Transplant I being ripped off?


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Went in for a consultation about a month ago, and it seemed a little overpriced after he gave me all the information.
After checking the damage, and telling me my hairloss was very mild, easily fixed, which made me feel great, he quatoed me almost $6000. I can't imagine what it would cost to cover a large area. I only need work about 1 inch backward from my hairline.

I should also mention that I decided right then and there to go ahead and get the financing. I'm sick of all these bs treatments, and just want to be done with all this. But I was not approved...this sh*t is sooo debt to credit ratio is too high. So I have to suffer another year while I get this money together. Does this seem pricey?


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Who was it and how many grafts did he quote you for and was it Strip or FUE? Get a few more consults done and see if the prices are comparable.


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If it was FUE procedure and 1000+ grafts it was not overpriced.

Anyway you definately have to do some research not only in prices but also in results and quality. You really dont want to come back hear 1 year later asking for good doctors to do repair work because your hair transplant looks like sh*t! I dont want to scare you but you really really have to do a lot of research!! :shock:


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It would be a local procedure, and it is the only place around here that does it, it's called HairFax.
I just got the basic information from him, but he said that if any of the grafts don't take they would replace them for free.....


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well I emailed the company asking about the graph count and such....he wrote back saying that they have an excellent reputation and that they don't go by graphs for pricing just whatever work is needed. He'd estimate that its between 1500-2000


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thinning_esteem said:
It would be a local procedure, and it is the only place around here that does it, it's called HairFax.
I just got the basic information from him, but he said that if any of the grafts don't take they would replace them for free.....

Sounds dodgy to say the least :thumbdown2: . Forget this place and go with one of the big names, someone who has built up good reputation on these forums. Anyone who chooses a surgeon based on how local they are is asking for trouble. I flew 6000miles for mine. Your getting a cosmetic surgical procedure its not like buying a newspaper.


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If you are going to pay 6,000$ it worths paying another 800$ to travel and get the job done by some of the top doctors worldwide. Even with the same number of surviving grafts, the top-doctors artistic placement will provide better results.

No one here is trying to force you into something, but small local clinics have been proved to be a risky choise since many people end up with results that were really worse than what they expected.

Hans Gruber

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forget this place and go to a reputable doctor...........armani,feller,rahal,hasson/wong etc etc etc


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I just came across this post and it was actually me that wrote it 8 years ago.
I guess i should've listened. Im now 3 transplants and $10,000 deep.

Im going through some sort of an infection in the recipient area 5 months post op and am not feeling the best. As soon as i do i am bringing the fight to this horrible company.

Having any hair transplant whether good or not was the biggest mistake of my life.
Im a grown man now and couldnt give a sh*t about my hair.
What i so care about is the huge scar on the back of my head and the torture of having to continue this charade for the rest of my life.


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Sad to hear that mate. Look at tricho closure. To make the scar smaller. Then just shave it.

Look at joe rogan. He had the procedure to reduce his scar and now just shaves it. Like you he regrets it as now doesn't give a sh*t. Got his scars fixed so he can just shave it and move on. The scar is still visible but not that bad. Check some pics out


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I really dont.
I thought it was something i could never learn to live with, at 35 i woild be able to handle it just fine.
The alternative is this mess


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Yeah it's tough mate a lot of people regret doing it. Like I said look into ways to reduce the scar and ways to reduce its appearance with fue and smp. Then just start shaving it.

Unless of course you have enough hair left on to grow out and style. Any chance of posting some pics?


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The surgeon did a tricho closure and i will shave it down after a year to see how it looks.
I have very fine hair so what they transplanted looks very pluggy. A good surgeon would have foreseen the outcome and suggested against it.
Im now seeking financial restitution, as i will never let him touch me again. i simply want the money back that i spent on the third surgery.

Ill try to hunt down the pics and post them