol


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Hoppi said:
This of course begs the question - WHY is the sap from this plant good for hair growth? If the active chemical(s) can be outlined, perhaps it can be isolated and made into a product (in theory). I just hope it isn't the same chemical that causes all these problems lol


i think its far too dangerous to play around with

even if you did apply it to your hair, it could easily go into your eyes if you applied it for overnight use like i do with jojoba oil etc.

i had a bad experience leaving cayenne in my hair overnight , gave me terrible eye pain for a day , ruined my bed pillow

I will just cross this off my list of experimental ideas, and move onto my next experimental idea.