Topical finasteride with or without PG ? (reduce sides)


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This thread is very much related to this thread but is different

My questions is I am looking to try topical finasteride from these people AND I am wondering if I should mix it with their PG solvent or their solvent without PG ?

My goal is to reduce as much as possible things going systemic ..

As long I cannot get a better option (dr. hasson option).



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Actually I agree and think so too. As the effects on hair are a side effect to begin with. No sides no effect.


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Actually I agree and think so too. As the effects on hair are a side effect to begin with. No sides no effect.
That’s the whole point of the new delivery vehicles and modern science.

These people are researching ways to keep the effects on our heads and away from our dicks.


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Who here believes the sides from finasteride is just between 1% to 15% ? That must be the biggest joke ever.


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That’s the whole point of the new delivery vehicles and modern science.

These people are researching ways to keep the effects on our heads and away from our dicks.
Exactly! Not as simple as no sides no gains.... simply said, take the least med to get the most effect. Yes taking oral minoxidil works better but not much better and has much higher sides than topical. Hence topical is far fewer sides for a slight reduction in efficacy...

But to some degree sides are indicative of absorption so I see both sides of the 'sides' argument....

Simply put: not everyone is going to benefit from increasing finasteride from 0.5 mg/day to 1 mg/day BUT sides may double whereas results may be negligible or non existent.....

My ear hair is getting thicker with age.... I call it a reverse curse


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Who here believes the sides from finasteride is just between 1% to 15% ? That must be the biggest joke ever.
It's probably closer to 100%

But hey every time you have a beer or eat junk food there are sides...we just don't feel them strongly or immediately..

Everything has sides. It's the intensity that counts.

Everything in life is a cost benefit...side effects to exercising too much...


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It's probably closer to 100%

But hey every time you have a beer or eat junk food there are sides...we just don't feel them strongly or immediately..

Everything has sides. It's the intensity that counts.

Everything in life is a cost benefit...side effects to exercising too much...

Come on man. Normally I would like nuanced thinking, but they way you compare the intensity of sides (bad/good) relevant to junk food (and other parameters standard to life) is just a misinterpretation of the facts.

Facts being that with finasteride you are basically castrating yourself over time. Yes, you are going to pre teen levels of your hormones, and thats even if you believe the information from the people who try to sell you these meds.

Because we all know by now that the build up of these chemicals over many years (10+) is a real thing. So even if your are not "sensitive" to finasteride, over the years it will still get you. Like it did with me after so many years (way more than 10). But in hindsight you will understand how the sides trickled in your life and how intense it actually was.

Even if you wish to compare it to things such as junk food, which is again a wrong comparison (unless the burgers you eat mess with your enzymes, hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain), even then you should compare it to eating junk food EVERY DAY. And the benefits/side effects that come from that.

I truly believe the mess we are in today is because we are having a hard time realising the facts. Being that Finasteride (in pill form) is really not the answer. And denying that just makes finding the real solution take that much longer.


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Come on man. Normally I would like nuanced thinking, but they way you compare the intensity of sides (bad/good) relevant to junk food (and other parameters standard to life) is just a misinterpretation of the facts.

Facts being that with finasteride you are basically castrating yourself over time. Yes, you are going to pre teen levels of your hormones, and thats even if you believe the information from the people who try to sell you these meds.

Because we all know by now that the build up of these chemicals over many years (10+) is a real thing. So even if your are not "sensitive" to finasteride, over the years it will still get you. Like it did with me after so many years (way more than 10). But in hindsight you will understand how the sides trickled in your life and how intense it actually was.

Even if you wish to compare it to things such as junk food, which is again a wrong comparison (unless the burgers you eat mess with your enzymes, hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain), even then you should compare it to eating junk food EVERY DAY. And the benefits/side effects that come from that.

I truly believe the mess we are in today is because we are having a hard time realising the facts. Being that Finasteride (in pill form) is really not the answer. And denying that just makes finding the real solution take that much longer.
I don't want to argue so you win. My point is that junk has side effects: ALL OF IT. Exactly the way you describe finasteride.
If I eat a burger here and there, the impact on cholesterol, heart disease, obesity, thyroid, colitis, heartburn, indigestion, diverticulitis is minimal not even noticeable.....if I eat junk food all day every day it will kill me..

Finasteride sides depend on dosage and your genetic risk and other factors... For some the minimal sides from finasteride far outweigh the depression from balding...

Further how do you know with any certainty, your sides are from finasteride? I don't know your sides but let's say libido....tonnes of guys lose libido overtime and never take finasteride.... If I take finasteride for a month a suddenly can't get hard, I have no proof it was the finasteride. It may have been correlation...not causation. It may be in my head.

Do you take Covid vaxx? They say by taking it, I'll still get Covid but not as bad... bull sh* do they know how bad I would have gotten it?

Yes finasteride is a horrific drug for some but I'm on topical because I'd rather minimal sides but keep my hair.

What are my other options? Balding is worse than impotence in my humble opinion...and I have a RIGHT to my opinion even if I'm WRONG ...or stupid .

What did finasteride do to you? Sides are 100% on finasteride depending on time on it ..

All men will get prostate cancer if they live old enough: FACT.

Im not here for a long time just a hairy time and yes my opinion is stupid cuz I'm insecure and refuse to go bald without a fight.

What are your options now? Topical?

Hope the best for you


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Not really sure what you are saying.

Also I know because before I did not have it Then I did when I took it (i did not know why because I did not know of these sides), then when I quit again the libido went up.

Also as you know those who get libido problems naturally do not get them miraculously solved when they get older .. :)

I know my man, it sucks that they all (including doctors) lie to us and make us suffer so much to make a buck. But that is what has happend.
Finasteride (at least taking it oral) is pure poison.

Again, yes that fact sucks, I hate going bald too. But that is still a fact.

Just 15% getting sides? Haha lol.


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Not really sure what you are saying.

Also I know because before I did not have it Then I did when I took it (i did not know why because I did not know of these sides), then when I quit again the libido went up.

Also as you know those who get libido problems naturally do not get them miraculously solved when they get older .. :)

I know my man, it sucks that they all (including doctors) lie to us and make us suffer so much to make a buck. But that is what has happend.
Finasteride (at least taking it oral) is pure poison.

Again, yes that fact sucks, I hate going bald too. But that is still a fact.

Just 15% getting sides? Haha lol.
I believe PFS is real though I suspect that PFS person is compromised to begin with

Paul said the love of money is the root of all evil. It blinds doctors...and king Solomon said "everything under the sun is vanity and vexation of spirit"

So yeah..... doctors make bucks because of my vanity...

Finasteride is probably ruining lots of lives. A man on finasteride for 10+ years likely experiences libido issues but believe it's old age..

Are you 15% experience sides? I'm on topical....I wonder what my risk is....