I have noticed a slight increase in Testosterone since i started using Spironolactone 2% and i am on the fence to whether thats a good thing or not.
First i know people will argue and say topical spironolactone shouldn't be able too or doesn't do that, but having used finasteride and an alternative minoxidil product called Spectral.n.dnc i felt myself becoming really emotionless at times and my desire a GF or social interaction really dulled... and so i been using spironolactone the last couple of days and i feel like i may have got a tiny bit better in those areas. i even noticed a tiny bit of a temper recently which barely existed while on just finasteride and DNC.
If this is the case is using spironolactone a good thing? i can't say finasteride and DNC was helping all that much alone as i am still losing hair. oh and i noticing abit of Gyno unfortunately. i just don't know whats a good sign and what isn't anymore
First i know people will argue and say topical spironolactone shouldn't be able too or doesn't do that, but having used finasteride and an alternative minoxidil product called Spectral.n.dnc i felt myself becoming really emotionless at times and my desire a GF or social interaction really dulled... and so i been using spironolactone the last couple of days and i feel like i may have got a tiny bit better in those areas. i even noticed a tiny bit of a temper recently which barely existed while on just finasteride and DNC.
If this is the case is using spironolactone a good thing? i can't say finasteride and DNC was helping all that much alone as i am still losing hair. oh and i noticing abit of Gyno unfortunately. i just don't know whats a good sign and what isn't anymore