Top 12 Words of Advice from Someone Who is Losing the Battle


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It you're not going to read then you are missing out. But to summarize: Do your homework, stick with it, and there is more to life than hairloss. Peace.

But please do read.


Hey Forum... it's been a while, but I wanted to check in and let you know how things have been. I've been working on slowing my hair loss for 14 months now. Unfortunately, I'm losing the battle. I'm now saving for a hair transplant, which I’m not even sure I want. I've made a lot of mistakes that have hurt my situation, and I though I would share with everyone so hopefully the new guys don’t make the same mistakes. Some of these might sound dumb, but if I could wind back the clock 14 months, I wish someone had told me this. These are MY OPINIONS, but I think that there's a lot of smart stuff in here:

12. Visit a dermatologist and get your prescriptions/samples from him, but research before you use ANY of them. Your hair will not all fall out if you spend two weeks finding out what's best for you!!! Do your homework. My first dermatologist put me on minoxidil with barely any thinning, and I didn't know what it was, or if it was the best treatment. 2 months later when I had research possible treatments, I realized it probably wasn't the best approach.

11. Do not be afraid of Finasteride/Propecia. When a drug has a side effect of sexual dysfunction it can be a little unnerving. However the internet is a breeding ground for misinformation and hype. I sympathize with those who it has affected negatively, but realize for every 2 people that have *any* type of negative reaction, there are 98 who don’t.

10. If you decide to use Propecia or Finasteride. Get a blood test done first. Not only is this a smart move for your general health, but it will also later let you know l how finasteride has affected your body, and will give you a good clue on how well it’s lowering your DHT levels.

9. Minoxidil is a commitment! If you begin Minoxidil, realize what you're getting into. Minoxidil is an amazing way to regrow hair, but it can also slow your loss without reversing it. You may not see regrowth in 4-6 months, and your hairs may continue to thin, but Minoxidil could be slowing this process. If you decide to stop usage in this situation, you run the risk of shedding much more hair than you would expect because minoxidil was affecting hairs you didn't even know you were losing anyway.

8. Pay attention to irritation. If your scalp is irritated, lay off the treatments. Let your scalp heal, and add treatments one by one. Isolate what is the real issue, and NEVER fight through it.

7. It is a good idea to read the ingredients before you use your products! If you're allergic to the PPG in Minoxidil, you're allergic to PPG in other solutions as well!!! Some doctors say that about 1 out of 5 people have a bad reaction to PPG. Many popular topical such as spironolactone and Folliegn contain PPG. Even snake oils such as Nioxin have PPG.

6. Stop counting hairs. It's stupid and will only make you depressed. It's not the amount of hair you're losing that you should be worried about; it's the quality of that hair. Hair loss is depressing thing as it is; why continuously remind yourself of it?

5. Vitamins and supplements are NOT the magical cure. Taking a multivitamin or organic supplement is not going to fix your hair loss woes. I take a multivitamin every day. Maybe I'll live longer, maybe I'll feel better, but there is no evidence anywhere, that any vitamin or organic supplement will reverse or slow my hair loss. PS. Saw Palmetto doesn't work.

4. Go to the barber. The first reaction when you bald is, "I'll just grow it out!!" Keeping a good haircut can do wonders for your appearance. If you are a diffuse thinner, shorter hair hides balding better than longer hair. Got long hair? Notice when it parts how much of the scalp you can see? Cut it short... you'll be a lot better off. Don't be afraid to try this, it can be scary, but you'll be happy with the results.

3. DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, CHANGE YOUR REGIMEN OFTEN. Hair loss treatments do not work overnight, but that doesn't mean adding more things will have you seeing results quicker. All you are doing is hurting your chances of success. We're all men here. Do your research, pick a regimen and stick to it for a solid 12 months before you make major changes. (This is of course unless you experience a side effect or serious irritation).

2. START SLOW!!! START SMALL!!! Realistically assess your situation. The big 3? How about the big 2? I see so many people come to this board, myself included, panicking about hair loss. "I will stop hair loss by ordering 5 products" they say. Most of these people hardly have any hair loss to begin with. Ask yourself, "What is your my goal?" Sure we'd all love to have more hair, but could you live with what you have now? Are you really a Norwood 7? If you are looking to regrow a LOT of hair, jump on the proven 3 treatment bandwagon. But if you have a lot of hair and you're just beginning to thin, it's not always the right path. Sure, you have the greatest odds for success with the big 3 (finasteride, minoxidil, and Nizoral), but is that were you need to begin? Take is slow, stick with your regimen, and add slowly as you go.

1. Don't be paranoid. Ok, I had to get philosophical. Less people notice you are balding than you would realize. Less women care that their man is losing his hair than you think. I remind myself often that I hardly ever noticed balding men when I wasn't losing my own hair. Hair loss breeds insecurity, and do whatever it takes not to let it eat at you. You can have everything you’ve ever wanted in life and still be bald. Your hair does not define who you are as a person.



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Re: Top 12 Words of Advice from Someone Who is Losing the Ba

bombscience said:

8. Pay attention to irritation. If your scalp is irritated, lay off the treatments. Let your scalp heal, and add treatments one by one. Isolate what is the real issue, and NEVER fight through it.


I wish I could go back, and had learned this from the get go. I spent almost 10 months figuring this one out. I just got it under control. At first my philosophy was to fight through it hoping it would abate on it's own somewhat.


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Re: Top 12 Words of Advice from Someone Who is Losing the Ba

cassin said:
I wish I could go back, and had learned this from the get go. I spent almost 10 months figuring this one out. I just got it under control. At first my philosophy was to fight through it hoping it would abate on it's own somewhat.

What was the offender, or what's helping now?


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Good post Brother!!! Wowzers. 8)


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Minoxidil was killing me. I was fine until I went to 5%. It irritated my scalp so bad I could barely stand to be awake. My scalp got severely red and I was damn near in agony. It was like my scalp was on fire. One night I dug so hard into my scalp scratching it, I had blood under my fingernails.

Nizoral made it way worse.

So anyway I hopped on Folligen and it helped, it get a lot better but it wasn't until I started using it right that it solved it. I wasn't using it frequent, or long enough. I now use it everyday, and I no longer wash it off after and hour or two. I use American Crew when I want to go out with it on since it is clear. I rotate in Folligen as much as I can. I think for those with severe irritation, using it everyday with it on your scalp for longer periods of time is critical.


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I was thinking of using Tricomin in between showers. So leaving it on for a day, do you think this will harm or benefit the irritation?


The shedder

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Bombscience I thoroughly agree with your number 1 is really the number one point and your other points are also an immense help. Most people don't really notice until your about a 3-4 on the norwood scale depending on how you style your hair. Some people are born with widows peaks and people with temple loss due to male pattern baldness just recess towards a widows peak and it can remain there with the right treatments. I also just told a close personal freind (girl) about my hairloss and she said she truthfully didn't notice, mind you I'm about a norwood 2. Keep that in mind guys, and go out and enjoy your hair while you have it, thats my new perception of life. GOOD LUCK to all and live a healthy life (with hair if applicable) lol.


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brasileirao said:

I was thinking of using Tricomin in between showers. So leaving it on for a day, do you think this will harm or benefit the irritation?


Sorry, I am not sure exactly what your asking. Are you asking if left on too long (if that is possible) is harmful?

If so, then I doubt it. The hole problem with me was not leaving it on long enough. After 2 months of everyday use I am feeling fine. I would say it took 1 month of proper use to solve my problems for the most part.


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That was what I was asking. :) Sorry, too much RK-Sniff Sniff.... I plan on leaving it on for 12 hours a day. How much of an improvement did you see, did it speed up growth?


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brasileirao said:
That was what I was asking. :) Sorry, too much RK-Sniff Sniff.... I plan on leaving it on for 12 hours a day. How much of an improvement did you see, did it speed up growth?


One thing I need to clarify. I haven't used Tricomin yet. I have used American Crew which is supposed to be the same but we will see. My bottle should be here any day now. I plan on using it for 6 months straight just like I did with Folligen.

I honestly can't point to Cu's as causing any general hair improvement since I am using minoxidil and finasteride. Unless were talking irritation specifically.


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Thanks for the post. I really appreciate veterans helping out us newbies.

2. START SLOW!!! START SMALL!!! Realistically assess your situation. The big 3? How about the big 2? I see so many people come to this board, myself included, panicking about hair loss. "I will stop hair loss by ordering 5 products" they say. Most of these people hardly have any hair loss to begin with. Ask yourself, "What is your my goal?" Sure we'd all love to have more hair, but could you live with what you have now? Are you really a Norwood 7? If you are looking to regrow a LOT of hair, jump on the proven 3 treatment bandwagon. But if you have a lot of hair and you're just beginning to thin, it's not always the right path. Sure, you have the greatest odds for success with the big 3 (finasteride, minoxidil, and Nizoral), but is that were you need to begin? Take is slow, stick with your regimen, and add slowly as you go.

I'm a Norwood 2. I haven't started a regimen yet and am seeking your advice. I have receding temples and am thinning between the temples.

What would your suggestion be?

Should I start with just finasteride and nizoral?

I'd be happy if I could just maintain what I have. (I'd of course love to thicken up front but when push comes to shove I'll settle for what I have.)


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helpmefindmyhair said:

Thanks for the post. I really appreciate veterans helping out us newbies.

2. START SLOW!!! START SMALL!!! Realistically assess your situation. The big 3? How about the big 2? I see so many people come to this board, myself included, panicking about hair loss. "I will stop hair loss by ordering 5 products" they say. Most of these people hardly have any hair loss to begin with. Ask yourself, "What is your my goal?" Sure we'd all love to have more hair, but could you live with what you have now? Are you really a Norwood 7? If you are looking to regrow a LOT of hair, jump on the proven 3 treatment bandwagon. But if you have a lot of hair and you're just beginning to thin, it's not always the right path. Sure, you have the greatest odds for success with the big 3 (finasteride, minoxidil, and Nizoral), but is that were you need to begin? Take is slow, stick with your regimen, and add slowly as you go.

I'm a Norwood 2. I haven't started a regimen yet and am seeking your advice. I have receding temples and am thinning between the temples.

What would your suggestion be?

Should I start with just finasteride and nizoral?

I'd be happy if I could just maintain what I have. (I'd of course love to thicken up front but when push comes to shove I'll settle for what I have.)

Ahh frontal hair loss. The bain of my existance. Using finasteride alone will mostly likely slow down any recession that you have, but i would doubt it would alone stop it. Although I am not a temple receeder, I would think finasteride and a topical DHT "reducer" (spironolactone and/or revivogen) could really help you out. However, you may be happier using the big three, being a NW2. Using minoxidil will probably help your hairline creep up a little, maybe to a 1.5. But if you just first try to reduce DHT, you could possibly stop recession right where it's at and with some luck see the same regrowth without minoxidil in 6-9 months time.

I'm no Doctor, and this is all theory. I've heard stories about both minoxidil AND spironolactone regrowing temple loss. I would say finasteride and nizoral are a must. I feel that either minoxidil or spironolactone is a good call in a NW2 situation, but if you can deal with another 9 months of possible loss, you can always add the minoxidil later.


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What do you know about spironolactone?

Do you need to get a prescription? I think I read it comes in both liquid and cream form. Do you know which is better?

sh*t man, I've read so much about hair loss over the last four weeks that my brain is getting fried. I'm even more clueless now as to what I should start with.


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helpmefindmyhair said:

What do you know about spironolactone?

Do you need to get a prescription? I think I read it comes in both liquid and cream form. Do you know which is better?

sh*t man, I've read so much about hair loss over the last four weeks that my brain is getting fried. I'm even more clueless now as to what I should start with.

i get my sprio from Dr. Lee's website:

he will provide you with an "online consutation" so that you can order though him.


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brasileirao said:

I was thinking of using Tricomin in between showers. So leaving it on for a day, do you think this will harm or benefit the irritation?


Hi when you guys talk about irritation, you refer to red scalp and pain right?


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I didnt see SLD's post till it was to late so heres my edit to his question....

Yes they mean pain and or itchiness

Im going to have to agree with shedder on this one ..i too am a norwood 2 but nobody notices it and when i do tell people im losing my hair they laugh and say im crazy...its a big confidence boost but what will happen when they can notice?that will suck, and hopefully by then there will be a cure(ROTFLMAO).


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Damn you portuguese doctors!

Damn i really dont get anything about this! :evil: nothing makes sense, i dont have scalp irritation, my hair looks clean now unless i apply something "minoxidil 5% at this moment" its 4 times more hair loss in the next morning and finasteride doesnt seem to be doing a thing, ill go mad before i reach 20 like this :hairy:


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Re: Damn you portuguese doctors!

SLD said:
Damn i really dont get anything about this! :evil: nothing makes sense, i dont have scalp irritation, my hair looks clean now unless i apply something "minoxidil 5% at this moment" its 4 times more hair loss in the next morning and finasteride doesnt seem to be doing a thing, ill go mad before i reach 20 like this :hairy:

Explain what you want to know a bit more clearly. I'm not sure what your asking/stating.


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I just wanted to toss in that I'm approaching 2 years on my regimen now and I'm still maintaining more than I had at baseline. This stuff works.


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Re: Damn you portuguese doctors!

cassin said:
SLD said:
Damn i really dont get anything about this! :evil: nothing makes sense, i dont have scalp irritation, my hair looks clean now unless i apply something "minoxidil 5% at this moment" its 4 times more hair loss in the next morning and finasteride doesnt seem to be doing a thing, ill go mad before i reach 20 like this :hairy:

Explain what you want to know a bit more clearly. I'm not sure what your asking/stating.

i noticed my hair loss when i had 16, im on propecia which i dont have a clue if it is helping or not, and ive tryed topical treatments that i ended up quiting. Most of the treatments that involve topicals make my hair fall off more. I decided to try minoxidil 5% and in the next morning it was raining hair, minoxidil didnt seem to irritate my scalp it just got sligtly red so i continued and it was the same situation every morning. So if my scalp isnt irritated can i assume that im not allergic to anything in minoxidil? cause what i cant understand is why all topicals seem to do this to me