To what extent does hair "die", to what extent could it theoretically be revived in a future remedy?

Hello everybody

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I'm just wondering: If my hair is relatively fine right now (somewhat noticable pattern loss but not too bad for me), how much should I start to worry about the future?
In male pattern baldness, do hair follicles die so that only mechanical intervention will be possible (e.g. transplant)?
Or are they just dormant or severely diminished and could theoretically be re-activated/up-sized?
How do you know at what point you should start preventative treatment?

When is it too far gone, for today's treatment?
When is it too far gone for the future of treatments?


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I would see a dermatologist first and determine you have male pattern baldness, follicles take 3-5 years when they die. You could use Finasteride to prevent further loss or a mild shampoo like Nizoral or Regenepure DR.