Toco-Sorb & Toco-8 vs. Tocotrienols from Food


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I've been taking toco-sorb (2 gel cap, 120 mg) for a year now with Sesamin lignans (1000 mg) every day. Never help my hair but my cardio, complexion, shape is better than ever. This is the best Vitamin E available on the market with great bioavailability. Never tried toco-8 which is the same think but in powder form and more expensive...BTW guys, didn't help for my hair...was taking vitamine e everyday before anyways.. but can help somebody else... It is like every supplements on the market..Like MSM.. can help someone but can do nothing on somebody else. But some people will never understand that here. We all humans but all dealing differently with the intake of supplements, medication... This is why you need more than one subject when you conduct a study.


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the Last Fight said:
Ive heard that based on dosage size that there pretty close in price.

Toco-Sorb 15$ each bottle at Vitacost. Toco-8 29.95! Half-price... No powder form like Toco-8. Gel caps. Less pain in the arse.


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squeegee said:
the Last Fight said:
Ive heard that based on dosage size that there pretty close in price.

Toco-Sorb 15$ each bottle at Vitacost. Toco-8 29.95! Half-price... No powder form like Toco-8. Gel caps. Less pain in the arse.

But you have to take two caps of Toco-Sorb to get the same amount than with Toco-8, so the cost is really the same.


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1 bottle=60 softgels... :eek:opsblush:


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Yeah so?

Toco-8 has 60 servings per container and costs $29.90. Toco-Sorb has 60 gelcaps per bottle and costs about $15.

You'll need two gelcaps to match one serving of Toco-8, so to get 60 servings you need two bottles, which is $30.


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Ok JLL! let's compare the 2 bastards! ... comin.html

Up to 3X Greater Absorption. TocoSorbâ„¢ tocotrienol Vitamin E complex utilizes SupraBioâ„¢ enhanced absorption systemSupplement Facts
Tocomin® SupraBio™ Bio-Enhanced Natural Full Spectrum Palm Tocotrienol / Tocopherol Complex Oil Suspension (20%, 25%)

Serving Size: 1 Softgel
Servings per Container: 60

Patented SupraBioâ„¢

Total Tocotrienols: 60 Milligrams *
d-Alpha Tocotrienol 17.3 Milligrams *
d-Beta Tocotrienol 2.6 Milligrams *
d-Gamma Tocotrienol 31.5 Milligrams *
Ddeltatocotrienol 8.6 Milligrams *

Total d-alpha tocopherol 26 International Unit 87% Vitamin E: 1 IU is the biological equivalent of about 0.667 mg d-alpha-tocopherol (2/3 mg exactly), or of 1 mg of dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate

Plant Squalene 15 Milligrams *
Phytosterols complex 5.3 Milligrams *
Mixed carotenoid complex 75 micrgrams

Toco-8 ingredients: 1 scoop
Mixed Tocotrienols/Tocopherols (Tocomin®)
Tocomin®Natural Full Spectrum Palm Tocotrienol / Tocopherol Complex Oil Suspension (30%, 50%, 50%C)

Naturally Occurring Phyto-Nutrients
(beta-sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol)
(?-carotene, ?-carotene, ?-carotene)
Co-Enzyme Q10

Both totally different products.


the Last Fight

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3X better absorption compared to what .. ? Toco-sorb does nothing for your hair so Toco8 is better since there is studies on it, and it comes in those neat silver tins .. you lose .. :whistle:


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the Last Fight said:
3X better absorption compared to what .. ? Toco-sorb does nothing for your hair so Toco8 is better since there is studies on it, and it comes in those neat silver tins .. you lose .. :whistle:

First Last Fight start to read. Both products got the same supplier BTW: Carotech ... comin.html

Both got different patent from Carotech.. Toco-Sorb : Bio-Enhanced Natural Full Spectrum Palm Tocotrienol / Tocopherol Complex Oil Suspension (20%, 25%)TOCOMIN® SUPRABIOTM
Toco-8: Natural Full Spectrum Palm Tocotrienol / Tocopherol Complex Oil Suspension (30%, 50%, 50%C)TOCOMIN®

Carotech Inc, will promote its newly patented TOCOMIN® SUPRABIOTM TOCOTRIENOL SYSTEM at the Health Ingredients Europe (HiE) 2004, Nov 16-18 in Amsterdam.

Carotech was awarded a US Patent No. 6,596, 306 for a novel bio-enhanced tocotrienol complex that guarantees an increased in bioavailability of tocotrienols in the gastrointestinal tract.

In a two-period, two-sequence cross over human bio-availability study with TOCOMIN® SUPRABIOTM SYSTEM, the results showed its tocotrienol was 200-300% more bioavailable compared to the conventional tocotrienol oil extract. TOCOMIN® SUPRABIOTM SYSTEM has the following unique properties :-

1) 200 - 300% increase in absorption. Hence achieving therapeutic level in bloodstream at a lower dosage of supplementation
2) Promotes absorption of tocotrienols via lymphatic system.
3) Does not depend on dietary fat intake / food
4) Consistent and Rapid transport of tocotrienols into the blood. Faster to reach maximum peak

“We are delighted to be awarded this patent that further solidifies Carotech’s position as the leading supplier of natural full spectrum tocotrienol complex in the world. The TOCOMIN® SUPRABIOTM SYSTEM will be the next frontier in tocotrienol formulation,â€￾ says WH Leong, Vice President of Carotech Inc

Carotech is the leading and largest supplier of natural full spectrum palm tocotrienol complex - Tocomin® in the world. Carotech also produces natural mixed carotene complex - Caromin® and phytosterol - Steromax® (Non-GMO) from palm fruits (Elaeis guineensis), through a US patented technology. These phytonutrients come in various forms (oil extract, compressible beadlets as well as water dispersible powder) to cater for different applications - supplements (soft gel, tablet & two-piece hard shell), functional foods and drinks and last but not least cosmetic/skin nutrition.

Visit Carotech Inc at the Health Ingredients, Europe, 2004, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Booth No : A 40

Major Findings (cont.)
A new 8-month clinical trial showed oral supplementation with Tocomin? SupraBioTM promotes hair growth in men & women suffering from androgenetic alopecia (pattern baldness)
Hair Growth (Patent Granted)
Oct 2007 : Carotech was granted a US Patent No : 7,211,274 for tocotrienol in promoting hair growth.
Prof. KH Yuen and colleagues from the University of Science Malaysia conducted the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the effect of Tocomin? SupraBioTM Full Spectrum Palm Tocotrienol Complex on hair growth.
28 subjects were randomized to receive either 50mg (1 softgel of Toco-Sorb= 60 mg)of tocotrienol complex (Tocomin? SupraBioTM) or placebo, twice daily after food over a period of 8 months. Hair count in the area (2 x 2 cm) of hair thinning and weight of hair (20 strands) were conducted at each visits.
At the end of the supplementation period, all subjects in the tocotrienol group had positive response, recoding in the number of hair in the evaluation area.
An average of 41.8% increase in the number of hair was observed after 8-month tocotrienol supplementation, with :-
8 volunteers (40.0%) showed > 50% hair growth
1 volunteer (5.0%) showed 25-50% hair growth
9 volunteers (45.0%) showed 10-25% hair growth
1 volunteer (5.0%) showed < 10% hair growth

However, no statistically significant difference between pre- and post-supplementation was detected in term of weight of hair.
Supplementation with Tocomin? SupraBioTM Full Spectrum palm Tocotrienol Complex may promotes hair growth and increase the number of hair in individuals experiencing hair loss.

Toco-Sorb does his Job. End of the line. This is your money, you are the judge.

JLL: Tocotrienols From Normal Diet Alone
Since tocotrienols only occur at very low levels in nature, with the highest concentration found in palm oil, so it is virtually impossible to attain the amount of tocotrienols that show beneficial effects from the normal diet alone. For example, one would need to consume a cup of palm olein (cooking oil) a day to get the level required for effectiveness as described in most studies.

Sources Amount Taken To Achieve the Required Levels of Tocotrienols
RBD Palm Olein (Cooking Oil) 1 tea cup (~ 80 g)
Rice Bran Oil 2 tea cup (~ 160 g)
Barley 3.0 kg
Wheatgerm 1.5 kg
Oats 4.0 kg



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I don't get how they are "totally different products"; Toco-8 has about twice the amount of tocotrienols per serving compared to Toco-Sorb. It also costs twice as much.


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LOL read my last post..Hey Jll where is that study for Toco-8? The actual one? I cannot find it.


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squeegee said:
LOL read my last post..Hey Jll where is that study for Toco-8? The actual one? I cannot find it.

The only study I'm aware of is the patent study, to which there's a link on my blog post.


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I'm split between Sorb and 8... not only because of the promises of hair "growth", but I wouldn't mind a kick in testosterone and general energy for working out.

The kicker is, none of them state "new" growth, just improved growth.

Whats your experience thus far JLL? I'd buy some Toco-8, but shipping is quite expensive to Canada...


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KANGA said:
I'm split between Sorb and 8... not only because of the promises of hair "growth", but I wouldn't mind a kick in testosterone and general energy for working out.

The kicker is, none of them state "new" growth, just improved growth.

Whats your experience thus far JLL? I'd buy some Toco-8, but shipping is quite expensive to Canada...

The patent study did claim new hair growth:

"At the end of the supplementation period, all volunteers in the tocotrienol formulation group had positive results, recording an increase in the number of hairs in the evaluation area. Seven volunteers (64%) showed regrowth of between 10-35% while 3 volunteers (27%) had 50% or greater regrowth. One volunteer had regrowth of more than 100%. The mean percentage of increase in the number of hairs is 42.4.+-.40.9%"

But the patent study doesn't mention how much tocotrienols they used.

I've only been taking it for about 2 weeks, haven't noticed anything yet.

I don't know how much the shipping is to Canada, but if you click on the VitaPal ad on my blog and use the discount code "5pHOLIDAY1222" when you order, you can get 5% off any product. I was told that this is valid until midnight today, after which there's a new code on Monday. If mentioning this is not allowed by the boards, feel free to remove this part of the post.


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Hmm, can't wait to try my diet out of broccoli, toco-8, and sesame seeds!