Top 10 annoying quotes from non-male pattern baldness sufferers...


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I faced the number "1" , the sad part is that my good friends were saying this to me.


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Top ten most annoying quotes from male pattern baldness sufferers:

  • 10: I hate my life and I wanna die.
    9: Where can I get cheap Propecia/Rogaine/etc?
    8. Has anyone seen results using Propecia/Rogaine/etc.?
    7. The entire Just Gone Senior thread
    6. My scalp is itchy, what should I do?
    5. I'm shedding, what should I do?
    4. I've tried 16 different treatments for 1 month each, but nothing seems to work, what should I do?
    3. bump
    2. Check out these blurry-*** before and after (1 month) close ups of my hairline.
    1. I am not Ken

(Note: I'm guilty of at least half of these as well, so don't get your panties in a bunch)


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15) "Why don't you use an anti Hair Loss shampoo, genius?"

14) "Well I haven't noticed before you told me" (When he/she obviously did)

13) "That sucks, and there is nothing you can do about it. No, NOTHING! That HairlosstalkWhatever site you always speak about is just a scam to swindle desperate people and it's full of people who want to promote their useless products. Don't believe what they say."

12) (in the same vein) "Well, I asked a friend who is a dermatologist (or will be after school) and she said there is nothing you can do about that. And she never heard about your Propecia stuff, that just doesn't exist"

11) (when it is not obvious yet and tell you lose your hair) "Nooo it's impossible, chill out, you cannot lose your hair that young, not before 40."

Kyriakin said:
10) "It doesn't look that bad"

9) "If you weren't going bald, you'd just find something else to worry about"

8.) "It's only hair"

7) "Bruce Willis/Jason Statham/Vin Diesel/Billy Zane look good, and they're bald

6) "If you stress about it, it will only get worse"



Established Member
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Oh yeah, my #1 should be:
I'm on month 5 of my regime.

It's not a regime, it's not a regiment, it'a REGIMEN

(Disclaimer: I didn't know any better before I came to this site :wink: )


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Tortoise&Hair - Don't forget all the "Is my hair loss caused by masturbation, too much/little exercise, washing my hair too frequently/not often enough, combing my hair," etc. questions.