To the people that have had hair transplant's

Bald Dave

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Are you glad you went through with the procedure? To someone who is rapidly losing his hair would you recommend going for a hair transplant? I hear alot negative things about hair transplant's and i would like to confirm if you guys are happy with your results? I've been looking at various before and after pics on hair transplant websites and I have to admit that they look impressive but I am quite cynical as i fear they may be photoshopped to make balding guys like me folk out thousands for a bad hair transplant. So would you recommend going through with it and do you have any regrets?



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Hi Dave have'nt seen you in a while.
If you want to know about hair transplant's I'm the man to ask, because if you know my story you know that I've been through it all and made all the mistakes. But even someone like me who was butchered 3 times and lost £1000's can say that in the longrun I am happier now than when I was bald.
You have to have realistic about the outcome. If you want perfection you'll probably be dissapointed. If however like me you just want to have some hair rather than being bald then its a good option.
I know you're situation and I know how you feel about being pretty bald. I think you could be happier with a hair transplant but but you have to realise that its not a magic solution. Its a long journey and there are sacrifices that have to be made but its all about the outcome being worth the effort.
The most important thing with hair transplant's is to do your research so you know exactly whats involved and to make sure you get a good surgeon.
Also are you on meds? Its highly advisable to be on them.
And being in the UK travel is a neccesity for you.

Bald Dave

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Thanks saf for your honest opinion. I haven't been on the forums lately as i've been sooo busy work and a hair transplant has been something that i have been considering for a while now.

I've seen your before and after pics and they look good. I remember your before pic and you was completly bald on top but now you have a full head of hair with only minor receeding. You must be quite pleased and although its not perfct it looks alot better than before :)

I am a bit of a perfectionist and i've noticed that the front part of my head is completly bald now. I use concealer to hide my bald spot but unfortunately in the light people notice that i am wearing it :(. However in a dim litted place like a pub or club I can get away with it :punk:. I am also thinning on the crown but to be honest with you that doesn't really bother me and if i had a hair transplant i would prob leave the crown area. Its the temples that i want to work on. The fact is that i need to realise that it won't be perfect but even the slightest improvement would be better than nothing. I need to start researching and these boards give alot of good suggestions.

I ain't on the meds as i am worried about the side effects of finasteride as i hear you can have loss of libido and can make you infertile. This sort of puts me off from using them. Would you recommend using them still after getting a hair transplant? Is there a possiblilty that your hair can fall out again after getting a hair transplant?

I sort of wanna find a good surgeon here in the uk. The work doesn't have to be perfect but just good enough to hide my baldness and show that it doesn't look like i've had a hair transplant. i've seen adverts on cable tv regarding the Belgravia Centre and it looks quite good. Would you recommend this place? Also do people (who don't know you've had a hair transplant) notice the hair transplant?

Thanks for your input mate and I really appreciate it.



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Hi Dave,

I could not be happier with my hair transplant, it has made an enormous difference to my appearence and self confidence.

As SAF as already pointed out though, everyone is different and what might be right for me may be completely wrong for you. Do your research, go for some consultations and decide with your eyes wide open :)

I went to Dr. Rogers in Stratford and found him to be extremely good, a number of my friends have also used him and have been more than satisfied. I have also heard very good things from a friend who went to Dr Ulf Kienecker, not sure of the clinic name though it was in London. Her hairline looks *amazingly* dense for a single procedure, and I will have a consult with Dr. Keinecker myself for my final procedure.

Good luck!
Dani x


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Dave you need to be on finasteride if you're going to do this.
Trust me it wont make your dick fall off :) side effects are rare (and often people convince themselves that they have them) there are literally millions of men worldwide on finasteride, but the fact is that a tiny minority who have some sides make a very big deal about it.
As for losing hair you wont lose the transplanted hair but you will continue to lose your natural hair if you're not on meds.

And travelling for a hair transplant really is'nt optional, although Gemini was satisfied with a UK hair transplant. Thats the only case I've ever heard of in all my years on Hairloss forums. I have on the other hand heard countless people who had bad hair transplant's and some of them were from Dr Rogers. He's probably the best in the UK but that does'nt mean he's anywhere near the top standard.

I know it would be convient to have a hair transplant here in the uk (thats exactly what I thought and in the end I had to go to the U.S twice to try and reverse the damage) the UK has a terrible reputation for hair transplant's and when we're talking about your looks its better to be safe than sorry. (thats something I learned the hard way) going to 2 of the biggest clinics in the UK that had been established 20 yrs cost me £1000's and lost me 1000's of potential grafts and jepordised my chance of getting a top result.


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Wow SAF, you're losing your touch. It took nearly 10 hours this time...

Dave, as you can see, you'll see many different opinions on a forum like this. I actually do know (personally) numerous people who have been to Dr. Rogers and had very good results, have a look in a UK transsexual forum, I'm sure you won't be looking long :)

That said, for all you know I (or SAF or any other person on the interwebs) could be talking utter bull, either of us could even be shills.

Do your research, don't be afraid to ask the clinics and surgeons for *all* the information, feedback, testimonials etc. that *you* need to satisfy your requirements.

It's something I've done myself, I'm actually about to have another hair transplant and am considering surgeons too, maybe we can get group discount hehe.

I'm quite literally having almost every part of my body surgically altered in some way, from feet to hair. I've found that there are specialits in different areas all over the world, and I really only want the best surgons working on me. Many of the procedures I'm having will require me to travel between Thailand (Dr. Supporn), The United States (Dr. Ousterhout) and right here in the UK (Dr. Musgrove); oddly despite what many people seem to believe, the one thing I sincerely can't see much difference between is hair loss treatments from the better known surgeons.

Personally I think that in the past there were surgeons which were *way* ahead of what was available in the UK, but these days hair transplant seems to be such a commonplace procedure that the good surgeons around the world have little between them.

All that said, again I re-iterate, please do not take the word of random strangers on a forum. Do your research, ask questions, gather the facts and I'm sure you'll make the right decision :)

Bald Dave

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Saf, how much did your hair transplant cost in the US and whereabouts did you go to get it done? After looking at your before and after pics it looks an ok job and I would be interested in researching the docs that did your hair transplant.




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GeminiX said:
Wow SAF, you're losing your touch. It took nearly 10 hours this time...
Dave, as you can see, you'll see many different opinions on a forum like this. I actually do know (personally) numerous people who have been to Dr. Rogers and had very good results, have a look in a UK transsexual forum, I'm sure you won't be looking long :)

That said, for all you know I (or SAF or any other person on the interwebs) could be talking utter bull, either of us could even be shills.

Do your research, don't be afraid to ask the clinics and surgeons for *all* the information, feedback, testimonials etc. that *you* need to satisfy your requirements.

Many of the procedures I'm having will require me to travel between Thailand (Dr. Supporn), The United States (Dr. Ousterhout) and right here in the UK (Dr. Musgrove); oddly despite what many people seem to believe, the one thing I sincerely can't see much difference between is hair loss treatments from the better known surgeons.

Personally I think that in the past there were surgeons which were *way* ahead of what was available in the UK, but these days hair transplant seems to be such a commonplace procedure that the good surgeons around the world have little between them.

Gemini your loyalty to Dr Rogers is commendable but having been through the mill when it comes to hair transplant's I'm not going to suggest anything other than the very best advice to anyone in situation similar to what I started out in.
There are so many important factors to getting a good result and if you dont have the best donor characteristics for example then you cant afford to go with anyone but the best. We're not talking about getting a haircut here or buying a pair of shoes this is for life, good is just not good enough you have to go with the best.
The 2 UK clinics I went with were supposedly the best in europe they had been established 20 yrs and marketed themselves as being 'state of the art' it was all hype in reality they were not even fit to operate on animals.

We owe it to bald guys out there to do all we can to put a stop to these people who are wrecking lives and at the same time promote those worthy surgeons who really can make miraculous transformations.

As you say I could just be a shill out to promote my own interests but since most people know that I've been on here for years and have contributed 1000's of posts in many different topics hair transplant's probably only accounting for a few hundred posts then I'd be the most dedicated salesman ever.

And that fact that hair transplant is becoming more commonplace sadly has nothing to do with the standards it really just means that more and more amatuers are trying their hand at it.
I truely believe there are only about 15 surgeons in the entire world who offer a seriously state of the art procedure. And even they cannot garantee a brilliant result every time.

Why are there no decent hair transplant surgeons in the UK?
Well for a start there probably less than a dozen serious hair transplant clinics(and about another 20 or so who'll offer the procedure) over here.
Whilst in a country like the U.S which is bigger and has a bigger market in cosmetic procedures there are more like 100 serious hair transplant surgeons (and probably another 200 places that will offer the procedure). So its simply a numbers game.

Gemini you only proved my point by saying that you are travelling to have your ops. Why not just stay herre in the UK? I'm sure you could find someone willing to do all of them? It does'nt suprise me that you're going to Thailand for some surgery because that country has a much higher rate of transexuals than anywhere else so obviously thats the best place for newer inovations, and Drs with the most experience ect, and its the same story with hair transplant's in the U.S.

Believe me if there was a world class surgeon in the UK I'd be his biggest fan and I'm sure he'd be treating patients from all over the world but I dont hear of many people coming to the UK from abroad to get a hair transplant.

Dave I had my (repair work) done by Dr Feller in New York, I cant claim that he's the best but he has a solid reputaion. Infact repairing butchered guys from the UK and also lucky ones who did their research probably accounts for a decent chunk of his business he told me he gets about 2 or 3 english guys every week.
However as gemini said you cant just take one persons word for it you have to do your own research and if you look through the posts on here and on hair transplant only forums you'll find out which are the top names who get many recommendations. Hassan and Wong, Rahal, Feller ect all these people are the busiest surgeons in the world and theres a reason for that if you want to go with them you'll have to book months in advance whereas a UK clinic could probably fit you in with a couple of days notice.
I know who I would go with if I had my chance again but all I can say to you is that you need to take some time to research before you make a descision.

The cost depends upon what type of procedure you have and how many grafts you need but you're going to be talking at least £3,4 or 5000. But the way I see it if I was offered hair or a car worth that much I know which one I'd choose.


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SAF, why do you always think I'm disagreeing with you and go on to write paragraph after paragraph to prove some sort of point?

You seem to think I'm being brave or something R.E,
your loyalty to Dr Rogers is commendable

All I'm saying to poor Dave is to not trust *anyone* on the interwebs and make a judgement based on good old common sense, not what some highly opinionated stranger on an anonymous forum says.

I too have been here for many years (a couple of years before you even I think) and made many (hopefully) useful posts. I even made my choice to use Dr. Rogers based partially from recommendations on *this very forum*. I would never dream of being as bold as trying to pass myself off as some kind of expert though, I try to limit my comments on *my* personal experiences and those of people I *actually* know in the real world. I'm sure you won't be suprised to learn that for transsexuals, hair transplant procedures are as popular as buying shoes, so as a part time LGBT counsellor I get to meet and speak to *lots* :)

SAF, you sould like you sincerely seem to believe everything you type and do not come accross as a shill, but surely you don't think it's good advice for anyone to blindly trust what they read here? Ultimately, that is all I'm trying to get across.

Gemini you only proved my point by saying that you are travelling to have your ops. Why not just stay herre in the UK? I'm sure you could find someone willing to do all of them? It does'nt suprise me that you're going to Thailand for some surgery because that country has a much higher rate of transexuals than anywhere else so obviously thats the best place for newer inovations, and Drs with the most experience ect, and its the same story with hair transplant's in the U.S.

We're both making the same point. Re-read my post, I go on to add that I have been unable to really find any significant benefit in travelling abroad for hair transplant, if I did, I would have no hesitation in doing so.

Ultimately, we're clearly never going to agree on whether you can get a decent hair transplant in the UK or not, but you really don't need to act like some kind of stalker and regularly bash my opinions after you have made your own points, it's kinda rude to be honest. Besides, most people aren't idiots, you don't need to batter them over the head with your views, let them make up their minds for themselves.

We owe it to bald guys out there to do all we can to put a stop to these people who are wrecking lives and at the same time promote those worthy surgeons who really can make miraculous transformations.

I completely agree here too, I am quite an "activist" lately and have no problems in taking on villains, rogues and scumbags; I just think that it's very unfair to put Dr. Rogers in this category. There are most definately butchers and scammers in the UK, Norton for example, but I would hope most people armed with the good advice on this forum combined with Norton's completely absurd promises should spot them a mile off.

The cost depends upon what type of procedure you have and how many grafts you need but you're going to be talking at least £3,4 or 5000. But the way I see it if I was offered hair or a car worth that much I know which one I'd choose.

Ah well, at least we seem to agree on people doing research and just how good getting a decent hair transplant makes you feel :)

*edit* The stalker comment was a bit harsh, sorry. I was about to remove it but I noticed you logged on and have probably read it now.

*2nd edit* I just noticed Dr. Fellers prices, there at least is a reason to travel abroad; he's cheaper than the UK (though depends on flights). Not that I would ever advise anyone to chose a surgeon based on price, but if you're satisfied that the quality is equal then price has to be a factor.

*3rd edit* Sweet Jebus SAF, you've been on this page for ages. Hurry up and post, I want to go to bed :sleep:


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We're clearly not going to agree about Rogers but I suspected Dave would be easily influenced so I felt I had to speak out and was maybe more curt than I should have been. And that was the only part of your advise that I did'nt agree on.
For the record I dont rank Rogers along with the likes of Norton and Nobel (they are clearly in a league of their own) but I did'nt want him to be persuaded into taking what looked like the easiest option, because with something as serious as this convienience should'nt come into it.


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Is Nobel a butcher then?

I was thinking of going for a consult, though to be honest I'm growing weary of speaking to surgeons. I've spoken to literally dozens regarding various procedures, they are starting to blur :)

*edit* Ok, I just went to the Nobel website, *wow* that's a cheap hair transplant. That has to set alarm bells ringing, his example photos don't look very good either. Oh dear, his website is also two years out of date, that's enough to scare most people away right there.


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Is Nobel that guy who is just like Norton?

He has a "virtual" business and operates out of day-rental sales rooms and GP's clinics?


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Nobel is not a he - Nobel is just a name to hide behind they have a salesman but the work is done by 2 women. Neither of these women are fully qualified surgeons they just have the basics in nursing training and believe it or not that is all you need in order to set up a clinic they even do other cosmetic procedures! :shock:
They operate out of a room in a guest house near Gatwick strangley enough they own the guest house (suppose when business is slow they have to have another income).
Like Norton they have been around about 20 yrs and survive by preying on the uninformed. People who like me presumed that all clinics offer a relativly identical service. After all when you go to the dentist you dont do research and look for refrences do you? You just presume that the Dr is competent and will do a good job.
I learned the hard way and believe it or not even these days when everybody has easy access to the internet there are still people being caught out through complacency every day.


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Oh wow, I *completely* understand where you're coming from now.

It was the "glazing salesman" approach that initally put me off Norton, plus they really over promised on the procedure claiming they would transplant far more grafts on the hairline in a single procedure than I believed possible. I actually booked a session while I was there, but felt very uneasy about it immediately and called them to cancel a few days later.

By comparison to Norton, Rogers really undersold me. He was clear on things like how important it is to insert the transplants so they lay correctly, density etc., a whole world of difference. I suspect that most of the respectable surgeons don't use slick sales people, they are simply not required.

If I was in your shoes, and went though what you did, and then went to somewhere who really took care of me and delivered, I would feel much the same as you :)


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I really for you about your hair transplant s.a.f.

On the surface it seems like a cut and dry procedure, but when you start researching you realize just how tricky it is. It is probably the most difficult cosmetic procedure to perform and still obtain an aesthetically pleasing result. Shaving down a nose, breast implants, chin implant, etc - all difficult in their own way but there's only so many ways to mess it up. But there's a million ways a hair transplant can go wrong - the surgery itself, low yield, shock loss, poor healing, running out of grafts, unnatural appearance - it's insane.