Topical Dutasteride


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Has anyone tried it? I'm not going to take it orally but maybe it can penetrate the skin and have some additional antiandrogenic effects at the follicle. Any suggestions would be great.



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i haven't tried it yet !!!
but if u look at the way avo works ,it does not make much sense to put it on your head .this is because only smalll unsignificant amounts of testosteron are actually converted into dht in the scalp tissue.
if u want to have an effect ,it has to get into the blood stream which can also happen through topical use,but then u might as well take it orally .
if u like try it but if u considere the price ,i would keep my hands off it.
it all sounds like a usa direct legend!!!


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jimbo said:
i haven't tried it yet !!!
but if u look at the way avo works ,it does not make much sense to put it on your head .this is because only smalll unsignificant amounts of testosteron are actually converted into dht in the scalp tissue.
if u want to have an effect ,it has to get into the blood stream which can also happen through topical use,but then u might as well take it orally .
if u like try it but if u considere the price ,i would keep my hands off it.
it all sounds like a usa direct legend!!!

I've found this on hairsite:

>>That would be great because of the absence of side effects, but I have always wondered about the efficacy of topical alpha-5 reductase inhibitors. Granted there is evidence that DHT is manufactured in the scalp and hair follicle, and this no doubt contibutes to the damage, but what about DHT manufactured elsewhere and carried to the hair via the bloodstream?<<

In my opinion, serum DHT *does* have an effect on hair follicles, but it's a relatively minor one compared to the effect of the DHT that's manufactured right there inside the follicles.

Why do I believe that? Mainly because of some very convincing animal evidence: topical 5a-reductase inhibitors have a VERY potent effect in standard animal models like the hamster flank-organ and ear pinna. Indeed, those topical substances that have no systemic effect whatsoever are able to produce nearly castration-like effects in the animals' sebaceous glands (hair follicles, too, apparently) where they're applied. So what happens when you try to make your very same argument about the animals?? The animals' sebaceous glands are exquisitely sensitive to the effects of androgens (and DHT in particular), too, and yet they shrink right up when you apply topical 5a-reductase inhibitors to them! That proves that locally-produced DHT is more important than serum DHT, at the very least in those animals; and there's no particular reason not to think that the same is true in humans. In fact, I can cite a *human* study where the researchers concluded that sebaceous glands are not responsive to serum DHT.



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ahh i don t know!!!!
look why hairfollicels die ,simply said because dht blocks nutritions , oxygen and other stuff which is in the blood serum .the hair follicels are getting cut off the blood stream .
that means follicels need blood like any other cell and it s substances to grow hair,which means blood reaches the hair follicel,which means dht in the serum reaches the hair follicle.
the idea to put it on your head therefor makes no sense to me ,since huge amounts of dht in the serum reach the follicle anyways,since avo doesn t do anything against dht once it is there.
"In fact, I can cite a *human* study where the researchers concluded that sebaceous glands are not responsive to serum DHT."
if that is true then all the people that have good results with finasteride and avo are lying or just suffer from the placebo effect and everyone that apply's it topically is cured.
i am not saying it won t do anything ,but i want to see some studies on humans and not on hamster balls!!!!
i mean if u have the money ,go for it so you cant tell us about your experiences!!!!
greetings ,