Tom Cruise Thinning

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I've noticed celebrity hair loss is always an interesting topic, probably because they have the means to fight it and it's interesting seeing what comes of it. Tom Cruise gets brought up a lot- he always seemed to have zero hair loss and a straight hairline. Anyways I just saw him on The Daily Show on Comedy Central and it was pretty obvious at the part on the side of his head that his hair is thinning.

In the scenes they showed from his new movie he had thick gray hair. I wonder if it's been going on for awhile or if he just doesn't give a sh*t?

Anyways there's one less celebrity to envy for having a perfect head of hair... we don't need another Reagan!


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i think he looks like a diffuse thinner. i think he wears systems for alot of his movies including collateral.


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Make no mistake about it, the hair in Collateral is not his.

He does look like a diffuse thinner. Still got nice hair though.

Thinning Sucks

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I can't believe cruise is thinning

Last Samurai? Magnolia? Unless he wore systems in these movies, or has thinned massively in the last 2 years, he still has just about the best head of hair I've ever seen.


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He must be jerking off a lot since Kidman and Cruz dumped him. And as we all know, jerking off causes massive hairloss....



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He's not balding, but hey, if it makes you feel better....

People said that he was losing in 2001 - his hair is still the same. Plus my hair, even before I began to lose, looked like that when cut short.


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Kyriakin said:
The bloke's like over 40 for f***'s sake. I'd take his hair at 40....

Man, I would have taken his hair when I was 16 and was yet to experience the wrath of going bald. Have you seen his hair in all of his recent movies. There is no way he's wearing a piece in every one. In fact I gurantee you he's not wearing a piece in Collateral. You have to consider that his hair probably looks thicker because of the peppered grey die. Also, anyone with hair that short will have a little scalp showing due to the nature of the haircut.


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think about it...even if the guy is thinning a little bit by 40? his progression must be SO slow. the guy will never die bald