Topical Minoxidil. Does the brand matter?


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Hello everyone.
I'm soon on my last bottle of Kirkland foam so it's high time to restock.
I live in Sweden and I used to buy my minoxidil from the UK, but ever since Brexit it's become increasingly expensive to get Kirkland into the country as most (if not all?) sellers are based outside Europe.

I was until a couple of days ago unaware of how many brands there are to choose from when it comes to topical Minoxidil. I just stumbled upon a French company called mon-pharmacien-conseil that sells four different brands, some of which are quite cheaper than Kirkland.

So, does the brand really matter here or is it pretty much the same content in all topical Minoxidil?
I've tried to find reviews for Alostil, Sandoz Conseil, Bailleul and Alpoex. Unfortunately, I have not found anything as the whole world seems to go for Rogaine and Kirkland.

Thanks for reading.

Mr. Slap Head

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As long as it is the standard 5% then you are good. The only difference might be the amount of PG/ alcohol in it. The more PG, the greasier and generally the worse your hair will look in terms of styling. Foam is better because it does not contain PG.