Today I Felt A Shred Of Sympathy For A Vacuous Chad Norwood-1


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For only a moment, then it felt good.

(There's a tl;dr at the end)

There's a show in the UK called First Dates, pretty self-explanatory.

This guy came on it who is apparently fairly famous as a model (this is meant to be a show for civilians), or for dating some soap actress, his name is Sam Reece:


So he had a date with this quite stunning woman, who was also totally vacuous but not nearly as 2 dimensional.

It was going pretty f*****g awful of course because conversationally it was like two green beans headbutting in an attempt to create a brain cell, literally the most interesting thing they talked about is how he puts his eyebrow up a little bit as his model pose, and then it turned to how she can't move her face whatsoever, then they both proceeded to try winking. This lasted an eternity.

To try and create some sort of conversation she brings up this question game. Well, she calls it a "question game I like playing to get people to ask questions" but for most people it's simply, asking another person a question, in any form, there's no rules or reason or rhyme. Eg "Do you like Chinese or Indian food?" "Do you drive?" (real examples).

They put this girl across as "Brains, and beauty" and then reveal why- she wants to do a degree in counselling and psychology. OK. But I guess the producers have to make one of them "the smart one" as he literally describes what he finds important in a partner;

"I like to see the ankle bones, and the knee caps, and if they have flip flops on, I have to count the toes."

So back to the internationally famed Question Game (aka conversation), of course he comes up with "What do you prefer looks or personality?" quite forcefully, this is important- and this is where it goes from worse, to hell. She stalls and of course says she's not shallow at all etc. blahblah we've all heard it before (her description of an ideal guy before the date, while it didn't involve knee caps and ankle bones, was tall and very handsome).

Then his face goes from sh*t-bored, to disgusted, and suddenly like a human aesthetic salesman he tries to turn her around "But surely... the first thing you see represents a person... and looks y'know... they uhm... matter and that".

I could instantly tell that the reason for his question was so important, he knows he has nothing of value in terms of personality, he is so horrified when she doesn't pick beauty (which exposes how retarded he is that she might choose to openly look shallow on TV) and the rest of the date actually turns nasty. He goes from vague interest, to wanting to smash this woman's face into her dessert.

They spend the end of the date staring at their drinks in silence.

In the end, she does at least stick to her promise, sorry for the red pillers but she didn't bang him in the toilets, she admitted she found him very attractive but there was nothing going on personality wise. Although you could argue she might've sensed it was doomed, personally I'd believe she had no interest in this case. Then again she did seem batshit crazy - a 21 year old woman who constantly talks about Disney movies, Prince Charming and her "book of gentlemanliness" (which is pretty much that the man pays on the first date, she doesn't mention what happens on dates after that but I doubt that's ever happened, and it's implied he still pays if it did).


I wouldn't be surprised if she brought these flowers for herself. Or her mumsy bought them for not wetting the bed this week.


If you can take away anything from this, it's that this guy will never experience self-awareness and appreciation of so many things in life.

I almost felt sorry for him, for a moment, but at the same time I saw a guy who has never made an effort to be anything, it's all just fell in to place and he doesn't have to be interesting. And more than that he's a gigantic hypocrite, he sombrely talks about how once women see him and know he's a model they throw themselves at him (wah wah) and he never knows who to trust, but his interest in finding a partner? Teeth, eyes, and uh, ankles, knee caps and 10 toes (maybe he likes generic features here so they can't identify the body).

And who's the soap star he's "famous" for dating?


A 5/10 plastered up as a sometimes 8. Every cloud...

If you're a globe travelling 9/10 model and this is the best you can do, you must know you are a worthless piece of sh*t.


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For only a moment, then it felt good.

(There's a tl;dr at the end)

There's a show in the UK called First Dates, pretty self-explanatory.

This guy came on it who is apparently fairly famous as a model (this is meant to be a show for civilians), or for dating some soap actress, his name is Sam Reece:


So he had a date with this quite stunning woman, who was also totally vacuous but not nearly as 2 dimensional.

It was going pretty f*****g awful of course because conversationally it was like two green beans headbutting in an attempt to create a brain cell, literally the most interesting thing they talked about is how he puts his eyebrow up a little bit as his model pose, and then it turned to how she can't move her face whatsoever, then they both proceeded to try winking. This lasted an eternity.

To try and create some sort of conversation she brings up this question game. Well, she calls it a "question game I like playing to get people to ask questions" but for most people it's simply, asking another person a question, in any form, there's no rules or reason or rhyme. Eg "Do you like Chinese or Indian food?" "Do you drive?" (real examples).

They put this girl across as "Brains, and beauty" and then reveal why- she wants to do a degree in counselling and psychology. OK. But I guess the producers have to make one of them "the smart one" as he literally describes what he finds important in a partner;

"I like to see the ankle bones, and the knee caps, and if they have flip flops on, I have to count the toes."

So back to the internationally famed Question Game (aka conversation), of course he comes up with "What do you prefer looks or personality?" quite forcefully, this is important- and this is where it goes from worse, to hell. She stalls and of course says she's not shallow at all etc. blahblah we've all heard it before (her description of an ideal guy before the date, while it didn't involve knee caps and ankle bones, was tall and very handsome).

Then his face goes from sh*t-bored, to disgusted, and suddenly like a human aesthetic salesman he tries to turn her around "But surely... the first thing you see represents a person... and looks y'know... they uhm... matter and that".

I could instantly tell that the reason for his question was so important, he knows he has nothing of value in terms of personality, he is so horrified when she doesn't pick beauty (which exposes how retarded he is that she might choose to openly look shallow on TV) and the rest of the date actually turns nasty. He goes from vague interest, to wanting to smash this woman's face into her dessert.

They spend the end of the date staring at their drinks in silence.

In the end, she does at least stick to her promise, sorry for the red pillers but she didn't bang him in the toilets, she admitted she found him very attractive but there was nothing going on personality wise. Although you could argue she might've sensed it was doomed, personally I'd believe she had no interest in this case. Then again she did seem batshit crazy - a 21 year old woman who constantly talks about Disney movies, Prince Charming and her "book of gentlemanliness" (which is pretty much that the man pays on the first date, she doesn't mention what happens on dates after that but I doubt that's ever happened, and it's implied he still pays if it did).


I wouldn't be surprised if she brought these flowers for herself. Or her mumsy bought them for not wetting the bed this week.


If you can take away anything from this, it's that this guy will never experience self-awareness and appreciation of so many things in life.

I almost felt sorry for him, for a moment, but at the same time I saw a guy who has never made an effort to be anything, it's all just fell in to place and he doesn't have to be interesting. And more than that he's a gigantic hypocrite, he sombrely talks about how once women see him and know he's a model they throw themselves at him (wah wah) and he never knows who to trust, but his interest in finding a partner? Teeth, eyes, and uh, ankles, knee caps and 10 toes (maybe he likes generic features here so they can't identify the body).

And who's the soap star he's "famous" for dating?


A 5/10 plastered up as a sometimes 8. Every cloud...

If you're a globe travelling 9/10 model and this is the best you can do, you must know you are a worthless piece of sh*t.

i remember this episode.

was it on just now mate?

i remember what a f*****g retard he was. i would rather let a rat nibble away at my dick for hour than hang around with this moron

i vaguely remembering it getting awkward as f***

she also was a bit weird from memory. funny show though

also i dont think hes that good looking at all. even with his minus nw3. average looking with great hair. hes chick suits him perfectly

hi, would you ever go on this tv show?


My Regimen
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i remember this episode.

was it on just now mate?

i remember what a f*****g retard he was. i would rather let a rat nibble away at my dick for hour than hang around with this moron

i vaguely remembering it getting awkward as f***

she also was a bit weird from memory. funny show though

also i dont think hes that good looking at all. even with his minus nw3. average looking with great hair. hes chick suits him perfectly

hi, would you ever go on this tv show?

I didn't realise until afterwards this episode is a few years old, I actually thought it was new.

I have to say, I didn't know he'd be considered that good looking when they first showed him. However if you google pictures of him, he is legit at least 8/10 with shorter hair, the man bun really did nothing for him.



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I didn't realise until afterwards this episode is a few years old, I actually thought it was new.

I have to say, I didn't know he'd be considered that good looking when they first showed him. However if you google pictures of him, he is legit at least 8/10 with shorter hair, the man bun really did nothing for him.


yeah fair enough he looks good there

still a f*****g moron tho lol


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I didn't realise until afterwards this episode is a few years old, I actually thought it was new.

I have to say, I didn't know he'd be considered that good looking when they first showed him. However if you google pictures of him, he is legit at least 8/10 with shorter hair, the man bun really did nothing for him.


Sounds like another love interest for @h.i.


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A 5/10 plastered up as a sometimes 8. Every cloud...

If you're a globe travelling 9/10 model and this is the best you can do, you must know you are a worthless piece of sh*t.

Damn, that is brutal!


Senior Member
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For only a moment, then it felt good.

(There's a tl;dr at the end)

There's a show in the UK called First Dates, pretty self-explanatory.

This guy came on it who is apparently fairly famous as a model (this is meant to be a show for civilians), or for dating some soap actress, his name is Sam Reece:


So he had a date with this quite stunning woman, who was also totally vacuous but not nearly as 2 dimensional.

It was going pretty f*****g awful of course because conversationally it was like two green beans headbutting in an attempt to create a brain cell, literally the most interesting thing they talked about is how he puts his eyebrow up a little bit as his model pose, and then it turned to how she can't move her face whatsoever, then they both proceeded to try winking. This lasted an eternity.

To try and create some sort of conversation she brings up this question game. Well, she calls it a "question game I like playing to get people to ask questions" but for most people it's simply, asking another person a question, in any form, there's no rules or reason or rhyme. Eg "Do you like Chinese or Indian food?" "Do you drive?" (real examples).

They put this girl across as "Brains, and beauty" and then reveal why- she wants to do a degree in counselling and psychology. OK. But I guess the producers have to make one of them "the smart one" as he literally describes what he finds important in a partner;

"I like to see the ankle bones, and the knee caps, and if they have flip flops on, I have to count the toes."

So back to the internationally famed Question Game (aka conversation), of course he comes up with "What do you prefer looks or personality?" quite forcefully, this is important- and this is where it goes from worse, to hell. She stalls and of course says she's not shallow at all etc. blahblah we've all heard it before (her description of an ideal guy before the date, while it didn't involve knee caps and ankle bones, was tall and very handsome).

Then his face goes from sh*t-bored, to disgusted, and suddenly like a human aesthetic salesman he tries to turn her around "But surely... the first thing you see represents a person... and looks y'know... they uhm... matter and that".

I could instantly tell that the reason for his question was so important, he knows he has nothing of value in terms of personality, he is so horrified when she doesn't pick beauty (which exposes how retarded he is that she might choose to openly look shallow on TV) and the rest of the date actually turns nasty. He goes from vague interest, to wanting to smash this woman's face into her dessert.

They spend the end of the date staring at their drinks in silence.

In the end, she does at least stick to her promise, sorry for the red pillers but she didn't bang him in the toilets, she admitted she found him very attractive but there was nothing going on personality wise. Although you could argue she might've sensed it was doomed, personally I'd believe she had no interest in this case. Then again she did seem batshit crazy - a 21 year old woman who constantly talks about Disney movies, Prince Charming and her "book of gentlemanliness" (which is pretty much that the man pays on the first date, she doesn't mention what happens on dates after that but I doubt that's ever happened, and it's implied he still pays if it did).


I wouldn't be surprised if she brought these flowers for herself. Or her mumsy bought them for not wetting the bed this week.


If you can take away anything from this, it's that this guy will never experience self-awareness and appreciation of so many things in life.

I almost felt sorry for him, for a moment, but at the same time I saw a guy who has never made an effort to be anything, it's all just fell in to place and he doesn't have to be interesting. And more than that he's a gigantic hypocrite, he sombrely talks about how once women see him and know he's a model they throw themselves at him (wah wah) and he never knows who to trust, but his interest in finding a partner? Teeth, eyes, and uh, ankles, knee caps and 10 toes (maybe he likes generic features here so they can't identify the body).

And who's the soap star he's "famous" for dating?


A 5/10 plastered up as a sometimes 8. Every cloud...

If you're a globe travelling 9/10 model and this is the best you can do, you must know you are a worthless piece of sh*t.
Yeah, but the underlying tone of your post is one of a MASSIVE amount of jealously.
(You're sounding petty and childish again too)

You do realise that this "date" has been heavily edited for the sake of projecting a general theme, right?
That theme being the very cliche and obvious "good looking people are stupid" theme that is so popular amongst the great unwashed.

Any semblance of an intellectual conversation between these two characters is surely cut and left on the editing room floor.
They are made to look as stupid as possible.
It makes for riveting television, duh!!!

Besides, the dumber the producers of this show make these two people look, the easier and more acceptable it is for the masses to digest.
The general public get the best of both worlds :
Some pretty people to look at while also being reassured in the knowledge that good looking people are clearly below them on the IQ front.

A win win for all!

Have you ever looked up the word "gullible"?
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Yeah, but the underlying tone of your post is one of a MASSIVE amount of jealously.
(You're sounding petty and childish again too)

You do realise that this date has been heavily edited for the sake of projecting a general theme, right?
That theme being the very cliche and obvious "good looking people are stupid" theme that is so popular amongst the great unwashed.

Any semblance of an intellectual conversation between these two characters is surely cut and left on the editing room floor.

The dumber the producers of this show make these two look, the easier and more acceptable it is for the masses to digest.
The general public get the best of both worlds :
Some pretty people to look at while also being reassured that good looking people are clearly below them on the IQ front.

A win win for all!

Have you ever looked up the word "gullible"?


yeah @h.l. what were u thinking?


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.. the man bun really did nothing for him.
Who cares what the man bun did for him?
I cringe for the sake of our human race when I hear adult men making comments like this.


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The guy really did come across as pretty stupid. I couldn't date someone as dense and as dull as he no matter how pretty and I think the girl made the right decision.

He needs to go out with another pretty girl without much for brains.

We often talk about looksmatch and seldom talk about class match, IQ match, and morals match - all of which are essential components to a successful relationship


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Yeah, but the underlying tone of your post is one of a MASSIVE amount of jealously.
(You're sounding petty and childish again too)

You do realise that this "date" has been heavily edited for the sake of projecting a general theme, right?
That theme being the very cliche and obvious "good looking people are stupid" theme that is so popular amongst the great unwashed.

Any semblance of an intellectual conversation between these two characters is surely cut and left on the editing room floor.
They are made to look as stupid as possible.
It makes for riveting television, duh!!!

Besides, the dumber the producers of this show make these two people look, the easier and more acceptable it is for the masses to digest.
The general public get the best of both worlds :
Some pretty people to look at while also being reassured in the knowledge that good looking people are clearly below them on the IQ front.

A win win for all!

Have you ever looked up the word "gullible"?

I am aware of this, I wouldn't have written so extensively about it if I was just wishing it was the truth.

For example the "winking" incident went on for 30 seconds, she kept trying to do it, no normal person would think this is a good idea on a date.

In assuming that they're definitely brainiacs just because editors can often make people look stupid, you look like an idiot. The producers pick these people because they're f*****g stupid.

Your logic that just because it happens regularly, means it ALWAYS happens, is not a validated point.
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The producers pick these people because they're f*****g stupid.


you realise there are quite a lot of people this dumb in the world right?


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you realise there are quite a lot of people this dumb in the world right?

I normally don't cling to others in the pandering hope of acceptance amongst my peers, but @blackg is being a f*****g tool for the sake of being a f*****g tool, right?

I mean this seriously, he's disagreeing for the sake of an argument because- well who knows why.

The argument is "I didn't even see this show but editors edit things, so that's definitely what happened!" what a f*****g brainbox!

I'd never have figured.


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You guys think you'd be smart if you were like them? Super good looking since birth, always in an environment with other good looking people. Being able to cruise through life without studying or working in general. Would you know about history, science and what's currently going on in the world when you can go to the club on any given day and f*** 8s? When you have an instagram filled with sl*ts asking for your dink/puss?

I think I would be a completely different person if I was super good looking for the entirety of my life. Maybe I'd be just like this guy, who knows.


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In assuming that they're definitely brainiacs just because editors can often make people look stupid, you look like an idiot. The producers pick these people because they're f*****g stupid.

This is a woeful misreading of my post. Woeful.
Also... I think the reason the producers picked this couple is primarily because of the way they look.

Just because these two people found nothing to communicate about is no indication of their respective intelligence.

I wonder how any of us would go on a date with a total stranger, miked up so even word you utter is recorded, two or three cameras pointing in your direction and the whole damn world watching (potentiallly)

Yep, all the armchair quarterbacks would totally nail it!

Besides.. How much screen time was this "date" actually given in the show?

Five minutes? Six minutes?

So a 2 hour date, let's say, has been boiled down to a sensationalist and very entertaining (of course) five or six minutes of screen actual time.
And you think in this time that you can get an accurate portrayal of the respective character and intellect of two total strangers?

Haha... Come on! You're above this!
That is why I've been so critical of you lately, h.l.
Because you have disappointed me, son.