topical dutasteride


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i just wanted to know if anyone knew about this stuff. i don;t know if it will work along with spironolactone , but also i wanted to know if this stuff is going to effect me hormonally like the pills. my problem is i can not deal with the side effects, mainly greasy skin of dutasteride or finasteride in the pill form. and do not want to start using a product topically if it is even going be a fraction of the pill form

Kevin fretwell

Established Member
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I would guess you have a decent amount of hair because if you were bald like me you wouldn't mind washing your face twice a day .Anyway I been using topical dutasteride and yes it does still get in the system .Perhaps you could make your own like me and buy DR .Reedy's liquid gel caps and just drip a few of them in the minoxidil so that percent getting into the system is neglegable but hte scalp will still get some .

Kevin fretwell

Established Member
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Yes , I'm putting six in the bottle .Not to much not to little .


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so what types of side effects are you having with topical dutasteride. and i have to wash my face like every 45 minutes the grease / oil on my face is crazy.

Kevin fretwell

Established Member
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If you want hair bad enough you wouldn't mind carrying facial toweletts with you .thats up to you . The side effects only lasted about two or three days . I had no energy , I just felt like laying in bed and doing nothing .Some people may even experience a touch of depression along with lack of energy .Fortunately it went away and now I brush my hair with barely any fall out .I have to give the copper peptide some credit for this as well .Hope this helps .

Kevin fretwell

Established Member
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It doesn't get that much greasier than before I started treatment .You can find facial towelettes in the acne med section at walmart if oil is an issue .


Run this over with me one more time.

You get dutasteride, you take a couple of pills and you mix them with what? and what quantities?