To fast times


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What is an estrogen blocker and what does it do regarding for avodart?
Or to anyone else who might know

fast times

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Hey bro, I take "M" a natural estrogen blocker from a company called biotest. I dont have any affiliation with them (it would be nice for all the supp's Ive bought from them). Here's my theory , these hair drugs raise your test levels, your body recognize's this and raise's your estrogen. I have taken steriods in the past and felt these effects, usually retaining water is number one, depending on the "juice" in question. So with my planned long term usage of finasteride and dutasteride Im taking a supp that can be used long term .


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Do you think it would help with side effects like Very dry skin, wrinkles forming, scabs not healing from taking dutasteride?

fast times

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Nope, my guess is this is a byproduct of reduced dht, but the dry skin can be helped by omega 3 fatty acids. The best of these is a liquid you can spoon into oj or whatever its udo's blend efa's. Its relatively cheap and at most health food stores in the fridge.


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Chipper said:
Do you think it would help with side effects like Very dry skin, wrinkles forming, scabs not healing from taking dutasteride?

Scabs not healing because of dutasteride? Where did you hear this?

By the way, if you're serious about lowering estrogen while on dutasteride, I would avoid any herbal supplements and rather opt to take letrozole (Femara) or anastrozole (Arimidex). Both are prescription drugs for post-menopausal women with breast cancer. They reduce estradiol by inhibiting its creation from testosterone (through the aromatase enzyme) -- hence the term aromatase inhibitors. The result is an increase in testosterone and a decrease in serum estrogens.

A cocktail of DHT and Femara/Arimidex is quite strong, not too mention costly. And who knows what the long-term effects will be.



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I didnt hear, i experienced it. After a pimple would pop, the scab would never heal. It would stay attached to my skin for weeks or even months until i would eventually knock it off. Leaving a scar.


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Chipper said:
I didnt hear, i experienced it. After a pimple would pop, the scab would never heal. It would stay attached to my skin for weeks or even months until i would eventually knock it off. Leaving a scar.

Well, maybe that's a sign to ditch the dutasteride. That's a pretty scary side effect if it is indeed related to the suppression of DHT.



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That was just one of the scary side effects i got with dutasteride. I've been off it for a month now.


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as an aside, omega 3 fatty acids are insanely important for your health. Do a google search and see all the studies you find.

I never took vitamins or supplements my entire life. Over the last 7 months I now take Protein (for working out), a multivitamin (I personally think I have a poor diet), and carlson's omega 3 supplement (because holy sh*t the good things it supposed to do for you).

Omega 3 fatty acids is not something in most people's diets. It's basically only found in certain things like flaxseed oil, and cold water fish. I rarely eat fish so I realized I have a severe deficiency of omega 3 in my system. All the research done on it so far has convinced me to take this fish oil supplement (its a capsule that you swallow full of fish oil).


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thanks for the advice. I have gotten side effects from taking avodart. Such as scabs not wanting to heal after a pimple is popped, wrinkles, thin facial skin, very dry skin with no oil. I was wondering if omega 3 fatty acids could help those problems. And id like to buy it at walmart and how much does the stuff cost if possible.


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Chipper said:
thanks for the advice. I have gotten side effects from taking avodart. Such as scabs not wanting to heal after a pimple is popped, wrinkles, thin facial skin, very dry skin with no oil. I was wondering if omega 3 fatty acids could help those problems. And id like to buy it at walmart and how much does the stuff cost if possible.

sh*t's cheap -- they will have it Wal-Mart. Look for flax seed oil (I talk about it in more detail in one of my earlier posts). 180 pills should run you about $10-$20.



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you can always just get a fish oil capsule. I get the extra stength capsule with no cholestrol. I know mine runs under 10 bucks for I think something like 200 pills. At wal-mart that is.


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My buddy was told by his Dr to take omega 3's for his psoriasis (sp?) which is basically really dry skin. So, yes, it is beneficial for dry skin.. among other things.