Too many supplements bad for the liver?



As you can see I have already a large regimen with many ingredients and I am planning to make further additions. Does anybody know whether these natural supplements might cause a liver damage or not?


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You could be over loading your liver. To counter act this you may wish to add Milk Thistle to help detoxify your liver.

I can not remember where I have read it before but I've seen stated that cycling supplements is ideal for example over a thirty day month you should use supplements for twenty days only to avoid toxicity (if applicable) or liver overload and importantly to help prevent your body building a tolerance to your supps.

The accuracy of this I can not vouch for but the principle in which you give your body a rest makes some logical sense.

My recommendation would be five days of supps, two days off. Always drink a lot of water - per day especially on the off periods.


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hey man . i c your using Gte and selenium . they re both potent antioxidants that can help your liver with the oxidative stress other supplements might be causing . u could help your liver a lot by using a nice vitamin c dose . what multivitamin r u using ?


Hey Brainfog,

I am currenntly using one Multivitamin which I bought from a supermarket. It costed me only 3 Euros for 100 capsules, but I am looking for a high qualitiy multi now.


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Taugenichts said:
As you can see I have already a large regimen with many ingredients and I am planning to make further additions. Does anybody know whether these natural supplements might cause a liver damage or not?

you are NOT over loading your liver.

take Milk Thistle if you are worried.
jesus you take FA compared to me.


Established Member
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wtf is wrong wth you guys?!?! taking so much crap aint going to help. just take finasteride or dutasteride.. if that doesnt work nothing will.


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Ideally what you want is a comprehensive suite of antioxidant extracts to improve and protect your cells.

All else are niceties.


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Watch out for the L=Argnine- it can be dangerous, double edged sword. Porbably only in older folks, but there are plenty of articles about it being hazardous. Go to the Mayo Clinic website. Hell, that's where the presidents family goes, so they probably know what they are doing.


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Its better to cut the hypoconriach (where's my dictionary) a bit and try and get some of these naturally through foods.

Eg isn't selenium in Brazil nuts, eat oily fish twice a week etc.

2-3 supplemements not easy to get from foods would be better.

I stopped my appupunture recently partly becase of all the pills I was taking . I was rattling every morning I walked out the door. Now I only take finasteride, MSM and a multivitamin...the only reason I take MSM is because of this forum and the results English got.


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So said:
Ideally what you want is a comprehensive suite of antioxidant extracts to improve and protect your cells.

Would you be able to elaborate a bit on that? Anti-oxidants are of great interest to me at the moment. I heard you need to take Vit C along with E and selenium for them to be effective, but that's about as far as my knowledge stretches


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The truth that most people don't care about...


Whilst conventional treatments such as Propecia, Dutasteride, minoxidil, etc are fine tools of the trade I believe an emphasis needs to be placed on anti-oxidative properties which work well on a cellular basis, in particular deep endo (deep within) your cells.

The importance of cells and cellular communication, well, is in fact the bearer of all things good and bad. As I have mentioned in previous posts it is not genes in which control life but rather your cells which choose to read particular genes as on or off (in layman's terms).

A point worthy to note is that "thought" and your "environment" both internally and externally influences your cellular biology.

If the ability of cells to communicate and function properly is diminished by oxidative stress amongst other hindrances, then your ability to thwart disease inclusive of Male Pattern Baldness will be severely tarnished up until a point where you have no control over the out come of the aforementioned disease.

Therefore just as the big three (for example sake) may be an important part of a person's regimen, so to is are cellular functions which precede all in priority, you must remember that.


Glyconutrients - are proposed to aid in cellular communication however I would read deeply into the subject matter before drawing your own conclusion.
CoQ10 - A must have.
Glutathione - There's some info I have about this I'll need to dig up for you regarding efficiency and assimilation.
Acetyl L-Carnitine - Mumuku suggests Acetyl L-Carnitine HCL + KRALA proposed to be even more potent.


Grape Seed Extract - Potent, I use it, I highly recommend.
Bilberry Extract - As above.
Green Tea Extract - Good, however I have concerns, ( ... hp?t=31510)

Of course there are many more but this is a good foundation.


Digestive Enzymes

Many people over look the importance of digestive enzymes. I can not STRESS enough the importance of a good digestive enzyme which should be taken with every meal per day (at least three times).

Digestive enzymes as you may already know help break down the food you eat which is often deprived of their natural enzymes by soil depletion or cooking at high heat and sadly if you eat processed foods seldom would they even carry a single active enzyme. In turn you Pancreas must secrete extra enzymes to help break down the food you eat.

Now it is widely known that the enzymes that the Pancreas naturally secretes are primarily to help your body heal and rid itself of toxins. What happens when you divert those naturally secreted enzymes away from their intended healing function and towards digesting food?

Well to put it simply you are left at a greater risk of toxicity, disease and subsequently this speeds up the aging process by placing an uninvited amount of stress on your cells.


Many people scoff at the idea of anti oxidants and naturalistic methods for treating Male Pattern Baldness.

I am not going to preach to you the importance of eating well (not right now) however the moral of this entire response is that CELLULAR BIOLOGY is the KEY TO ALL and protecting your cells is without a doubt the single most important thing you MUST do if you are to have any hope in hell.

Remember one more thing Felk, your "thoughts" (see red statement) are just as important as the anti oxidants you take for your cellular biology


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So , thanks for the very good post. Always very informative,
keep them coming...


Senior Member
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heres the problem with supplements. Do the supplements you buy actually have the amount listed on the bottle? they dont have to and some dont. Next, how much do you need? Do they interact with each other? What form are they? liquid, powder... Does the body even use these as if you got them from food? Are there actually benefits from taking supplements? Thats a lot of risk yet people take supplements anyways. I have my doubts they do anything.


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Out of the normal stuff most people take probably one of the only things to watch out for is synthetic vitamin E which can build up in the system.

As far as Glyconutrients they are just different sugars than the ones we regularly hear about. These sugars which coat the cell is how the cells communicate. There is 8 sugars.

As far as this supplement goes, expensive and if it's useless or not is still up in the air as more info comes out that the body can make the other sugars it needs from the basic ones.

Hence the reason Mannatech is getting sued all over the place and their sales have hovered around 500 million a year for a while now.