To Bryan: Insulin?


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I was reading what you had to say about insulin on another site, and I am just wondering exactly how much of the vinegar do you take and if you just take it straight. I am only 19 and have receded quite a bit and I would not doubt that undying love for cereal (sugary, high carb, etc.) could have some bad effects .


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If insulin is bad for hair, then why don't chicks' hair fell off? Guys their insulin levels are the same as ours.

Let's focus on DHT instead.


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Buffboy said:
If insulin is bad for hair, then why don't chicks' hair fell off? Guys their insulin levels are the same as ours.

Let's focus on DHT instead.

Maybe theres a connection between insulin and DHT ? :wink:


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Its not insulin that is bad.. it's (possibly) insulin intolerance aka like (mild?) type II Diabetes.

If you're really concerned, just google the recommended diet for these patients.


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jdizzle said:
I was reading what you had to say about insulin on another site...

I also posted it right here on this site.

jdizzle said:
...and I am just wondering exactly how much of the vinegar do you take and if you just take it straight.

At first I used it the same way they did in the study (20 grams of vinegar, diluted in water and sweetened with saccharin), but after a while I quit adding the saccharin altogether; I kinda got used to the tart taste, and actually started to enjoy it a little! :)

Also, I realized that in experiments like that, scientists usually use MORE than what they think will be enough to get the desired effect; they don't pussy-foot around with minimal doses! Based on that general idea, now I actually use a little bit less than the 20 grams they used, on average. If it's a really high-carbohydrate meal, I'll go ahead and use the full 20 grams; if it's a more moderate amount of carbohydrate, I'll use somewhat less vinegar.




can you share this 'vinegar thing' with us, do you have a link to your post on this subject.



(did a search, but didn't find anything?)