Transplant Consultation Advice - Belgium Tour


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Hi all, i'm thinking of going on a 'tour' perhaps of Belgium to have a few consultations with FUE surgeons. I am aged 40 based in London with fairly stable hairloss.

My main issue is severe thinning in the crown which begun aged 23 but has remained stable for several years now. Regaine worked great for me when i started aged 36 giving me back almost all my hair but after 2 years stopped working. I have tried propecia but the sides are intolerable. I get a great result with Toppik but obviously not ideal. I persist with the regaine 'just in case'.

I understand FUE for crown is fraught with risks but nonetheless wanted to explore this. Has anyone gone travelling on a tour of surgeons and if so any advice on which surgeons and itinerary? Doesn't have to be Belgium but it does seem to have a high concentration of high end surgeons for some reason going by forums.

Thanks in advance!


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My Regimen
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You don't need to look any further than Feriduni and ******** in Belgium. Two of the best FUE surgeons in the world.


Established Member
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Thanks...when i called Feriduni it was a 1year wait just to have a consultation! Is that everyone's experience? Haven't contacted ********. Have you had personal experience with Feriduni and ********?