to all who's life is really bad coz of hairloss


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what is your regimen, helpme007. All you do is cry about hair grafts, and I'll bet you've just been on propecia for 6 months, and maybe used rogaine inconsistently. Since your regimen is not posted, i'm going to go look at your story and see if I'm right.


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looks like you did not write one.

I saw your pictures though. I think they were yours. They were side view and you had bright blond hair, long in front, obviously with hair on top. worst you could be is a high NW3 with a comb over. Yeah, thats bad, but unless it is all slick bald, and been that way almost a year, you should be applying SODs and minoxidil and maybe spironolactone and taking dutasteride. Then wait 6 months to see if any fuzz starts. That will give you a hint of your 1 year results.