For growth Stims I think psi U can add on the list . Also a drug for ashma regrew hair in patients called rux ruxolitinib
Legit psi will grow hair. Thanks correcting me , I meant arthritis , I think Peopke growing hair on it is amazing , it happened to many patients ,Good luck finding PSI thats legit and at an affordable price.
Ruxolitinib is not an asthma drug. It's for arthritis. And the hair loss it treated was not for Androgenic Alopecia but Alopecia Areata. addition to hellrousers post, for natural cures, try grape seed extract, pumpkin seed oil, and coconut oil.
What's psi
For growth Stims I think psi U can add on the list . Also a drug for ashma regrew hair in patients called rux ruxolitinib
In addition to hellrousers post