Today, my hair loss got me in trouble with the police.



It all started when I received a letter in the post inviting me to a local bird spotting convention.

It was at a bird spotting hut, that was just around the corner from my house.

I picked up the leaflet off my door matt and gazed at it, wondering what it was all about.

Not being the biggest fan of birds, I wasn’t interested at first.

Then it hit me!

I had a great idea.

So I sent the invitation back, saying I would attend.

Well, 2 weeks later, the day finally came.

I was excited.

Bird fans from all over the city, were packed in the bird spotting hut to gaze at different birds.

As the convention was just under way, the host started to read out the names of all of the people who sent in their invitations, in the manner of a school register.

Each individual replied “presentâ€