Topical finasteride?


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Does such a thing exist?

I read an interview of Dr. Lee where he said Merck was prepared to make and test either oral finasteride or topical finasteride but they decided to go with oral when studies showed people would be more likely to purchase a pill.

The Gardener

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It is my understanding that finasteride has to get into the blood stream to work, as the biological action that finasteride inhibits is something that happens in the blood, and NOT in the scalp.

A topical has a difficult enough time getting into the skin, only certain drug molecules can penetrate skin and only in a carrier substance that has been specially engineered to do this. Getting even further into your body, and through the walls of the blood vessels is something I would think would not happen in any substantial quantity.


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I've been reading a little more.

Merck applied for a patent for topical finasteride in 2002.

Here's a story about it:

By the way, I've read that in addition to being underabsorbed some topicals can actually be overabsorbed.

The Gardener

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If that is what Merck says, then I certainly would not pretend to know more than they do about the chemicals they sell. I was merely speaking in philosophical terms. But, it would be an interesting option if they could market it?