Topical Dutasteride

Mr Clean

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Has anybody here tried applying Dutasteride topically to their head?

I've had some really weird experiences with Dutasteride. I first started about a year ago by applying it topically mixed with Aloe Vera gel, like 1 or 2 pills and leaving it on overnight, not washing it out. If you don't know about this treatment look up AA (Aloe Vera Gel and Avodart). This started to work PERFECTLY right at the 2 week mark and my hair loss came to a grinding halt. It was amazing. I went from losing like 100+ hairs a day to like 5-7 hairs a day. Then after about 3 weeks of only losing 5-7 hairs a day again, my hairloss returned. Also, right as I got on AA, I got off of Propecia, so that might have definitely had something to do with it. I waited about 2 weeks, freaked out about having gotten off of Propecia, and got back on it while still applying AA. Never got the hairloss back down to 5-7 hairs again.

Now, I'm trying to apply Dutasteride by itself, without any Aloe Vera Gel, directly to my scalp. I squeeze out the contents of 3 pills into a little cup like a shot glass, and then rub it onto my scalp. It will be interesting to see if this works. Started doing this just tonight. Will definitely keep you guys posted.

I got the idea of rubbing it directly onto my head as there were some times where I was preparing the AA back in the day and I applied some of the Dutasteride by itself directly to my temples and I got some really tine vellous hairs that are slowly starting to grow into terminal hairs now. This was only after 1 or 2 treatments. I started thinking if it would work on my temples, it should work all over my scalp... so I'm giving this a shot now.

Also, I tried taking it ORALLY in the past too, but I tried loading like 5 a day for a week, and I got horrible side effects (gyno + super dry forehead). I had to get off because of the both sides. When I say super dry forehead, I mean ridiculously dry! Like cracked, red, and pealing skin. So I stopped taking it for like 8 months, got desperate again as my hair is in awful condition now, and I started taking it orally again as of like 3 weeks ago. It should be interesting to see what happens. Also, I read that a lot of people have had great results with Dutasteride while taking it orally after just 2 weeks.


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try adding spironolactone liquid 2% to your regime...
i read that it stops hairloss good on other users...


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Mr. Clean,

I have gone through your post. You made the same mistake that almost every other person makes.

When you first started applying the dutasteride-aloe vera mixture, it started working...insomuch as it started, in my opinion and experience (since I am trying out a similar experiment from January 14, 2010). I too went through a sudden stop in hair fall from an average of over 100 daily to only a few (8-10) after about 10 days. However, by the 4th week, the hairloss was back, albeit with alarming zeal and it beat everything I had experienced before the treatment. It looked terrible. But, for new hair to grow, the initial shedding was necessary to get rid of the old hair. I simply shaved off my entire hair so that I did not have to witness the depressing sight.

Also, I thought, what the heck; as things stand in another few years I would be bald, so how does it matter; on the flip side, the regimen may work!

It is now four months now and the results are amazing. The quantum of hair that I have now, and new tendrils are still appearing, the hair clock has been reset by over 4 years. I have now, the same amount of hair that I had over 4 years back. This, in no way, makes me an exception. There is still a long way to go. But the results are promising.

Just don't try too many variations. Keep the regimen steady. You will experience shedding every 6-8 weeks over the next few months. As time passes, you will notice that, initially the shed hair locks are what you have now. Later, you will notice that they are short hairs (1 to 2 cms long). This means, just as the follicles get miniaturised, the reverse is happening: new hair grows for 6 to 8 weeks, then they fall off and get replaced by slightly thicker ones....the cycle will go till the final terminal hair comes.

This is what happened in my case. I would suggest that you continue with the finasteride orally (1 tablet per day). If you are using minoxidil in a strong concentration, then take a break (3 or 4 days) after applying it daily, as it somehow makes you short of breath and has other side effects. And persist with your mixture. Hair loss occurs over years; re-growth will take months

Mr Clean

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Hey Dev_Raj,
I actually continued applying Avodart and Aloe Vera gel topically for about 6 months, and it never stopped again. I think the big problem was the fact my testosterone was not being blocked in my scalp.

WesleyBelgium suggested adding topical spironolactone 2%...doing that, doesn't appear to be helping, but its too early to tell. Topical spironolactone should block some testosterone from binding to the hair follicle.

El-Duterino a very frequent poster here and on other hair loss forums talked about how as soon as he started using RU58841 to block testosterone from binding, it made his hair loss stop. I'm about to get onto RU58841 as well. He was also on Avodart .5mg per day, everyday and it didn't help until he added RU58841.

I think the absolute trick to stopping hairloss is block DHT, block testosterone (both in the scalp, not throughout the body), and use Minoxidil and Nizoral.

I think for me, what happened with both Propecia and Avodart is that my hair was too weak against both DHT and Testosterone, that once DHT was no longer present, my hair took a breather, for like 2 weeks, then it became sensitive to all the testosterone present, and started falling out due to that as well.

Also, out of all the posts I read on mixing Aloe Vera gel with Avodart, and seperate posts regarding people using RU58841, there have been a lot of consistent posts in people saying that both drugs have helped them in just 2 weeks. Not everybody has had this effect, but there have been a noticeable amount of people claiming success in just 2 weeks. I'm hoping that both combined would be even better.


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Mr Clean,

If you have been trying the mixture for 6 months, then, what is happening is already what I said happens: Throughout the treatment, shedding will be there, albeit at a lesser speed as you progress.

BUT NOTE, simply applying something on the scalp is not going to work since DHT forms through the action of 5 AR enzymes Type I and II. Whatever you do, you need to take dutasteride/finasteride orally also.

I do not agree with your theory of testosterone making the hair fall out since the papilla are already weak.

The first thing is not to panic and try too many things at the same time. Brother, instead of expecting sudden and dramatic results or effects, just try this:

1. 0.5 dutasteride x daily (oral);

2. dutasteride AND ALOE VERA mixture daily (add 5 % minoxidil/Xandrox to it as it will help the dutasteride get absorbed);

3. Nizoral Shampoo once or twice a week (first wash your hair with some other herbal shampoo before applying Nizoral; if you do that, then Nizoral forms lather much better)

4. Some nutritional supplement.

I do not have any experience on RU58841 or about blocking testosterone, so I cannot comment on that. What I can do however, is speak on what worked for me. But then again, it may not work in your case. Having said that, I would again suggest that you continue the regimen without too much experimentation. And, stop examining the head every day minutely. When hair returns, it comes in such a slow creeping fashion, that often for months, you do not even realize that new follicles have developed.

In a lighter vein, let me give you an example : If you plant a flowering plant and try adding a lot of manure, artificial light, fertilizer, liquid nitrogen and many other things, I doubt if the plant would grow any faster or any better then it would have simply with some manure, water and sunlight.

If RU58841 worked for El Duterino (I have read many of his posts and he is very well informed like Bryan Shelton), then I guess, you can give it a shot.

All the best :)


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How did it work

Mr Clean,

If you have been trying the mixture for 6 months, then, what is happening is already what I said happens: Throughout the treatment, shedding will be there, albeit at a lesser speed as you progress.

BUT NOTE, simply applying something on the scalp is not going to work since DHT forms through the action of 5 AR enzymes Type I and II. Whatever you do, you need to take dutasteride/finasteride orally also.

I do not agree with your theory of testosterone making the hair fall out since the papilla are already weak.

The first thing is not to panic and try too many things at the same time. Brother, instead of expecting sudden and dramatic results or effects, just try this:

1. 0.5 dutasteride x daily (oral);

2. dutasteride AND ALOE VERA mixture daily (add 5 % minoxidil/Xandrox to it as it will help the dutasteride get absorbed);

3. Nizoral Shampoo once or twice a week (first wash your hair with some other herbal shampoo before applying Nizoral; if you do that, then Nizoral forms lather much better)

4. Some nutritional supplement.

I do not have any experience on RU58841 or about blocking testosterone, so I cannot comment on that. What I can do however, is speak on what worked for me. But then again, it may not work in your case. Having said that, I would again suggest that you continue the regimen without too much experimentation. And, stop examining the head every day minutely. When hair returns, it comes in such a slow creeping fashion, that often for months, you do not even realize that new follicles have developed.

In a lighter vein, let me give you an example : If you plant a flowering plant and try adding a lot of manure, artificial light, fertilizer, liquid nitrogen and many other things, I doubt if the plant would grow any faster or any better then it would have simply with some manure, water and sunlight.

If RU58841 worked for El Duterino (I have read many of his posts and he is very well informed like Bryan Shelton), then I guess, you can give it a shot.

All the best :)

Just got on here and bumping on old thread. How did it work out for you overall?


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A topical dutasteride that went systemic minimal amounts would be a golden treatment. The issue is its always going to be small scale and underground so its going to be expensive and just lack evidence whether it works or how much it goes systemic. dutasteride is clearly one of the most powerful AAs there are, but its a little risky to use orally IMO


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hey there fellas.

i was on oral dutasteride for a good while (dont remeber exactly how long but +- 12 months),
than - unwillingly i had to quit (checked into rehab and they didn't allowed me to take it since i had no precription)
so i switched to finasteride.
also quit minoxidil at that time (along with topical finasteride) because i got lazy AND because when i was using dutasteride, it stopped my hairloss almost completely so i thought finasteride alone will be fine as well.

but after about 1-2 months since i've switched to finasteride from dutasteride and stopped the minoxidil&topical finasteride i started to see a lot of shedding again.

just a few days ago i went back on taking dutasteride, along with the finasteride (dont care its an over kill), and went back on the topical ****, which i improved this way ---
i took my minoxidil solution (MinoxMax brand) which contains -
15% minoxidil
0.1% finasteride
azelaic and other ****,
i took it and divided it by two (30 ml each bottle)
-30 pills of dutas (although i'd say that about 1/5 th to 1/6 th of the dutas liquid was lost while i mixed it with the solution because it got smeared on my hands, left in the funnel and left inside the gelatin pill)
-about 10% of DMI
- a whole bottle of bima that i had
and the whole addition gave me something close to 60ml,
i'd also say that everything got dissolved in the solution completely !

so i've also started to use this a few days ago - 2ml once a day (at night before sleep because it makes my hair greasy and disgusting) - so i use approximately -
1mg finasteride
15% minoxidil
and 0.5mg dutasteride
at each application

im still shedding but i hope it'll change soon.

all this time by the way, i was using nizoral EACH DAY, and it didnt make any difference (though maybe on its own its nothing, but along with the other stuff it cant hurt)

now i want to also add a 5% topical spironolactone, but im still looking for a good method to make it since spironolactone is not very soluble in pure ethanol (only 2%)
i want to add spironolactone because a few years back i've used a 2% solution (along with other stuff) and after about two weeks it stopped the shedding completely.

so thats it, just wanted to share this with you guys.
i'll update if something good will happen.

right now im in the worst i've ever been -
hairline is super receded AND the whole top of my head is super thinned out. i hope at least i'll get a fuller top because now it really looks like im about to go bald.

i'd appriciate if any of you guys will also share your experience AND if someone knows where to get some pure dutas powder (or liquid) and not pills i'd appriciate it (dont want to loose dutas while adding it to the minoxidil)


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Topical Dusasteride will probably be better than oral, in my opinion. That's what they are finding with Finasteride. Topical is
slightly better. Time will tell.

And if topical finasteride is better than oral (80% reduction in scalp DHT, versus 75% oral), topical dutasteride will beat all of them.

Where are you reading that topical finasteride is more effective than oral? Just curious. I am starting Morr-F 5% tomorrow so hoping for some success.


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Where are you reading that topical finasteride is more effective than oral? Just curious. I am starting Morr-F 5% tomorrow so hoping for some success.

Yes, I think we'd all like to see these studies.


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Also, out of all the posts I read on mixing Aloe Vera gel with Avodart, and seperate posts regarding people using RU58841, there have been a lot of consistent posts in people saying that both drugs have helped them in just 2 weeks
It may help. Dutasteride and RU58841 do 2 completely different things, so they should stack. RU attaches to DHT so it can't bind to AR, Dutasteride takes out the 5AR enzymes so no DHT is created in the first place.

simply applying something on the scalp is not going to work since DHT forms through the action of 5 AR enzymes Type I and II. Whatever you do, you need to take dutasteride/finasteride orally also.
I think this is by far the biggest flaw I see with nearly every single topical 5AR inhibition failure. They ALL stop taking it orally when they add it topically. Doing both is something that almost no one does. With the exception of garbage like Saw Palmetto. Saw Palmetto they'll happily swig down in grams and rub handfuls of it on their scalp 3x a day. But for the things that may actually work, it's one or the other. Either take finasteride pill, OR apply topical finasteride. The two shall never be combined less they actually work and the tester loses his greatest treasure(hair loss anxiety).


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holy f*** people are so dumb

dutasteride needs to be metabolized by the liver to become active

just smh, why are there so many dumb people on this forum


Established Member
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holy f*** people are so dumb

dutasteride needs to be metabolized by the liver to become active

just smh, why are there so many dumb people on this forum

Can you explain the study where Mesotherapy with dutasteride was very effective without affecting serum dht?


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Can you explain the study where Mesotherapy with dutasteride was very effective without affecting serum dht?
I saw that one as well, they took like a tiny capsule and essentially injected it deep into the scalp where it would slowly "melt" away. I saw huge regrowth on the page I was looking at and they were claiming reduced chance of side effects.

edit: here was the article I think

Still, I'm always skeptical with just photos alone.