time to seriously reevaluate propecia

astral week

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I've been on propecia for a little over a year, and at first I whole-heartedly believed all the good things about it, ie <2% have side effects, and those with sides will stop getting them after prolonged use. I laughed at people who claimed it killed their sex drive, or shrunk their penis, or gave them tits, or virtually any significant physical or mental changes. But now I join their ranks, b/c i realized I have sides myself, notably sexual dysfunction. In fact, I've gotten smaller, .75 in in length and 1 in in girth, and yes I am confident in my measurements.

I'm sure many of you have been reading about the whole "correct finasteride doseage" thing, that .2mg is nearly as effective as 1mg. It seems there is a lot of information and personal attestments to the potentially deletrious effects of finasteride.

Look at these, definitely a sign that the 2% is bullshit:
http://www.askapatient.com/viewrating.a ... e=PROPECIA

Even wikipedia has something about it, check out the side effects section:

And the study that may soon be infamous:
http://www.physics.upenn.edu/facultyinf ... peciafda2/

I'm not saying paranoia isn't a significant factor, esp among those dealing with hairloss and taking a drug know to have ANY sexual side effects. But we're talking young men in their 20s that have had serious and sometimes PERMANENT side effects. I know MY dick is smaller. I also have a zinc deficiency, but I'm definitely dropping to .5mg at least, and probably to .25 very shortly.

We know DHT is the one of the main components for penile activity, we know (or should know) that drug companies are not the most scrupulous of industries, we know that a very significant number of young men are having problems that they should not be having. It's tempting to blame it on paranoia or depression or stress, but let's be logical about this. This is clearly something we need to be considering.

What are your views?


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A) I wouldn't believe everything you read off wikipedia.

wiki said:
Finasteride has been linked with depression [3]

The study linked to this is somewhat laughable in that there's no control group. Additionally, people who are suffering hair loss are already unease about their hair loss. If they were not, they wouldn't try to keep their hair. If they're continue to lose their hair while on finasteride, this probably will only make them even more hopeless about their hair.

B) People who experience side effects are more likely to search for others that experience side effects and post them. They may also embellish and/or lie about their side effects. Merck did a lengthy experiment on drug with a controlled group, which I'll rather believe than someone's opinion on their side effects, who probably hasn't seen a doctor for said side-effects.

C) Zinc deficiency causes numerous problems. Are you sure your problems are not because of zinc deficiency? I haven't heard of finasteride causing zinc deficiency, but I guess it could inhibit the absorption of it.

astral week

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I know wikipedia can have plenty of bulls**t, my post was more of a reflection of all the cumulative info I've started to look at. I know many sources are biased or paranoid, ie propeciahelp.com, but cumulatively, with this many people having similar issues with a new drug it seems reasonable to conclude that they're not all hypochondriacs or liars.

Merck is in it for the money just like any other company. I agree that one or two random people who post about sexual side effects isn't particularly condemning, but hundreds of people is, if not thousands. And there are doctors who also suspect that 1 mg of finasteride a day can be detrimental to your health.

As for the zinc deficiency, I went through a long bout of depression and drinking, which I am sure is why i have the deficiency, not finasteride. I HOPE my problem is due more to that than the propecia, but now that I have a better idea of the number of people with sides, I am a little more open-minded.


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it has def killed my libido


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No sexual side effects whatsoever here, after 16 months, nor for a significant percentage of the people on this site, who tend to be the crazies and/or the people who get bad luck. Maybe there's a greater chance of side effects than the study reported, but I certainly can't complain about side effects.

I can claim that it doesn't seem to have slowed my hairloss whatsoever though so maybe i'm just immune, though :(


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I take 1 1/2 a propecia tablet a day... so that may have to do with it.


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i donno man...if you think its doing too much harm to you then drop it

no point to throw away your health because of hair.


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RaginDemon said:
i donno man...if you think its doing too much harm to you then drop it

no point to throw away your health because of hair.

:agree: You decide it for yourself


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so far nobody knows the long term effect of the drug...it is a risk to take it.

I am still young and my hair matters to me alot, thats why I am willing to take the risk to at least buy some time.

I will probabily drop it once I hit 40.

astral week

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When I first realized i was losing hair, I was willing to sacrifice a lot to keep it, and I still am, just not my wang. It's very hard to understand how much finasteride is directly responsible for, and it is a new drug, so I'd rather let other people take 1 mg a day or more and be the guinea pig. Besides I'm only 20 and there's no reason in overdoing it, I hope.


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i am 21 i'm taking 1.25mg(minoxidil 5 and nizoral) because its very dificult to me to split a proscar pill...and i have a full proscar box so dont tell me to buy another finasteride...what should i do? :dunno:

astral week

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You know there are pill cutters, right? most people don't seem to have a problem cutting their proscar up.
And I would recommend you lower your doseage, 1.25 mg is more than you really need and may have some negative effects. It's up to you, but if you aren't having any sides I would still lower at least to 1mg. Remember, .2mg is nearly as effective as 1mg.


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really?what do you use to cut your pills?i dont think you can easily cut a proscar...but i cut in 4 pieces because i can't cut in equal pieces, so i cut in 1.25mg, it's easier... :(


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Whiplash_131 said:
really?what do you use to cut your pills?i dont think you can easily cut a proscar...but i cut in 4 pieces because i can't cut in equal pieces, so i cut in 1.25mg, it's easier... :(

I just broke the Propecia with my fingers when I was running low.


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astral week said:
When I first realized i was losing hair, I was willing to sacrifice a lot to keep it, and I still am, just not my wang. It's very hard to understand how much finasteride is directly responsible for, and it is a new drug, so I'd rather let other people take 1 mg a day or more and be the guinea pig. Besides I'm only 20 and there's no reason in overdoing it, I hope.

My semen was watery for the first week or so, but since then my libido is still high as ever; I still get wood even at the most inappropriate times; I still think about sex way too much; and I haven't shrunk in size. All this at the "old age" of 30. Since I started Propecia, I noticed my hair loss slowed down quite a bit as I'm not losing up to 50 hairs a day in the shower. I now see about 5-15 hairs, which is a signfiicant decrease to me.

I would say that if I was losing my hair at the same rate, I would probably be much further on the Norwood scale than I am now. My hair line receded when I was about 18, and it stayed there for years until recently, where I hit a really big shed in the first inch or so of my hair line. I went to the hair transplant doctor several months ago, and he stated I was a NW2 and would probably thin to a NW3 and diagnosed me with Androgenetic Alopecia. Right now, I'm still about a NW2-NW3 although my forelock thinned since I went to the doctor.


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astral week said:
I've been on propecia for a little over a year, and at first I whole-heartedly believed all the good things about it, ie <2% have side effects, and those with sides will stop getting them after prolonged use. I laughed at people who claimed it killed their sex drive, or shrunk their penis, or gave them tits, or virtually any significant physical or mental changes. But now I join their ranks, b/c i realized I have sides myself, notably sexual dysfunction. In fact, I've gotten smaller, .75 in in length and 1 in in girth, and yes I am confident in my measurements.

I'm sure many of you have been reading about the whole "correct finasteride doseage" thing, that .2mg is nearly as effective as 1mg. It seems there is a lot of information and personal attestments to the potentially deletrious effects of finasteride.

Look at these, definitely a sign that the 2% is bullshit:
http://www.askapatient.com/viewrating.a ... e=PROPECIA

Even wikipedia has something about it, check out the side effects section:

And the study that may soon be infamous:
http://www.physics.upenn.edu/facultyinf ... peciafda2/

I'm not saying paranoia isn't a significant factor, esp among those dealing with hairloss and taking a drug know to have ANY sexual side effects. But we're talking young men in their 20s that have had serious and sometimes PERMANENT side effects. I know MY dick is smaller. I also have a zinc deficiency, but I'm definitely dropping to .5mg at least, and probably to .25 very shortly.

We know DHT is the one of the main components for penile activity, we know (or should know) that drug companies are not the most scrupulous of industries, we know that a very significant number of young men are having problems that they should not be having. It's tempting to blame it on paranoia or depression or stress, but let's be logical about this. This is clearly something we need to be considering.

What are your views?

I would suggest a hair analysis to test for minerals ect.

Other was you would want to take zinc methionine and magnesium taurate, that will help control estrogen, DHT, Androgen Receptors, ect to help with sex drive.

Other wise for you penile size problems I suggest garlic, vit c, Chocamine, Olive Leaf Extract

Good sleep, low stress, and regular cardio will help a great deal also

astral week

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purecontrol said:
astral week said:
I've been on propecia for a little over a year, and at first I whole-heartedly believed all the good things about it, ie <2% have side effects, and those with sides will stop getting them after prolonged use. I laughed at people who claimed it killed their sex drive, or shrunk their penis, or gave them tits, or virtually any significant physical or mental changes. But now I join their ranks, b/c i realized I have sides myself, notably sexual dysfunction. In fact, I've gotten smaller, .75 in in length and 1 in in girth, and yes I am confident in my measurements.

I'm sure many of you have been reading about the whole "correct finasteride doseage" thing, that .2mg is nearly as effective as 1mg. It seems there is a lot of information and personal attestments to the potentially deletrious effects of finasteride.

Look at these, definitely a sign that the 2% is bullshit:
http://www.askapatient.com/viewrating.a ... e=PROPECIA

Even wikipedia has something about it, check out the side effects section:

And the study that may soon be infamous:
http://www.physics.upenn.edu/facultyinf ... peciafda2/

I'm not saying paranoia isn't a significant factor, esp among those dealing with hairloss and taking a drug know to have ANY sexual side effects. But we're talking young men in their 20s that have had serious and sometimes PERMANENT side effects. I know MY dick is smaller. I also have a zinc deficiency, but I'm definitely dropping to .5mg at least, and probably to .25 very shortly.

We know DHT is the one of the main components for penile activity, we know (or should know) that drug companies are not the most scrupulous of industries, we know that a very significant number of young men are having problems that they should not be having. It's tempting to blame it on paranoia or depression or stress, but let's be logical about this. This is clearly something we need to be considering.

What are your views?

I would suggest a hair analysis to test for minerals ect.

Other was you would want to take zinc methionine and magnesium taurate, that will help control estrogen, DHT, Androgen Receptors, ect to help with sex drive.

Other wise for you penile size problems I suggest garlic, vit c, Chocamine, Olive Leaf Extract

Good sleep, low stress, and regular cardio will help a great deal also

thanks for your input, I know my problem has a number of factors involved. I was just less than enthusiastic to learn that propecia wasn't quite as safe as i had thought.


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I started propecia a year ago, and in the first week i did experience side effects. Libido was def down, and the semen was watery.

That cleared in 2 weeks and from then no other side effects.

It's been an interesting ride. Started off a Nw2 going towards a def Nw3, but now am back to a solid NW2. I feel like i am still getting results, slowly.

One year ago I was really depressed and thought I'd go bald in a few months because I went from NW1 - Nw2.5 in a matter of 6 months. Thanks to the propecia, I no longer worry anywhere near AS much, and can worry about better things. So the risk is worth it.


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ps1freak said:
I started propecia a year ago, and in the first week i did experience side effects. Libido was def down, and the semen was watery.

That cleared in 2 weeks and from then no other side effects.

It's been an interesting ride. Started off a Nw2 going towards a def Nw3, but now am back to a solid NW2. I feel like i am still getting results, slowly.

One year ago I was really depressed and thought I'd go bald in a few months because I went from NW1 - Nw2.5 in a matter of 6 months. Thanks to the propecia, I no longer worry anywhere near AS much, and can worry about better things. So the risk is worth it.
