toppik and couvre


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quick question:
is toppik not good for a hairstyle in which you part your hair down the center? ive got kind of longish hair, that would look really good if i didnt have to combat it back to cover up the thin spot. I dont mind combing it back, but it seems that whenever i comb my hair back that another part of my scalp shows.
Anyway, does anyone think toppik would help? or would couvre be better suited?

sorry, it wasn't a quick quesiton, but thanks in advance.
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Couvre is magic. Seriously. But be careful about the hairstyle you choose. I typically do one of those Jonny Bravo type spiked in the front haristyle and with sunlight or direct light the Couvre can be visible. When I make my hair hair looks flawless and not a single soul can look at it and say I'm even thinning.


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I havent tried couvre yet but Im considering it because Im starting to get disappointed with DERMMATCH (same concept they both cover your scalp). I also use PROTHIK "spray on hair" which is absolutely ridiculous. FOR THE GUY WITH THE PART IN HIS HAIR THIS IS THE STUFF YOU NEED. Anyone who has existing hair in bald areas or thinning hair needs to buy this stuff today. Its made a 100% difference in the appearance of my hair.


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Dammit, bball head. Maybe you should be a little more careful before you enthusiasticly push a product. A few weeks ago you were talking about how DermMatch and ProThick were the most amazing products in the world, and now you're like "Well, I'm not so happy with DermMatch."

I bought some DermMatch last night just because of your high (and a few others, but mostly yours) praise for it.

It's not just you, but everyone who flip-flops on here. It's irritating when someone comes on here and says "OMG, spironolactone is a godsend. All these new hairs on my hairline and I've only been on it two months" and then two days later they comment, "hmmm...Not sure of this spironolactone stuff. I haven't seen any results yet."


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supernova said:
It's not just you, but everyone who flip-flops on here. It's irritating when someone comes on here and says "OMG, spironolactone is a godsend. All these new hairs on my hairline and I've only been on it two months" and then two days later they comment, "hmmm...Not sure of this spironolactone stuff. I haven't seen any results yet."
i have to agree with this...but i also understand why it happens..a lot of times i look in the mirror and think...o my God my hair is getting better! then the very next day i look in the same mirror and hair is getting worse? i dont know why i think like this but i do...thats why i rarely post progress because some days are better than others?
just like when people post finasteride use to freak me out, but now i realize that there in a panic....personally, i find myself in a panic before i need a haircut because all the hair around my thin spots are longer and thicker and make my thin spots stick took me a while to realize my inner psychological battle...but at least i became aware of it...sorry to be off subject.
btw..i bought courve from because i heard its the best concealer, but i havent tried it yet


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couldn't live without couvre. For darker hair colours you can't go wrong with the stuff, can be a bit harder for blondys though.

George Costanza

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I bought some "dark brown" Toppik a few weeks ago and it really sucks. My hair is dark brown but that sh*t wasn't even close. It was as black as anything I've ever seen. It looked like somebody dumped gun powder on my head. :roll:

Plus it got all over my forehead. Very messy.


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Your hair isn't dark brown then. Probably medium brown...makes a big difference.

George Costanza

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Also when I put my hand in my hair, I got black stuff on it. Is there any kind that sticks better and is less messy.


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I bought courve about a week ago and I like the stuff. I have really blonde hair and the blonde courve is pretty close. Darkens my hair a little bit, but not too bad. The only problem I have is getting it down on the scalp and not in my hair. Also I wash my hair in the morning and apply the courve. At night I apply my treatments and hope that the courve is not interfering with the treatments. It is said that Courve can be used with other treatments and does not block the pores. However, I can't get a straight answer from anyone if it is ok to have the courve on and then apply my treatments.
Does anyone know if prothick comes in blonde??? I have never seen it for this color??


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Constanza...CAN'T STAND YA....

Ok really, I don't use concealers often, but when I do I use either Toppik or my recently purchased DermMatch. I haven't had a problem with the Toppik being sloppy...After covering thinning spots I simply disperse it with a few fingers...after dispersing it, I might see a few flakes of it on my fingers, but nothing obvious. After that, I can run my hand through my hair no problem.


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viperfish, please ask me...
what is better: toppik or covre?
it is really a good product? it leaves in the water? to look at it is good?
tks, bro


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George Costanza said:
I bought some "dark brown" Toppik a few weeks ago and it really sucks. My hair is dark brown but that sh*t wasn't even close. It was as black as anything I've ever seen. It looked like somebody dumped gun powder on my head. :roll:

Plus it got all over my forehead. Very messy.

After about 10 years of switching off between light brown and dark brown, it finally occurred to me that I can mix them both, and get the perfect shade of brown. I do this by putting a dab of each color on my finger and mixing them. Took me 10 years to figure that one out. It works great, especially when you add a shake or two of Toppik in a few places and spread it around.


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I think Toppik is awful it leaves a residue that kinda looks like colored dandruff not to mention it comes off in the water. Couvre is ok but it is a hassle to apply and is a bit messy. Dermmatch is a better option because it comes with an applicator and goes on easy and evenly. I have blonde hair and use the light brown version of PROTHIK and it works great. It really doesnt darken my hair.

For best results I use dermmatch first and then spray on Prothik. The process takes about 5 and the results are very dramatic. My favorite thing about these products are that they look great in the sun and do not come off in the pool or at the beach or even at the gym.

George Costanza

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I may give the dermmatch or prothik a try if they don't come off in rain. That's another thing about toppik that I don't like. The one time I used it, I rinsed it out easily without soap.


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I swim in my pool (which is obviously chlorinated) and the ocean with prothik and the stuff does not come out. Anyone that buys the stuff will be convinced.