Topical Estradiol Experiences And Sources


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There's been a lot of talk of adding topical estradiol to regimens, but not as much about how it worked. Share your experiences here in this thread - regrowth, side effects etc.

Personally, I've used estriol cream (not estradiol) but did not feel like it helped hair, as far as I could tell. But it did give some mild side effects. I had to use it sparingly.

Also, what is the best place to source estradiol ?

I see this on amaon, it has estriol and estradiol.

There's also a version that has estradiol alone. There was some discussion that estriol could actually be bad for hair because its so weak on the AR and actually prevents real estradiol from attaching and helping out. There may be something to this. If it doesn't attach strongly to the receptor, it may not work well. And if it doesn't attach and just falls thru the scalp and in the bloodstream, that's not very helpful either.