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I have a bald spot about 4-5 cm in diameter and it's causing me constant anxiety.

Not keen on taking any drugs as my partenr and I are trying for a baby - read too many scare stories...

Is Toppik any good? Or just look naff? Does it irriate you head and are there any side effects???

Also looking into hair transplants. Whats best FUE or strip? And who is good to see in the UK?

Thanks loads. Andy.


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It's hard to say without seeing a pic of you. I am diffuse thinning at the front and I use DermMatch and Toppik. Both work wonders.


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Do not use propecia whilst trying for a baby!

because rumor on .net is than it could cause defects to the baby.Personally I would not gamble it.

Is dermatch any good how does it work in reality . i currently use toppik but I want some think that clings better


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^ Good example of misinformation being spread into internet rumours.

1000's of men have had children whilst on propecia as long as the woman is'nt taking it you will be fine.


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Toppik/Nanogen is great. I have diffuse thinning and I can cover most of my thin spots completely. It helps that I have black hair.

However one thing it won't give you is the density of real hair. I might be able to cover up my thin spots but I can't spike my hair up like you can with real hair. I've found that it works best with shortish hair because when my hair is longer I can tell the difference in density between the real hair and the toppik covered hair.

Still it's great not seeing any bald spots when you look in the mirror.


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Your spouse can safely have a baby while you are on finasteride. However, if you decide to go that route please ensure she does not handle or touch the finasteride while pregnant, especially if you are splitting the pills, because direct contact with finasteride itself can cause complications during pregnancy.


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I recently bought 2 toppicks from, light brown and light blonde, but no longer need them.

Do you want to buy them for a cut price? Brand new, used once. Someone can have them both for a tenner if they want.

I was only going to send them back anyway.

Let us know asap,
