to go to the derm or not


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I have recently started to notice what i think is the early stages of mpd, ive had a receded hairline for as long as i can remember and looking at male relatives my odds are defenately bad, so if you feel it yourself is it safe to start taking Propecia without going to the derm? i am living in rural japan and finding an English speaking doctor is probably pretty hard. if i start taking it is it possible that it would only make things worse? i am currently thinking of starting the big three ( iam already on rogaine foam) regards john


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im going to start the big 3 w/o consulting a derm altho i went to a "hairloss specialist" last year whom recommended the big three, so now im just going to start it!


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If you think it will put your mind at rest go see a derm, in reality.. you will just be offered the same treatments that most of us on here already use.