To Long Term Rogaine Only Users Please Respond


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Ive been on rogaine now for 8 months and i have had great regrowth on my hairline i am being led to believe that i need to add finasteride or i will keep receding is this true or will the rogaine be enough to halt the process my derm wont perscribe me finasteride as she believes that rogaine is enough for me at this point


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Ive been on rogaine now for 8 months and i have had great regrowth on my hairline i am being led to believe that i need to add finasteride or i will keep receding is this true or will the rogaine be enough to halt the process my derm wont perscribe me finasteride as she believes that rogaine is enough for me at this point

Tell your pseudo-intellectual dipshit derm to look at the data rather than getting paid to pull sh*t out of her *** and make things up as she goes along. Rogaine may halt loss for a few years but you'll be below baseline after that without finasteride. If you're losing at the hairline chances are you're also experiencing diffuse miniturization across the larger area and particularly the crown as well which makes finasteride ideal if you're planning on tackling this long term and minimise damage.

Find a doctor who is willing to prescribe finasteride. Keep up with the minoxidil and add finasteride even if its only a quartered standard dose like 0.25mg.

In saying that, without pics hard to know how necessary it really is or what the derms interpretation is. Sometimes derms recommend minoxidil to people who clearly aren't losing hair just so they can stop worrying about it. If there's visible loss however then you need finasteride.


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Tell your pseudo-intellectual dipshit derm to look at the data rather than getting paid to pull sh*t out of her *** and make things up as she goes along. Rogaine may halt loss for a few years but you'll be below baseline after that without finasteride. If you're losing at the hairline chances are you're also experiencing diffuse miniturization across the larger area and particularly the crown as well which makes finasteride ideal if you're planning on tackling this long term and minimise damage.

Find a doctor who is willing to prescribe finasteride. Keep up with the minoxidil and add finasteride even if its only a quartered standard dose like 0.25mg.

In saying that, without pics hard to know how necessary it really is or what the derms interpretation is. Sometimes derms recommend minoxidil to people who clearly aren't losing hair just so they can stop worrying about it. If there's visible loss however then you need finasteride.

before rogaine I was only thinning slightly on the hairline nowhwere else my derm said that i ddint need finasteride because i caught my hairloss early and that rogaine would be enough.


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ive been using only minoxidil for over 2 years and am still above baseline. i believe that only minoxidil can be effective for a number of years if the rate of hair loss is slow enough. so, someone in his early 20s with rapid hair loss, no, but a bit older and slow loss... maybe


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do you remember how your shedding was with nizoral and finasteride

i don't think i've ever had increased shedding from medications. just stayed at baseline over 4 months of finasteride+nizoral then slow steady improvement as soon as i added min


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My own experience with minoxidil has been weird and I can’t seem to find a single totally similar case. So I began using topical minoxidil 5% twice a day in July of 2015. I was then prescribed 2mg oral minoxidil by my derm around August. I went through the dread shed that many do when starting minoxidil, and of say it lasted maybe a bit over a month, but absolutely decimated my hair. At that time my hair was so thin and I had receded so far (yes I am female but I have low estrogen), that I ended up getting hair extensions, shaving one side of my head and getting a fringe cut to cover my hairline. The only part of my hair density that I could really judge was the top of my head and my fringe for a while then because the rest was either shaved or had extensions. I was so concerned about the fact that the top of my head and fringe was getting thinner and thinner than I didn’t actually realise that my hairline and nape fully regrew and then some. Like a huge amount. That was around December that year. I thought that Things would get better. By the way, I had already been on 200mg spironactone since June 2015 by this stage. So with that I calmed down a bit, but then I noticed my hairline receding again, and my overall body hair getting thinner and growing more slowly. I panicked and waited it out, sure enough it regrew again a little... but then started to recede again. I decided in Feb 2016 to stop spironolactone because apart from doing nothing to stop my hairloss, it actually made me lose a heap of weight and made me quite sick. I also shaved all my hair off. That helped me not to noticed the thinning so much, so when my hairline grew back really thick again around May-June, I was pleased and though maybe I just went through a few initial sheds and it would be over soon. Nope. November 2016, I once again noticed the recession, and that my hair still got thinner all over with emphasis on the top of my head. I tried to ignore it and was in denial until the same process came around again in June 2017. The recession was really bad this time, and my hair was thinner than ever. I knew something was wrong with my hair cycle but told myself to wait, still. So in August-November 2017, my hairline regrew, but my overall density never recovered, and I began to really notice the top of my head was so thin. So where I’m at now is in the recession process again, with the thinnest hair I have ever had, and a part line which gets wider by the day, and hairline that creeps back day-to-day. The changes are rapid. So over this 2 and a half year process, I’ve realised I have maybe 3 months of SOME regrowth, followed by 3-4 months where my hair just does not grow. It just stops; and the hairs I do grow get thinner and thinner as they fall out and try to regrow. Like the minoxidil only works sometimes to open up hair follicles to grow, and then stops for a while. Again and again. I have up until recently not tried any other anti androgen or 5AR treatments, and have been now taking 0.5mg avodart daily for almost 4 weeks, and 5% RU coming up on three weeks. I’ve started to dermaroll more seriously too. I haven’t noticed any changes, and it seems like my hair still gets thinner by the day, and that my hair is not growing. I lose lots of short black hairs and miniturised hairs. I feel like minoxidil has fucked my hair growth cycle, and regardless of what I take otherwaise, my hair is doomed to fall out in three months because it’s done some weird sh*t to my hair. I want to stress that this is something that I have only found for myself, and most people find minoxidil works well. I’m probably just really really unlucky. I think the best thing to do is find a good growth stim + dht blocker and use that combo. You can’t fight genetic baldness without stopping DHT doing it’s thing, so you’re going To want to at least try Propecia. I seriously hope everything works out for you. I wouldn’t wish what’s happening To me on anyone.


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Tell your pseudo-intellectual dipshit derm to look at the data rather than getting paid to pull sh*t out of her *** and make things up as she goes along. Rogaine may halt loss for a few years but you'll be below baseline after that without finasteride. If you're losing at the hairline chances are you're also experiencing diffuse miniturization across the larger area and particularly the crown as well which makes finasteride ideal if you're planning on tackling this long term and minimise damage.

Find a doctor who is willing to prescribe finasteride. Keep up with the minoxidil and add finasteride even if its only a quartered standard dose like 0.25mg.

In saying that, without pics hard to know how necessary it really is or what the derms interpretation is. Sometimes derms recommend minoxidil to people who clearly aren't losing hair just so they can stop worrying about it. If there's visible loss however then you need finasteride.
^This. But try and get a Propecia prescription. It's literally finasteride in a higher dose(5mg) branded in a different name to treat prostrate cancer/enlargement, but you want this script because it's a lot cheaper. There is a high chance your doctor will give you an rx for propecia if he's willing to prescribe you finasteride for hairloss. All you gotta tell them is :
--you plan on cutting each pill into fifths to take the recommended dosage of 1mg daily
--you want Propecia because it's a lot cheaper than Finasteride


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^This. But try and get a Propecia prescription. It's literally finasteride in a higher dose(5mg) branded in a different name to treat prostrate cancer/enlargement, but you want this script because it's a lot cheaper. There is a high chance your doctor will give you an rx for propecia if he's willing to prescribe you finasteride for hairloss. All you gotta tell them is :
--you plan on cutting each pill into fifths to take the recommended dosage of 1mg daily
--you want Propecia because it's a lot cheaper than Finasteride
my derm told me to wait and see the results i get from rogaine after 16 months ive been on it half of that and ive regrew all of my hair except half an inch on the right side of my hairline, after the 16 months ill start finasteride as i am aware that i probably need it for the long term


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my derm told me to wait and see the results i get from rogaine after 16 months ive been on it half of that and ive regrew all of my hair except half an inch on the right side of my hairline, after the 16 months ill start finasteride as i am aware that i probably need it for the long term
Bruh, you know how much hair you can lose in 8 months? Lol. Besides, she is a female and doesn't understand our situation as intimately as a men would. Get yourself a better derm. If you've been on rogaine for 8 months and are receding again, you probably need to up your game plan. The best plan is always a preventative one, not damage control.


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Bruh, you know how much hair you can lose in 8 months? Lol. Besides, she is a female and doesn't understand our situation as intimately as a men would. Get yourself a better derm. If you've been on rogaine for 8 months and are receding again, you probably need to up your game plan. The best plan is always a preventative one, not damage control.
i just cant agree with you there male or female there both trained the same way doesnt matter as ive said im a great responder to rogaine and max results are seen between 9 and 12 months some see results untill 16 months if you are receding again after 8 months maybe your just a non responder plus im in a position where a shed with finasteride isnt an option for me until later


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Bruh, you know how much hair you can lose in 8 months? Lol. Besides, she is a female and doesn't understand our situation as intimately as a men would. Get yourself a better derm. If you've been on rogaine for 8 months and are receding again, you probably need to up your game plan. The best plan is always a preventative one, not damage control.
sorry bro read that wrong i am not receding again after 8 months lol