thylax's story


Experienced Member
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1. What is that Nizoral thing? I heard it from here and you all seem quite pleased. How much does it cost?

2. Is there something more I can do about GETTING MY TEMPLES' HAIR BACK? Do scientist know why the temples react differentelly to hair treatments? What about if the follicles there die faster?

3. Why the baldness area is slightly greater in the one side than in another? (!!!)

4. And something else: have you all bald people (!) realized that the 10-12 most intelligent people around the globe of all times have no baldness? Look at the ancient statues, look at the todays most famous scientists etc (they all have hair all around the scalp). Its true that there are bald people that are clever BUT NOT in the first TOP10 ever. This probably happens because increased androgens causing baldness, give more sexual ability but reduce the mental ability. What you get, what you lose....

Thank you for reading my story and may God bless the inventor of minoxidil...
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The Rock

Established Member
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1. What is that Nizoral thing? I heard it from here and you all seem quite pleased. How much does it cost?

It is an anti-fungal shampoo that has the active ingredient kentzacole which is a mild anti-androgden taht helps in the aid of stopping hairloss, it is availble in the 1 and 2 percent forms, it is probobly aviaible in the 2 percent in Greece, and about 15 dollars a bottle which will last you quite a while.

2. Is there something more I can do about GETTING MY TEMPLES' HAIR BACK? Do scientist know why the temples react differentelly to hair treatments? What about if the follicles there die faster?

Techinically all the proven three, minoxidil, finasteride, and nizoral do help with the temple, but don't have proven clinical data. Many on this site have had regrowth with them in the temple region.

3. Why the baldness area is slightly greater in the one side than in another? (!!!)

male pattern baldness affects everyone differently adn as a result people can cause uneven recession.....kinda mystery....all i can say is some folicles are more suspetible than ohters.

4. And something else: have you all bald people (!) realized that the 10-12 most intelligent people around the globe of all times have no baldness? Look at the ancient statues, look at the todays most famous scientists etc (they all have hair all around the scalp). Its true that there are bald people that are clever BUT NOT in the first TOP10 ever. This probably happens because increased androgens causing baldness, give more sexual ability but reduce the mental ability. What you get, what you lose....

I dont knwo what the f*** any of that means

Hope this helps