Three Finasteride/minoxidil Timing Questions


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I am considering starting to use propecia/proscar and some type of minoxidil, and I have three questions concerning the timing of use:

1. Does anyone recommend starting out with only finasteride for a few months, THEN adding minoxidil? Considering the fact that minoxidil can cause shedding on its own (I also understand that finasteride can do this as well), do you think it would be advisable to try to get as much DHT out of your system BEFORE you start trying to regrow the hair, thus allowing a more quick recovery from the minoxidil shed?

2. Assuming a recovery from the shed, and assuming you get the amount of regrowth you want, would it be ok to stop minoxidil use but continue the finasteride use? Since the initial loss of hair was caused by the increase in DHT levels, and since finasteride prevents these levels from increasing, is it safe to say that one would retain what regrowth they've seen by simply continuing finasteride use?

3. This question apends to my first, but would anyone suggest starting with Tricomin/Revivogen/Crinigen, then moving to minoxidil (while also using finasteride)? Since both of these seem to act as a topical DHT inhibitor (tricomin also acting as a growth stimulant), wouldn't it aid in the quicker removal of DHT, thus allowing the minoxidil to do its job more effectively once use began? If anyone agrees with this logic, could you also indicate which of the three you would suggest using?

Thanks guys!


Senior Member
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Best thing to do is start with proscar and Nizoral for 9/12 months, then, if needed, add minoxidil for regrowth.

With proscar and Nizoral you have one of the most effective regimens, not to mention how easier it is too manage.

If you start minoxidil, stay on it.

Hope this helps.


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Take Petchsky's advice. On a side note any hair you regrow with minoxidil will be lost if you stop using it, finasteride alone will not save that hair you gain from least that's my understanding


Established Member
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Thanks for the replies guys. How sure are you that you NEED to stay on minoxidil?


Experienced Member
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You don't need to stay on minoxidil, but you will lose any hair you've regrown on it unless you stay on it. If you want to keep the regrowth it's given you, minoxidil is forever.


This is one of the main reasons why I have never tried minoxidil. It's a pain in the arse to apply and can you imagine doing it everyday without fail until you 50, 60, 70 or until you could not give a toss about hairloss.

Popping a pill each day however is the best thing to start with alongside Nizoral. See how that goes first.