Topical ru!!


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y hasnt any reputable company that sells hairloss products like sinere or dr lee or dr proctor ever make available a product like ru. I cant imagine it being to hard for them to buy in bulk ru from faith eagle and mixing it up and selling it. Whats stoping all these people the money to be made would be astronomical if people could find a legit site that mixs the ru for u and is legit ru. Even if it proves not to regrow a ton of hair it will still be the strongest by far topical anti androgen we have to prevent any further hair loss.


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actually there was a company selling topical Ru in a pre-made solution and that was back in 2002 ....the company's name was vitaminox .... the reason why they stopped making it available to the public is not known.. but some people suspect it was due to the fact that RU is patented.
anyway you may be interested in knowing that a company in japan is still selling a Ru lotion......


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i thought it had to do with stability issues.

there is a supplier in asia that supplys the powder. apparently you need to mix it yourself, and keep the powder in the freezer.


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I've read it a few times that flutamide is as strong as if not stronger the RU. I don't know if this is correct but it seems to be general knowledge that flutamide is one of the strongest ant androgens available.

Maybe some of the more knowledgeable posters can elaborate?