Today there was a fire at my house.



It was a nightmare.

I woke up about 7am and got out of bed. The 1st thing I smelt was smoke. I opened my bedroom door to see that the landing was full of smoke.

I looked down the stairs and realised my house was on fire.

I panicked, in horror.

I then rushed out of the house to get help.

One of my neighbours called the fire brigade.

5 mins later, 2 fire engines arrived.

At this point the house was blazing with flames.

I couldn't believe my luck. I was in tears.

All the neighbours were outside my house watching - it was like a scene from a movie.

When the fire engines arrived, I spoke to the fireman and gave him a list of all my possessions as quickly as I could.

My house was filled with various valuable possessions. A lot of them were mine.

Then, all of a sudden, to my horror, It struck me!

I realised I had to get back in my house - and fast.

At this stage, sweat was dripping down my face.

I started to panic even more, but I had to get back in.

I just had to get back in there!

All of a sudden, like a hero, I rushed back into my house, which was blazing with flames.

I pushed down the front door, to be confronted by a barrage of flames.

I ran past the scolding fames and up the stairs. On my way, I ran past my computer on the landing and past my top of the range Sony DVD player - up the stairs in complete panic.

With the flames burning ferociously, I didn’t know which way to run.

At this point the house was full of smoke.

I was choking a lot.

But I was finally there!

My mothers room.

I quickly ran to my mothers room, where my mother was still in bed!

I panicked more!

It was horror.

I ran over to my mums bed, past my mums bed, looked underneath and after a sigh of relief, retrieved my hair loss bag, which I had hidden there the night previous.

I then ran out of my mothers bedroom and back past all the flames clutching my hairloss bag in my arms.

As I raced downstairs, dressed in my white Regaine 5% vest and Y-fronts, I unzipped my hair loss bag, pulled out my Regaine Extra Strength 5% and started to dab the solution furiously onto my vertex, as I ran.

Running in panic, with minoxidil dripping down my face and nose, I took advantage of the heat from the flames, by putting my head near the heat in order to absorb faster.

I then made my way out.

You should have seen me, as I pranced out of my house with a dumb, confused look on my face, gripping my hair loss bag like a new born baby, protecting it from the flames.

I was running towards the crowd

It was a slow motion moment.

I was running towards the crowd, looking like Louis from Ghostbusters 1.

The crowd were clapping as they saw me from the distance run out of the house like a hero.

They were cheering and waving, as I ran towards them gripping my hair loss bag firmly in my hands.

I was really making a difference.

Suddenly, as I got nearer, the clapping started to slowly stop.

I was puzzled.

Everyone looked in horror.

Everyone had looks of horror on their faces, as I held aloft my hair loss bag above my head, like a trophy.

Everyone started shouting at me.

At 1st I thought they had issues with my hair loss bag, but then thought otherwise.

The fireman then shouted, is their anyone alive in there?

After, smearing the minoxidil off of my nose, and clutching my hair loss bag as tight as possible. I looked up at the fireman like a confused retard and said.

"Yes, my mum and my dog"

Everyone fell to the floor, gasping and holding their heads in their hands in pure horror.

Everyone was running around panicking.

I didnt know what I did wrong.

So I did the same thing.

I thought it was some a new dance, so I copied everyone - I put my head in my hands and fell to the floor.

I thought it was a new dance groove.

I was confused.

All of a sudden, the fireman made their way back into the house.

Everyone was still shouting at me.

I was scared.

I thought they were shouting at me because of my hairline.

So I unzipped my hair loss bag again, pulled out my toppik blonde travel size, equipped with my newly purchased toppik pump and started to pump the keratin dust on my hairline.

I was pumping.

You should have seen me, I was pumping toppik on my hair-line.

A minute later, when I had finished, the fireman raced out of my burning house with my mother.

With my new hairline intact, I ran over to the fireman, and with a confused, spazzy look still etched on my face, I shoved my head in their faces and in a high pitch, camp voice I shouted 'Do you like my hairline'?

This resulted in the fireman wacking me to the floor.

So I got back up, stamped my feet in anger, and stomped off muttering to myself "Just because you havent had FUE"

Everyone started shouting at me again.

I didnt know what I was doing wrong.

So in panic, I pulled out my spironolactone cream 5% and started to splatter it on my forehead uncontrollably, whilst waving my hands in the air and shouting 'DHT will never get the better if me'

Later that day, I was taken to the mental hospital for questioning.

Where I admitted to them.

Its over.

Hair loss has finally beaten me.

JJ Gittes

Established Member
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LOL. Your depression over your hair loss certainly hasn't stifled your creativity.

You remind me of Walter Mitty. :)

have you considered writing for a living?


Established Member
Reaction score
I honestly believe his posts are not meant to be funny, but a matter of pure terror and insanity from being traumatized by hair loss.

Reading his posts brings out that insanity in me too.... the insanity that i've managed to hide from my self by being ingorant of the truth.


Experienced Member
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In-valid said:
I honestly believe his posts are not meant to be funny, but a matter of pure terror and insanity from being traumatized by hair loss.

Reading his posts brings out that insanity in me too.... the insanity that i've managed to hide from my self by being ingorant of the truth.

Serioulsy, Gunner, please man cheer up bro!


Experienced Member
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Gunner reminds me of Edger Allan Poe cause hes crazy and at any minute has the capability of commited suicide.

Some people in this world pretend to be more mesirable then they really are just cause they dont think its going to get any better and i think gunner is one of those people.Always looking at the negative nomatter what the positive is.


In-valid said:
I honestly believe his posts are not meant to be funny, but a matter of pure terror and insanity from being traumatized by hair loss.quote]


Actually these jokes write themselves. So many avenues open when you joke about hairloss products.

Spraying toppik on your head? Imagine if a top comic started going on about how he dabs minoxidil on his head daily.

No one would stop laughing for a week.

It's too funny.