To all new users with erectile dysfunction


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Just had sex for 5 hours straight.
This isn't me boasting because I haven't got laid in a while, I do it every few weeks with a new bird (Ok, that's me boasting, haha)

What I'm getting at is, the first time I tried finasteride I sh*t my pants and had erectile dysfunction. I stopped straight away.
I gave it another try a few months later with the challenge of sticking it out a few months, Same thing again, my little man became so uninterested in sex, I only saw it as a chunk of skin to piss out of. This went on for a few weeks/months and I became really anxious.

I eventually took some advice from a forum member to continue taking the finasteride, but to not visit these boards for 3-4 weeks and try to get on with life,
I gave it a shot. Within about a 10 day period I started to think less and less about the finasteride and my libido miraculously came back.

That was 10 months ago and everything has been 100% ever since.

My advise, ride it out .... and most importantly, stop visiting these forums for a while, they increase anxiety exponentially which is the cause of the problem for most guys


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Finasteride side-effects tend to go away with time if you keep taking the pills so this could merely be coincidence. But people also need to realize that there is a psychological side to sex, and most erections start in the brain. I think that browsing internet forums and reading stories about side-effects is completely unhelpful to someone worried about side-effects.


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Haha, I was rather drunk when I wrote this.
What I said still stands though, despite my drunken rambling


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If you've strong morning erections, there is no physical problem. Continuing with finasteride despite of reduced libido and ED is foolish, as you risk finasteride induced secondary hypogonadism, for which there is no known cure at the moment.


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There is a huge missconception on this site that the issue with propecia is the side effects. Many drugs have alot of the same sides as propecia. The issue is not that there are sides.... but that the effects last long after the drug has been discontinued.

I am not evangalizing against propecia - merely pointing out that the controversy over it is not really acuratly represented in most of these posts.

People with wacked out hormones do get serverely depressed and that does seem to be a big reoccuring theme here.

Just an observation that there are a number of peope here on finasteride who say "I have no sides" but then go on to say that they are in the "depths of dispare" over their hair. not annoyed...but sevearlly depressed.

Supressing male hrmones with anti-androgens is not something any of shoud take lightly - regardless of what your hair consultant.