Topical dutasteride-instructions on adding Dr.Reddy's dutasteride


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I haven't done anything about my male pattern baldness (except shaving my head) for the past several years and at 31 if I don't take action now it will be too late.

The study below shows a signifigant amount of regrowth over topical minoxidil alone,clearly indicating that finasteride at .1% works in a topical solution.I would like to know if there is a way to extract the active dutasteride from a crushed Dr.Reddy's pill and the correct amount to add into a topical (12.5% Xandrox would be as good as it gets or thereabout s)as it's painfully obvious to me that this is the optimal treatment,at least on the market ATM.

Better yet would be to source dutasteride powder and allow for 2.5 mg to be applied to the scalp on a daily basis but that's cost prohibitive,I'd imagine.

So if anyone would care to post the answer to this,I would appreciate it and I'm sure other readers would as well.


Alopecia or hair loss is a chronic skin disorder characterized by loss of some or all of the hair from the scalp and sometimes from the other parts of the body as well. It occurs in various patterns and affects both males and females. The most common type of baldness is male-pattern baldness, also called androgenetic alopecia. It is characterized by a defined pattern of hair loss from the top of the scalp and regression of the hairline. It affects a large proportion of the population. It might start as early as adolescence and increase with age. In the white population, males in their fifties have a 50% chance of exhibiting some degree of androgenetic alopecia as against an overall average of 66%.1

Genetic and endocrinal factors play an important role but the exact cause and mechanism of hair loss is not clearly understood.2 Alopecia, except for mild itching in some cases, is not a painful or life threatening condition. It may affect the psychological wellbeing of the victim. Studies in this regard are not very exhaustive. They suggest that baldness is psychologically damaging and can cause intense emotional disturbance. It can lead to personal social and job-related problems.3 Hair has always been an important aspect of one’s image or identity particularly for women.4 Among the women suffering from alopecia, around 40% experienced marital problems and 63% suffered career related problems.5 Over all such people feel more social discomfort, and suffer from low self-esteem. In more than 30% of the cases specific problems are attributed to hair loss.6

A study revealed that males who had more profound hair loss were more dissatisfied with their appearance and were more concerned with their older look than those with minimal hair loss. This effect cut across all age groups but was more prominent in the younger age group.7

Difficulties in treatment

Androgenetic alopecia is a poorly understood progressive condition. Androgenic hormones are involved in its pathophysiology. This renders treatment difficult and complex. The androgen receptor antagonists used to treat women are not suitable for men because of the potential risks of gynaecomastia, feminisation, and impotence. In the absence of an understanding of the pathophysiology, it is not possible to attack specific areas.

There are four options for androgenic alopecia available to the patient:

1. no treatment
2. medical therapy
3. using a wig
4. surgical treatment

Each of these has its own advantages and disadvantages. As far as medical treatment is concerned, the two that are approved by the FDA in the USA for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in men are:

1. Topical minoxidil
2. Oral finasteride

Minoxidil is an oral antihypertensive drug which has a side effect of excessive hair growth. It is used topically to treat baldness. Though it results in hair growth in most patients, the hair grown is generally indeterminate rather than true terminal hair. The hair sheds when treatment is stopped.9 Its main benefit is in arresting the progression of balding.

Finasteride is a potent 5á­reductase type 2 inhibitor.10 Its main action is to lower circulating dihydrotestosterone by inhibiting its production by the prostate, rather than affecting the metabolism of the androgen in the hair follicle. Loss of libido is one of the important side effects of this oral therapy.

Synergistic effect of the local application of minoxidil finasteride

1. view of the different mechanisms of action, it was hypothesized that the simultaneous administration of both the molecules should have a synergistic action.
2. The side effects associated with the oral administration would also be reduced.
3. If the dosage of the individual drug could be reduced, it will further improve the safety profile of the therapy.

Clinical Study

The effect of the novel combination was observed in a study. The subjects were divided into three groups.

* Group I (Placebo Group) plain lotion was applied
* Group II (Minoxidil Group) 5% Minoxidil lotion was applied
* Group III (Combination Group) 5% Minoxidil lotion, 0.025% Tretinoin and 0.1% Finesteride were applied.

The important aspect of the study was the fact that none of the parties involved viz. the clinical / research staff, the study sponsors or the subjects in the three groups were aware of the various groups until the data was collected in the verified database. The subjects were evaluated every six months with the help of a subjective questionnaire, objective examination and close-up photographs.


In the Placebo Group, there was neither any improvement nor deterioration. In the Minoxidil Group 25% of the subjects showed hair growth. In the Combination Group as much as 75% of the subjects showed improvement. Further, the quality of the newly grown hair was also better in the combination group.


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Finasteride has a MW of ~375 which would put it on the edge of being workable as a TD but duasteride is almost twice as heavy at ~530 so absorption would be negligible,DMSO would be the vehicile to use.


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This is Promox? This stuff is a scam. It only works because the Finasteride gets systematically absorbed.


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bcapop said:
This is Promox? This stuff is a scam. It only works because the Finasteride gets systematically absorbed.

I don't think it's a scam. On other forums a few people have reported great regrowth using crushed up finasteride (5x proscar) in 5% minoxidil.

At first I thought the same, It only works because the finasteride gets in your system but now I've read into it I don't think so. One of the guys claims he had stop finasteride because of sides but now using it topically he has had better regrowth then before and no sides.

Since I had to stop because of sides, I think I’m going to give it a go. Rather then throwing my finasteride away.

I'll let you know how it goes anyway.


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hairsucks said:
bcapop said:
This is Promox? This stuff is a scam. It only works because the Finasteride gets systematically absorbed.

I don't think it's a scam. On other forums a few people have reported great regrowth using crushed up finasteride (5x proscar) in 5% minoxidil.

At first I thought the same, It only works because the finasteride gets in your system but now I've read into it I don't think so. One of the guys claims he had stop finasteride because of sides but now using it topically he has had better regrowth then before and no sides.

Since I had to stop because of sides, I think I’m going to give it a go. Rather then throwing my finasteride away.

I'll let you know how it goes anyway.

The chance of side effects with topical Finasteride is lower then oral Finasteride (in the same dosage) because less gets absorbed.