Tolerance on treatments


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I'm interested if continuous use of saw palmetto can cause you to become tolerant on its affect to lower DHT. I'm 22 years old with thick hair but recently i noticed a receding hairline. It's really small and if you haven't seen a picture of me lets say 3-4 years ago you probably wound not notice it at all. Still it bothers me because maybe its sign i started going bald because my father, although not bald in his 50s has receding hairline (norwood 3a). I considered taking saw palmetto to reduce dht but I'm worried that after some time it wont have affect on me. I also considered taking Minoxidil, Finasteride, reishi or using aloea vera, coconut or olive oil on my scalp. What do you think, suggest?


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take finasteride, not saw palmetto. It is weak