To tell or not to tell


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I have a friend who is an early diffuse NW5. I don't know if he has noticed yet or if he knows about curren treatments. Is it douchey if I point it out to him? Or should i pretend to not notice his hair and wait till he cares enough to search it up on his own?

I'm not taking a decision based on what you guys say, but I'd like to know what you guys would do. It hurts me to see him losing ground like that and I know he likes having hair. I've heard him say "I hope that doesn't happen to me" referring to baldness which means he cares.

Would you tell and risk giving him more anxiety problems (he is already an introvert)? and if you would tell how would you do it to avoid hurting his feelings?


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If he's already a NW5 it might be too late for him to get on treatments. But you could tell him about hair transplants. Of course it doesn't hurt knowing about treatments, but when you're that bald already there is a good chance treatments will not work. With hair loss, the earlier you start the better!


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but he is a diffuse NW5, still has hair all over. If it wasn't for his low density he'd be a NW0


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If you think he just didn't notice, tell him. If he has anxiety it's better to handle it now and get treatment then to regret it latter when his options are limited.


My Regimen
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The easiest lead into this conversation is to talk about your own hair loss and treatments, does he know you've gone through that? I would think that would mean he might even expect you to bring this up with him.

If you're around him a lot you could bring it up more subtly, hair is often a conversation topic so it probably won't take long until you can go down that avenue. If you don't see him much you may just have to put it out there a bit more bluntly.


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The easiest lead into this conversation is to talk about your own hair loss and treatments, does he know you've gone through that? I would think that would mean he might even expect you to bring this up with him.

If you're around him a lot you could bring it up more subtly, hair is often a conversation topic so it probably won't take long until you can go down that avenue. If you don't see him much you may just have to put it out there a bit more bluntly.

Very good advice. That way he can learn about hair loss treatments without you actually saying that he needs them. Then he can make the decision for himself if he wants to get on treatments!


My Regimen
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Yes, however it might be too big of an elephant in the room to talk about your own treatments without mentioning his hair, but if that actually happens, and you can tell him thoroughly about your own treatments without directly telling him to do the same, then all the better if he doesn't feel comfortable talking about it. No doubt he'll figure out why you're telling him, but it's just something that doesn't necessarily ever need to be talked about, and he might even appreciate that you respect the boundary that he doesn't want to talk about his hair loss..

I'd still say if you can talk about it openly it's probably for the best, he can ask you questions once he starts. I know for those of us who have been on treatments for years, everything may seem obvious, but little things could stop him moving on, for example I didn't bother with nizoral for ages and I can't even remember why, but if I had talked to a friend who treated/maintained their hair, they would have just told me to jump on it straight away.


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My Regimen
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Tell him.


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Tell him,indirectly,

I was also Introvert when i was young,it was so frightning to know it,but it


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Same thing is going on with one of my best friends. I could see his temples thinnning for last couple of months. But a few weeks ago he buzzed his hair short and I could see a 5 pattern forming. I am guessing he knows because he has been wearing a hat more often. I just dont think he is aware of any treatments.


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If he's talking about baldness a lot and saying things like "I hope it doesn't happen to me" the chances are he's aware and it's on his mind. He probably wants to vent but is embarrassed to do so.

Agustin Araujo

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Folliman, tell your friend to get on the Big Three! Why continue to lose hair when you can take advantage of proven treatments?


My Regimen
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If he has diffuse thinning all over, and it's fairly even, he'll really regret not going on it right now. It can possibly go very aggressively, within a year, and then it's such an uphill battle compared to what he has now.

Right now if it's minor diffuse, he could probably regrow a full thick head of hair. Even maintaining what he has means he'll never be regarded as "bald" generally.


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No, don't tell him. He will realise and whatever he does is his choice...but to comment on someones appearance like that is wrong. Most guys lose hair eventually. It is normal, there are no true 'treatments'.


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I told my friend because I knew he was losing hair too. He didnt say much when I first told him about being diagnosed with male pattern baldness, but a month later he finally confessed about worrying about his hair loss. So it could work, just make sure he's not a two-faced little c*nt who'll make fun of you behind your back


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Yes, however it might be too big of an elephant in the room to talk about your own treatments without mentioning his hair, but if that actually happens, and you can tell him thoroughly about your own treatments without directly telling him to do the same, then all the better if he doesn't feel comfortable talking about it. No doubt he'll figure out why you're telling him, but it's just something that doesn't necessarily ever need to be talked about, and he might even appreciate that you respect the boundary that he doesn't want to talk about his hair loss..

I'd still say if you can talk about it openly it's probably for the best, he can ask you questions once he starts. I know for those of us who have been on treatments for years, everything may seem obvious, but little things could stop him moving on, for example I didn't bother with nizoral for ages and I can't even remember why, but if I had talked to a friend who treated/maintained their hair, they would have just told me to jump on it straight away.

I think this is the best course of action, letting him know about the treatments without telling him he needs to. Thanks everyone!

g.i joey

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me and my friends constantly rip on each other for our hairloss. My friends a nw5 at 23, he has it worst of all but majority of us have some sort of male pattern baldness. One friend whos crown is thinning but his hairline still intact is completely in denial and when we throw him a little shade he gets very defensive. I told the nw5 about propecia, he tried it out and realized he was too far gone to get some hair back and stopped, besides that my friends know i use rogaine and not propecia.

But ya if you see someone experiencing an aggressive pattern or diffuse thinning you should tell them, alot of people stay nw2 for years before progressing.


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me and my friends constantly rip on each other for our hairloss. My friends a nw5 at 23, he has it worst of all but majority of us have some sort of male pattern baldness. One friend whos crown is thinning but his hairline still intact is completely in denial and when we throw him a little shade he gets very defensive. I told the nw5 about propecia, he tried it out and realized he was too far gone to get some hair back and stopped, besides that my friends know i use rogaine and not propecia.

But ya if you see someone experiencing an aggressive pattern or diffuse thinning you should tell them, alot of people stay nw2 for years before progressing.

Should? Ffs... complete loss of perspective in here..


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he sees his face in the mirror daily, i think he already knows.
one friend did this to me i almost slaped his stupid nw1 face "of course i know i got a mirror you dumb ****"


My Regimen
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No, don't tell him. He will realise and whatever he does is his choice...but to comment on someones appearance like that is wrong. Most guys lose hair eventually. It is normal, there are no true 'treatments'.

Judging from your 2 posts you're either bald and trying to promote the world into being bald so as many guys as possible will be like you, or you're a fullhead trying to keep the baldies out of competition.

OR just a sick man who wants people to be bald and sad.