
Total Cover Plus Hair System. Is It Worth It?


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I'm 20 and I'm going very thin on top. (Yeah it's very bad and it's been this way since I was 15)) and I have researched all my options and my latest is the hair system market. Does anyone have any experience with this company recently and what is the upsides and downsides to it? Please help!


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I don't have any personal experience of them, but the fact that even the models on their website don't look natural suggests to me that you could do better than this place. Not all of them are as bad as the unfortunate "Steve", but honestly, would you want to go out looking like this? I've seen balaclavas that looked more realistic.


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View attachment 49428

I don't have any personal experience of them, but the fact that even the models on their website don't look natural suggests to me that you could do better than this place. Not all of them are as bad as the unfortunate "Steve", but honestly, would you want to go out looking like this? I've seen balaclavas that looked more realistic.

Oh wow

yeah that looks bad

I would not go with that company. Especially since we know a much more natural/realistic look is available


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Yeah, I feel bad for this guy. In this photo you can actually see his natural stubble growing at the hairline, where the curious concave hairline of the system doesn't cover it. Any yet he is their main model. There is a whole series of videos in which he says how the system has transformed his life and nobody suspects a thing. Mmmm.


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Then he makes a video for everyone to see! There are definitely better systems and more educated routes out there.


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Thanks for the replies! Anywhere else you guys could suggest? Remember I'm young and it's a massive issue to me so I need the right solution.


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View attachment 49428

I don't have any personal experience of them, but the fact that even the models on their website don't look natural suggests to me that you could do better than this place. Not all of them are as bad as the unfortunate "Steve", but honestly, would you want to go out looking like this? I've seen balaclavas that looked more realistic.
looks like absolute sh*t.

What's with these salons dishing, and mass producing wig looking patients.

It seems like the only people who get natural results are those that go the DYI route, and purchase graduated hair pieces from places such as NWL

These salons are so pathetic with these wall of hair wigs. I mean these people lack self awareness from years of balding, to the point where they walk out the door and are content with looking like they had a 1980 bosley hair piece on there head.

Hair systems are an art, no doubt. So much wrong in this photo

it doesn't blend in. when you look at this patients skin, and native hair characteristics. the systems looks unnatural


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Any places in the U.K. you can suggest?
Learn to do it yourself.

Purchase a light density, graduate system for NWL.

trail, and error.

god these salon pieces are cringe worthy.


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I don't trust myself if I'm honest otherwise I would do it myself!

Your in the same boat as me I just want a walk in walk out service atleast for the first time, taking off and cleaning I don't feel it being a problem but for the first time just want it done right I don't no who to go to really don't wanna be ripped off and end up with something sh*t


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I have a meeting with someone during the week! I'll let you know how I get on!


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In for a big let down.

being a slave to a salon, and always living life in there hands.

Real worth the weight in gold to learn how to do everything yourself. The cut, and coloring can be done professionally... but in most cases if you grab a light density piece. Blending shears and learn how to un-knot follicles (special tool)... you can easily do it yourself.

its an art, but isn't difficult/. Cut on an angle to feather the prosthesis with native hair.


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I would agree that it is best to be able to do your own maintenance and not be tied to a salon for that. If you can find an honest competent one (easier said than done) to give you a hand to get started, that can make life easier, but the aim should be to learn the ropes and switch to DIY as soon as you feel comfortable.

Personally, though, I would not be interested in trying to cut my own systems. Part of the purpose of getting a system is to be able to have nice stylish haircuts again. Within reason, I don't mind paying to have a professional do that for me. I also think it makes a difference to the believability of the system if it is well cut in. I simply don't have the artistry or skills to achieve that.


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I am ever surprised by those that think visiting a salon is a great way to start. Even worse when you tied to it.

You can learn more from you tube videos.

You get more choice, education and vastly lower cost DIY - which is the only way to go if you are long term.


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Seriously! Like please! This is a massive issue to me! I could give you a soft story but I'll save you it. As I have previously said. I don't trust myself to do it so i at least need to know what happens, where to go online, what to use for bonding and then how to get it perfect. I'm pretty sure this fairytale you are all telling me about DIY systems are great but I can't run before I can walk! Please leave serious suggestions of what I can do to progress other than slagging off the people that make a living off it. £150 a month doesn't seem like a rip off considering people pay more than that on cigarettes and alcohol, or even a car! My options are open


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150 :rolleyes: they all have these packages, but dont tell you the full story until you recieve the receipt

that doesn't include additional walk ins
touch ups
and every single detail the involves you walking in, and sitting in that chair

and other services that are needed. I suppose you will find out, when you sit in that chair have your system templates, fit, and colored and are smacked with a $200 service fee.

these people, myself included are just trying to save you the hassle, and bullshit involved with salons. of course they will promise you the world before hand.....

Wait until they fit your piece, you will then understand.


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I love how I just said my options are open. I never said I was 100% getting one through a salon. I have to go through all the salon stuff though to learn what it is I need to be doing. YouTube isn't the greatest of help to be honest


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Go to Northwest lace

Get yourself a light piece, maybe even extra light depending on your side, back, and temple point density.

Custom fit, template, and color.

Once you receive this, go get it cut in by a salon. Have them show you the ropes of de, and re-attaching.

Purchase all your adhesives, tapes, and chemicals at hair direct.

it's trial, and error. It gets easier over time, and you will be thankful for following this route.


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Got any similar companies in the U.K? I would trial it and see if it was for me but this is where it gets tricky!