Thyroid- ANYBODY


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I've noticed on here various times when people mentioned that they had thinning on the outer eyebrows that they were told to get their thyroid checked. I've been losing eyebrow hair and I've noticed its more towards the outside. When I read about it, it says this is a classic mark of an underactive thyroid, but that body hair should be thinning too. If I have this I don't understand why I would just be losing hair from the top of my head.

I was wondering if anybody ever had eyebrow thinning without having a thyroid problem. I've seen the problem mentioned by I can't find follow ups.
Also what are some other signs of Thyroid problems other than hair loss?

Anything you guys know would help.


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Dont try to self-diagnosis yourself.

If you are loosing eyebrow hair and suspect it could be a thyroid problem go to a Doctor and get a blood test done. It is very simple and takes about 5mins.

Every thyroid case can present different since we are all unique individuals.

There are some guys who have no symptoms only to find out they have thyroids problems... So, you never know till you get tested.



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Lot of people look for excuses with their male pattern baldness. They try to deny it by suspecting thyroid problems and whatever else. It is most likely that you have male pattern baldness. I personally had eyebrow thinning when I first started minoxil (during the shedding phase), but has thickened up again.


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Yeah, I've noticed other people looking for excuses before. I was already pretty sure I had male pattern baldness, but I was researching eyebrows too, separately, to see if I could find why they were going too. Everything I found for outer 1/3 of the eyebrow loss was thyroid related. I actually wish I already had this figured out, now I'm not sure if my meds are even right. I'm not currently on minoxidil, and the noticible fallout occured before I'd started anything. Whenever I'm reading a book for awhile little eyebrow hairs always show up. I suppose somebody who did have thyroid related hairloss wouldn't hang out here anymore once they were diagnosed though.

Thanks for your responses.
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thyroid problems

I was losing a lot of hair earlier in the year. I also had an occasional problem swallowing. I almost HOPED it was a thyroid problem which would mean I wasn't thinning due to normal male pattern baldness. :roll:

I had an ultrasound which seemed normal, then some blood tests. This isn't always conclusive. Other symptoms (of hyperthyroidism, which can contribute to hair loss) include weight loss, insomnia, cold/heat intolerance, bulging eyes :shock: and sweating. Plus a few more.

Thyroid problems are actually quite common, many people go undiagnosed for a long time. I am not sure what kind of hair loss accompanies it, sheds or gradual.


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Re: thyroid problems

grinja the ninja said:
I was losing a lot of hair earlier in the year. I also had an occasional problem swallowing. I almost HOPED it was a thyroid problem which would mean I wasn't thinning due to normal male pattern baldness. :roll:

I had an ultrasound which seemed normal, then some blood tests. This isn't always conclusive. Other symptoms (of hyperthyroidism, which can contribute to hair loss) include weight loss, insomnia, cold/heat intolerance, bulging eyes :shock: and sweating. Plus a few more.

Thyroid problems are actually quite common, many people go undiagnosed for a long time. I am not sure what kind of hair loss accompanies it, sheds or gradual.

Keep in mind there is aslo HYPO thyroidism (underactive)which has very different symptoms than Hyperthyroidism (overactive)
Hairloss is a symptom of HYPO not HYPER

Check out the link for more info ... 001159.htm


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Thanks for the response.

Has anybody reading this ever had thinning in the outer eyebrows? Has this been a part of anyones male pattern baldness experience? Ever hear of it? I'm going to get this tested but I really feel like nothings gonna come of it. Thyroid problems (including hypothyroidism) have a lot of symptoms I dont have at all or the opposite. Plus I'm in my early 20s and male. I actually hope its the thyroid or one of you has had the same problem and knows something about it. I'd really rather know (despite the part of me we all have that doesn't want to be clinically diagnosed male pattern baldness) The first the doctor will tell me, but the second... I might just end up bald and missing 33% of my eyebrow. Weird sh*t...