That's it, final seal of approval.
I really doubt somebody like Clinton, an ex President, would get involved with a company unless he was really sure about their practice.
"Mr. Clinton describing his visit as "aimed at giving global publicity for Cipla so that maximum people get advantage of the treatment through low-cost medicines." He hoped that an interest would be built to "maximise the impact of money being used appropriately in the AIDS campaign."
He lauded Cipla as one of the most modern plants and said the Foundation had been in partnership with it for contractual supplies for over three years. Beginning with providing the "world's least costly first line drugs" of about $1.40 lakh every year they had now reached an agreement on second line drugs, which would comprise manufacturing of lower cost medicines for children.
"If all purchases are made from Cipla and other partners who produce low-cost drugs, we can treat three to four times more people without any increase in funds," he said emphasising the endeavour to try and treat not only many people but also with cost effective methods. Last year, they treated a million people and expect to take it to three million by yearend. He expressed concern that over five million people die of the disease every year. "