

Established Member
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I am a student and i am not doing much this summer, so I wake up at different times everyday. I wake up anywhere from 10am-3pm. I take propecia right when i wake up , so I was wondering if it matters if I take it at 10am one day and 2pm the next day and 11 am the next. Basically just wondering if I have to wait 24 hours evertime before I take my dose. It wont make it any less effective if i take it after only 20 hours or over 24 hours right? Thanks


Established Member
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Don't worry about it. The general concensus is that, as long as you take the pill at some point during the day, you're good to go. A few hours shouldn't make any difference.

Relax, and just make sure you take it every day. :)


Established Member
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I used to try to take my pill at noon or so each day, but know as long as i take it some time in the day its fine. Doesn't really matter all that much in my opinion.